Posted by Forest mustangs roleplay thread

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2016-09-20 07:10:13
tumblr_m6evpou9G41qeg2eho1_500.gifCurrent Month: July
Current Weather: Blistering hot sun without a cloud in sight

Enter Canada:

Not a drop of rain has been seen since early May, and every animal is feeling it. The sun has become uncharacteristically hot, killing and drying out the Mustangs' main food source: vegetation. The horses have fled to a small, twenty mile area of pine forest, deep in the mountains, seeking shade and relief from the hot sun, which is burning light colored horses.

Deer and moose are heading to wetter lands, depriving the wolves of their main food source: fresh meat. Because of this the swollen wolf populous have turned to the horses for food; killing young foals and old horses alike. Safety in numbers has been taken to the extreme, some herds harboring well over a dozen horses. More wolves have passed through these lands, following their prey source. When they happened upon the hundreds of Mustangs hiding in the mountains they stayed, adding to the already overgrown Canis Lupus population. Mares keep even older foals close, and yearlings with a good head on their shoulders dare not stray from the protection of their lead stallion. Because of the dry, sparse grass, lactating mares are condemned to a dwindling milk supply, unfortunately and quite unwillingly starving foals unequipped to graze on what little grass there is.

The new wolves brought with them an awful disease, dubbed the "Staggering Sickness". The horses have no known treatment, but healers are working tirelessly to find a cure. It can take anywhere from four to ten days for the symptoms to appear, and contact with the victim's droppings, urine, saliva, nasal discharge, or even breathing the same air will almost guarantee the sickness continues to spread. The main symptoms are thick nasal discharge, staggering gait, hind leg weakness, fever, and lethargy. Some infected horses even die. Wolves seem unable to catch this horrid disease, but it passes from horse to horse like wildfire, and whole herds are dropping like flies, especially with more horses in a smaller area and larger herds. The disease also causes malformed or aborted foals in pregnant mares, and foals, along with the elderly, are more susceptible to it.

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Edited on 15/05/17 @ 14:34:35 by Polopony (#96942)

tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2016-10-07 06:22:03
Prisha-August & Kuro

Prisha blushed, before looking at Kuro, expecting her to say something mean, or nice.


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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2016-10-07 06:29:23

Renegade saw August out of the corner of his eye and as he was making his way over to greet him the cracking of twigs and thundering of hooves rang across the valley.Renegade pinpointed the location and took off at an angle.If he made his calculations right he should come out right in front of the horse and decipher if it was a threat or not.He took off through the woods,making as little noise as possible-which is hard when your about 800 lbs.He came out in front of the frenzied horse and stiffened his body,ready for impact if the horse couldn't stop in time.

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Cheruwolf (G2 2.1k+
TriRose) (#91514)

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Posted on
2016-10-07 06:31:12
Kurona | Filly | 1 Year, 9 Months | Mentions: August & Prisha;

Kurona sighed and watched as August trotted off to Renegade, 'I still wonder who that dappled mare was..' She thought. Her gaze shifted to Prisha and narrowed slightly. "What? You look like you are expecting me to say something, its irritating." Kurona said and trotted off, back towards the pond she was previously at.

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2016-10-07 06:33:55

Prisha rolled her eyes, not caring if Kurona saw or not. She followed Kuro towards the pond, bending down and lapping up some water. "What are you planning to do?" She asked, hoping she could start a conversation with kuro.

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Lurgle (#49415)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2016-10-07 06:33:57
August / Colt / 1 year 10 months Mentions; Renegade

As he was just approaching the stallion, confusion clouded his mind when he took off. August looked for Renegade, but he couldn't see him. Huh? He sniffed the air, and decided it might be best if he doesn't intrude. But decided to linger anyway, just incase his assistance was needed.

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Edited on 07/10/16 @ 13:35:13 by Zypheria ☯ (#49415)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-10-07 06:36:21

Something crashed out in front of him and the stallion put on the brakes. His hooves slamming to a stop, causing his back end to slam forwards. Ramming into the thing that stopped in front of him, a terrified whinny exiting his mouth. He tried to stop, and only slammed into the male at half force, or the pair would've gone flying from the impact. Striker reared back and away from the male, ready to bolt again. Eyes wide, though upon seeing it was Renegade he calmed himself down some. Hooves rooted to the spot, "D-Didn't mean to h-hit you." It was obvious something had the usually fearless stallion riled up and utterly terrified.

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2016-10-07 06:42:55

Renegade was pushed back some and had the breath knocked out of him.He gasped for breath as the stallion whirled away.Finally regaining his composure he replied "It's okay.Why are you...Wait a minute.You're that lookout from Flo's herd.I remember you.What's up?" Renegade had forgiven the stallion for his mistake.Ace hadn't quite smelled of them yet.Besides,he had apologized.

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Cheruwolf (G2 2.1k+
TriRose) (#91514)

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Posted on
2016-10-07 06:47:21
Kurona | Filly | 1 Year, 9 Months | Mentions: Prisha;

Kurona sighed in annoyance as she looked at Prisha, an irritated look on her features. "You are irritating, please leave." She said, her gaze narrowing as she glared at Prisha. "Its none of your concern what I'm planning to do." Kurona muttered and looked at the water.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-10-07 06:48:45

His head reared back at the mention of Flo, "I got chased from the herd." His voice was full of malice, "All because Paloma had her filly. I wasn't going to hurt them! All I did was nod at the mare when she greeted me! And all of a sudden I'm being chased out here!" His face and voice sad and full of pain and hurt.

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2016-10-07 06:53:29

Prisha felt a burning fire in her chest. "Can you just stop it!?" Prisha snapped, stomping her hoof inthe water, splashing the water everywhere. Prisha soon realized what she said, and put in, "Can't you be nice for a second? Besides being a brat??" Prisha blowed, shaking her head.

(Hwn a horse blows they are either enemies, meeting other horses, or checking for danger.)

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2016-10-07 06:54:42

"I got chased out of my old herd too.Is there anything I can do?" he asked empathetic.He didn't want this stallion to feel how he did,he didn't want anyone to.Except who made him feel that way.

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Lurgle (#49415)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2016-10-07 06:55:14
(Never done a horse RP so I wouldn't know.)

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2016-10-07 06:57:10
here's a website that lists horse body language and meanings

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Cheruwolf (G2 2.1k+
TriRose) (#91514)

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Posted on
2016-10-07 06:59:28
Kurona | Filly | 1 Year, 9 Months | Mentions: Prisha;

Kurona frowned and glared sharply at Prisha, "Hah? How dare you speak to me that way?!" She raised her voice, scraping her hoof against the ground. She was on the verge of attacking the younger foal but managed to hold it in. "Don't even think for a second that I'd be nice to some filly like you, you could die for all I care!" Kurona shouted and turned around, trotting off.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-10-07 07:04:24

Storing that new piece of information in his brain he shuddered, "Maybe refugee? I'm a follower... Not a leader, I couldn't do it out there alone without any companions." He said quietly, head bowed low as another shudder shook his body.

Mare / 3 / Citizen
Mentions: Kurona, Prisha

"Hey!" She snapped a hoof out in front of Kurona. Having enough of the filly's attitude to the younger one. "What did she do to you? Huh?" The mare's ears were snapped backwards anger filling her eyes. -short-

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