Posted by Forest mustangs roleplay thread

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2016-09-20 07:10:13
tumblr_m6evpou9G41qeg2eho1_500.gifCurrent Month: July
Current Weather: Blistering hot sun without a cloud in sight

Enter Canada:

Not a drop of rain has been seen since early May, and every animal is feeling it. The sun has become uncharacteristically hot, killing and drying out the Mustangs' main food source: vegetation. The horses have fled to a small, twenty mile area of pine forest, deep in the mountains, seeking shade and relief from the hot sun, which is burning light colored horses.

Deer and moose are heading to wetter lands, depriving the wolves of their main food source: fresh meat. Because of this the swollen wolf populous have turned to the horses for food; killing young foals and old horses alike. Safety in numbers has been taken to the extreme, some herds harboring well over a dozen horses. More wolves have passed through these lands, following their prey source. When they happened upon the hundreds of Mustangs hiding in the mountains they stayed, adding to the already overgrown Canis Lupus population. Mares keep even older foals close, and yearlings with a good head on their shoulders dare not stray from the protection of their lead stallion. Because of the dry, sparse grass, lactating mares are condemned to a dwindling milk supply, unfortunately and quite unwillingly starving foals unequipped to graze on what little grass there is.

The new wolves brought with them an awful disease, dubbed the "Staggering Sickness". The horses have no known treatment, but healers are working tirelessly to find a cure. It can take anywhere from four to ten days for the symptoms to appear, and contact with the victim's droppings, urine, saliva, nasal discharge, or even breathing the same air will almost guarantee the sickness continues to spread. The main symptoms are thick nasal discharge, staggering gait, hind leg weakness, fever, and lethargy. Some infected horses even die. Wolves seem unable to catch this horrid disease, but it passes from horse to horse like wildfire, and whole herds are dropping like flies, especially with more horses in a smaller area and larger herds. The disease also causes malformed or aborted foals in pregnant mares, and foals, along with the elderly, are more susceptible to it.

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Edited on 15/05/17 @ 14:34:35 by Polopony (#96942)

tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2017-02-04 09:29:47
Bone - Aynaet, Shadow

The muscular colt trotted over, standing next to Shadow. He was glad to see her, and his dad.
"Wheres Bramble?" Shadow asked, saying his name in a nasty way.
"He's kicking stones. Dumb colt." He snorted rolling his eyes and glancing at the mare.
"Aynaet." Boulder said before Bone could say anything.
"I'm Bone." He said, shaking his short mane. Flicking his tail free from the bugs that were pestering him.

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-02-04 09:32:42
(WolfLord: And i'm sending Shunder to the Destroyer herd to see how they doin :P)

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-02-04 09:33:28
-can't remember his name XD-/Jalesi

Both were playing in the field, the young filly beginning to fill out nicely as she trained. Already muscles were forming on under her lithe pelt. The female would be a beast like her daddy, that much was for sure already! She had the feminine-like form of her mother, but the hefty and taller size of her dad. Both were running laps, the male of course much farther ahead then the female, but not far enough to prevent attack. It had been many moons since they last seen Forest.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-02-04 09:35:36
Aynaet>>Bone, Boulder, Shadow,
Aynaet bowed her lightly. "The names Aynaet, no nicknames." She said before walking around him. "Very nice now on to this Bramble fellow, i assume he is your foal as well?" She said looking at Boulder, at hearing Bone call his sibling stupid it made Aynaet dought Boulders genes.

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-02-04 09:39:51

She didn't a response from the cves and figured they were outside so she went ahead and headed out to see them. She did bring a few of her supplies for them if needed.
Shunder stepped outside and saw some horses aright and looked around or ...oh, what's his name...Ah, General...

"They seem te be doin much better than Forest...."She mumbled to herself as she watched the herd in silence.

(...Shunder, you should be have more scars, more masucline in more ways than before and i doubt they may reconize you so easily rn)

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2017-02-04 09:41:01
Boulder - Aynaet, Bramble, Rain

"Yes he-" Boulder was cut off by Rain coming over.
"Shado where have you been? Don't go near him and that low class elk brained mare!" Rain snapped, glaring at Boulder and Aynaet. Perfect.. Boulder thought, glancing at Aynaet.
"Are you willing to show your strentgh??" Boulder asked, nosing towards Rain.

(I'm willing to have Rain get injured)

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-02-04 09:43:26
Karina saw Shunder she walked up to her "Why hello there Shunder, it is so nice to see you." She said in that sweet soft voice she always had. "Come say hello do you need to have a word with General." She asked a warm smile never leaving her face, her swollen belly making her seem even more radiant.

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🐾Lost🐾 (#99623)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-02-04 09:45:22
(Changing swifts name to milra, anyone willing to interact with her?)

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2017-02-04 09:46:00

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-02-04 09:48:01
Shunder - Karina

Her ears perked towrds the mare who spoke to her. She turned and smiled; "Aye, 'ello Miss karina.Just came by te check o ye lot...see how ye doin' and i brought some herbs and other supplies but i don' remember if this area supplies these well enough...Ye look lovely btw..." She spoke deeply but softly as before.

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🐾Lost🐾 (#99623)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-02-04 09:48:48

She shook her spotted flank and moved slowly while she grazed, her ears perked and she sniffed the air for anything near by, before walking closer to the forest and small lake.

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2017-02-04 09:54:44
Kayva - Milra (Indirectly)

Kayva was wandering around, playing with the mud until she wanted to have somthing to drink. She ran to the closest place, a small lake in the forest. She ept running until she stopped, slipping on the mud and tumbling into the bushes, a distance away from the lake.
"Oomf!" She yelped, smelling a scent of another horse. "Another horse?" She said loudly.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-02-04 09:58:36
Aynaet>>Rain Boulder
Aynaet could only smile evily as she passed Boulder. "Ain't gotta tell me twice." She said shaking her mane in a threatening way, then without warning she charged the mare and bit her neck hard shaking her head ferociously. She continued her assault by kicking the mare oat her legs trying to cripple the mare.

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🐾Lost🐾 (#99623)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-02-04 09:59:56

Her ears perked hearing something, she sniffed the air and then looked around and spotted a horse and made her way other to it "Hello!" She said kindly, and shook her mane.

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2017-02-04 10:04:44

The mare grazed, picking out grass from mud and sticks. She ate the slush and drank from the swollen rivers, numbing the inside of her mouth. Her deep brown eyes found her mate wandering, no doubt looking for more mares. She flicked her mud caked tail, splattering her light legs with mud. When the new mare came, escorted by Boulder Nox shoved her way forward, her ears jammed forward and skull low, warning the foals off. If they didn't leave a harsh nip would be sent their way. The palomino stopped and watched the newbie fight Rain, an amused smile playing across her features.

The black and now brown colt had just stood up from a roll, caking his mane to his thick crest-y neck. "Isn't it my friend?" He had greatly enjoyed the last month with Noctis, living on the edge. He trotted up to the young stallion, arching his mud stained neck and prancing on earth toned legs. "Wanna play?" He chimed.

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Edited on 04/02/17 @ 17:06:03 by Polopony (#96942)

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