Posted by Rules adjustement

MajestyCoal, Wenet
hoarder (#23607)

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Posted on
2016-09-16 02:21:33
Simply put, I'd like for it to be against lioden ToS to advertise your king as mutated.
I am NOT saying you can't be proud of getting a mutated stud, I'm NOT saying you can no longer show it off through your king's name or your username.

1-Because it adds to the spread of misinformation.
2-Because it has been actively used for scamming.
3-Because it adds nothing to breeding which is what stud adverts are for.
4-Because it helps moderators crack down on points 1 and 2, which are currently against the ToS.

1- I've messaged numerous players who advertised looking for a mutated stud, to make sure they knew it didn't affect their cub's mutation chances, and gotten many thankful messages saying they'd been misled, or wasted money on mutated studs because they were under the impression it helped somehow.
2-With the addition of lion balls, many new players think that mutations such as dwarfism pass naturally and when they see people capslocking the word 'MUTATION' in their stud adverts it adds to the misinformation.
3-You cannot sell your king, only his breeding potential, and because no mutation chances (to my knowledge) come from the male it's not a suitable thing to put in sales chat.
4-If it isn't 'borderline scamming because it's technically true' and is instead an enforceable rule, moderators will be able to help protect the community from points 1 and 2.

EDIT 2: There's a potential item for males to pass their mutation, so I came up with other options. The original is still up there because there is only 1 male-exclusive mutation and there are half the kingable male mutations that females have available (so far).
I do feel like this is going to cause even more rumors on what does/doesn't pass, as with lion scrotums, but the alternatives are-

A) All mutated males need a disclaimer somewhere on their page that their mutation will not pass without the use of the new item. This can be done as an automatic thing coded by staff to show at the top of their page, or be an enforceable rule like the original idea.

B) Have the information on what mutations pass naturally and which items there are available under the breeding section of the FAQ where everybody can see it. Or add "telling players mutated males can naturally make mutant offspring" as an example in the Terms so it gets reported more often.
Possibly: Make sure all players read the FAQ and Terms of Service at the beginning of the game in order to do anything? If you're an older player you can refresh your memory or just scroll down and skip it.

The incidence of people scamming based on dwarves alone is pretty high, so something definitely needs to be done. Could people say their preferred idea below? Either original or options A or B.

This suggestion has 51 supports and 5 NO supports.

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Edited on 16/09/16 @ 15:21:42 by MajestyCoal (#23607)

Ivy (Main) (#2473)

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Posted on
2016-09-16 02:29:23
I would agree, but I think they are going to release a item that works like a lion scrotum that will pass a males mutation instead of females mutation.
Just a rumor I heard no idea if it will in deed become a reality, but yes I do agree unless an item like this is released this should be against the rules.

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MajestyCoal, Wenet
hoarder (#23607)

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Posted on
2016-09-16 02:36:15
Who told you that? If an item like that was hinted at by Xylax or another admin then I'm pretty sure everyone would be excited and talking about it. This is kind-of what I meant by misinformation actually, so you've highlighted a point for me, haha.

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Ivy (Main) (#2473)

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Posted on
2016-09-16 02:48:28
I believe it was a mod or admin that said they were thinking about adding something like that on a suggestion for an item like that. But for now that just be a rumor in my book because they are only thinking about it not promising and its not yet a reality. Anyways as I have stated... I agree with what you have said unless a item like that were to be released but than again rules can be revised if they implanted this rule and later decided to add an item like that and felt like revising the rule would be best.

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MajestyCoal, Wenet
hoarder (#23607)

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Posted on
2016-09-16 02:52:42
I'll have a look around the forums then, but thank you for the support :)

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Elvago (#89173)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-16 03:02:23
I agree, and if an item like that is ever released than stud owners wanting to advertise their stud as a mutation for the use of that item then they should have to state in there that the mutation can only pass with said item and no other way.

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MajestyCoal, Wenet
hoarder (#23607)

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Posted on
2016-09-16 03:17:42
There are actually no threads that mention males being able to pass on their mutation that aren't locked and rejected.
If you wanted an item-based way of passing male mutations then it needs to be suggested, because the ones I saw were mostly in favour of them passing it naturally. If said item did come out, then I'd have no problem with people advertising mutie studs (preferably like you said Elvago).

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Jacimagicwhitedeer (#87017)

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Posted on
2016-09-16 04:14:12
I agree they shouldn't advertise their stud as mutated. The information is misleading it does not increase the chance of you getting mutated cub(s). I have never been scammed by stud before, but i can understand how this misleading information can make new players believe they can get mutated cub(s) from the stud with a mutation.

Of course i do agree you should feel proud to have mutated stud, and or show it off on your username.

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Edited on 16/09/16 @ 11:33:50 by Jacimagicwhitedeer (#87017)

Ivy (Side) (#2511)

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Posted on
2016-09-16 04:24:42
I'm just telling you what I saw, ok? But I agree with you're whole heartily as I stated. I don't really care if they come out with an item like that or not so I'm not going to suggest something that was suggested already, the suggestion was "lion ovaries" or something like that to work similarly to a lion scrotum where I saw the info I stated above. The point is that it was mentioned, and my point was that unless they come out with such item, then what you are suggesting that should be against the rules, should defiantly be against the rules, I feel kind of under fire for what I mentioned. But I was never once disagreeing with you. NOR was I trying to provide false info!! I just provided some info I saw from what I remember was provided by a mod or admin. I feel like it was taken almost offensively in a way. :/

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Edited on 16/09/16 @ 11:26:29 by Ivy (Side) (#2511)

MajestyCoal, Wenet
hoarder (#23607)

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Posted on
2016-09-16 04:32:27
Oh no, it wasn't at all! I just wanted to make sure I had all the info, so people could make an informed decision on whether they wanted to support or not. If there was a planned item it might make this suggestion a bit pointless you see.
And in that case I meant 'you' as in everybody reading (who might want it), rather than a particular person, sorry for the confusion :(

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Jacimagicwhitedeer (#87017)

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Posted on
2016-09-16 04:34:51
Sorry i forgot to add in my first replay that that i support your suggestion.

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Shu .Gaggle™
Clean.G4 [5K] (#42)

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Posted on
2016-09-16 07:46:32
This is the suggestion thread with the item for males to pass their mutations. And by the ++ in the title, it looks like they're going to add the item into the game.

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MajestyCoal, Wenet
hoarder (#23607)

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Posted on
2016-09-16 07:52:43
Thank you for finding it Shu, when I searched I couldn't find anything (probably because the title is a bit obscure) ^^ I'll add that to the main post instead.
I have a feeling that the item is going to cause a lot of confusions, so I'll add that either all lions should have a disclaimer or that the information on what mutations pass should be in the FAQ.

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Foggy (#89663)

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Posted on
2016-09-18 07:05:01
I agree, I see so many players accentuating that their king is a muttie, and I wonder how many new and misinformed players have had their currency dooped from them.

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πŸŒ™ Morrígra
πŸŒ™ [G1 Mazi RLC] (#33027)

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Posted on
2016-09-18 07:21:40
Support!! As a complete noob to mutie breeding breeder that has been outstudding a lot recently because these markings are getting on my nerves and i cant wait to breed a new stud/buy one, I've seen the whole mutated thing a lot recently and I actually believed you had a better chance of passing mutations via paternal mutation as well.

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Black Rhinoceros 2.0 (#69356)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-18 08:55:10
I support. I'm tired of seeing people advertising their mutation studs. Mutation kings can't pass their mutation onto their offspring!

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