Posted by 💜Minigame Ideas💜

Mystery (#38000)

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Posted on
2016-08-28 13:11:53
I don't know about you, but I am surprised at the lack of minigame suggestions! Other sims that I play have a pretty good selection of minigames, while Lioden has... not as many. xD So, I decided to suggest some other minigames that might be a good addition to Lioden! :) Keep in mind that these are individual suggestions, and that I'm not trying to say that all of these games should be added (although it would be pretty awesome).

Minigame Ideas

1.) Coin (or beetle) Toss
Everyone knows how a coin toss works! :D My original idea for this game was to use a beetle and pick whether or not it would land on heads (right side up; the beetle is standing) or tails (upside down; the beetle is on its back). You could argue that flipping a beetle like a coin would be difficult, and to that I totally agree. xD
However, a coin would work just as well. In the case of the coin, heads would be a lion head, and tails could be either lion booty (*gasp*, not the booty!) or maybe a pawprint or the Lioden logo?
Gameplay: You get to play 3-5(?) times a day and each time you guess correctly, you win either a small amount of SB (15-25), an amusement item, carcass, etc. Maybe if you get it right every time, you get a chance for a larger prize? :D


2.) Higher or Lower
I'm sure you have all played a version of this game! :D A card would be shown to the player and they would simply have to choose if they think the next card in the deck will be a higher or lower number!
Gameplay: You get to play 3-5(?) times a day and each time you guess correctly, you win either a small amount of SB (15-25), an amusement item, carcass, etc. Maybe if you get it right every time, you get a chance for a larger prize? :D


This would be totally awesome if the art on the card was changed to depict - you guessed it, lions!

3.) Bobbing for Baoballs
This is a spinoff of the classic Bobbing for Apples! :D A tub filled with water would sit before you, with baoballs (or maybe some other type of fruit?) floating in the water. Your mission is simple: get as many baoballs out of the water as possible!
Gameplay: You get to play 3-5(?) times a day and each time you get a baoball (maybe a 50% chance to get one?), you win either a small amount of SB (15-25), an amusement item, carcass, etc. Maybe if you catch one every time, you get a chance for a larger prize? :D


Examples of flavor text:
"Facing your fears, you plunge your muzzle into the water, rapidly biting at the baoballs. Suddenly you feel your teeth sink into one, and pull your head out of the water with your prize! You're suprised to find some silver beetles clinging to the baoball. +20 SB."
"You plunge your muzzle into the water, hoping to sink your teeth into a baoball. Unfortunately after a few seconds, you find yourself coughing and sputterring as you managed to inhale a small amount of water. Better luck next time!"
Tap (#71055) - For 'Bobbing for Baobabs' alongside the flavor text maybe there was a small animation? It'd go like this: You open the game to find a lion sitting with its paws placed on the tub which is filled with baobabs. A button like 'Go Bobbing!' would be at the bottom and when clicked it'd show the lion dunking its head in, and then in the next frame pulling its head out. It'd either be holding a baobab in its mouth or wearing a disgruntled/angry/sad expression. Flavor text would be below the picture describing what happened. (the animation wouldn't necessarily have to be a animation either, it could just be a picture that changes to the bobbing lion one and then to either the successful attempt or the failed attempt pictures.)

4.) Guess the Base
This is quite a simple game; however, I'm not so sure that the coding for this would be simple. This game could be set up similar to the trivia game, with different difficulties. A lion with a random base could be generated, and there would be choices to pick from. As difficulty increases, the generated lion would have more markings, making it much more difficult to correctly guess the lion's base.
Gameplay: You get to play up to 3 times a day and each time you guess correctly, you win a small amount of SB (amount determined by difficulty).

If you support this, please leave me some feedback on each game! Tell me which ones you like, which ones you don't like, what I could change/add, etc. It would be much appreciated!
Have any games to suggest? Comment below and I may add them to the post! ^-^

This suggestion has 58 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 24/05/17 @ 15:58:44 by Mystery (#38000)

tap (#71055)

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Posted on
2016-08-31 12:27:12
These are lovely ideas, I love them!! But for 'Bobbing for Baobabs' alongside the flavor text maybe there was a small animation? It'd go like this: You open the game to find a lion sitting with its paws placed on the tub which is filled with baobabs. A button like 'Go Bobbing!' would be at the bottom and when clicked it'd show the lion dunking its head in, and then in the next frame pulling its head out. It'd either be holding a baobab in its mouth or wearing a disgruntled/angry/sad expression. Flavor text would be below the picture describing what happened. (the animation wouldn't necessarily have to be a animation either, it could just be a picture that changes to the bobbing lion one and then to either the successful attempt or the failed attempt pictures.)

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Edited on 01/09/16 @ 14:18:30 by Tap (#71055)

Mystery (#38000)

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Posted on
2016-08-31 13:35:38
That sounds great, I love that idea! :D

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hoofhound🐴 (#66541)

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Posted on
2016-10-07 08:22:42
Love these ideas! LioDen could definitely use some more minigames.

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Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2016-11-06 14:12:59
I love this, support all the way!

And may I suggest a genetics game? It would give your two lions with different/same bases and markings and you would have to predict the most possible outcome of the two. It could have different levels of difficulty that include changes in how you answer the questions going from one of three, multiple choice to multiple part and choice. I worded that terribly and I'll try to rewrite it later X3

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