Posted by Forest mustangs roleplay thread

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2016-09-20 07:10:13
tumblr_m6evpou9G41qeg2eho1_500.gifCurrent Month: July
Current Weather: Blistering hot sun without a cloud in sight

Enter Canada:

Not a drop of rain has been seen since early May, and every animal is feeling it. The sun has become uncharacteristically hot, killing and drying out the Mustangs' main food source: vegetation. The horses have fled to a small, twenty mile area of pine forest, deep in the mountains, seeking shade and relief from the hot sun, which is burning light colored horses.

Deer and moose are heading to wetter lands, depriving the wolves of their main food source: fresh meat. Because of this the swollen wolf populous have turned to the horses for food; killing young foals and old horses alike. Safety in numbers has been taken to the extreme, some herds harboring well over a dozen horses. More wolves have passed through these lands, following their prey source. When they happened upon the hundreds of Mustangs hiding in the mountains they stayed, adding to the already overgrown Canis Lupus population. Mares keep even older foals close, and yearlings with a good head on their shoulders dare not stray from the protection of their lead stallion. Because of the dry, sparse grass, lactating mares are condemned to a dwindling milk supply, unfortunately and quite unwillingly starving foals unequipped to graze on what little grass there is.

The new wolves brought with them an awful disease, dubbed the "Staggering Sickness". The horses have no known treatment, but healers are working tirelessly to find a cure. It can take anywhere from four to ten days for the symptoms to appear, and contact with the victim's droppings, urine, saliva, nasal discharge, or even breathing the same air will almost guarantee the sickness continues to spread. The main symptoms are thick nasal discharge, staggering gait, hind leg weakness, fever, and lethargy. Some infected horses even die. Wolves seem unable to catch this horrid disease, but it passes from horse to horse like wildfire, and whole herds are dropping like flies, especially with more horses in a smaller area and larger herds. The disease also causes malformed or aborted foals in pregnant mares, and foals, along with the elderly, are more susceptible to it.

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Edited on 15/05/17 @ 14:34:35 by Polopony (#96942)

Shadow_2019_ (#106857)

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Posted on
2017-03-05 21:53:36
Fire-mentions Alycone

He smirked and pulled himself up. "I don't know where it's at so I'm sure you will." He said laughing as he cantered up to her and trotted beside her. His muscles moving and showing as they moved his size.

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2017-03-06 07:36:13
Advika - Sereno, Starshock, Renegade

Advika listened to STarshock, shocked.
I won't. I promise that. I forgive him.... She said quietly, surprised Starshock was still alive.She sat next to the dying mare for a few minutes, befoe trotting off, looking back time to time. Advika caught sight of the palomino stallion, walking over.
Wolves have killed Starshock. She said sadly, flattening her ears.

Delta - Starshock

Delta glanced at Rena, thinking of the horrible idea of them making mama mad. He stood there, wondering what he did to make her angry. Can he even trust Sereno? Something told him to trust him, but even though he is his big brother doesn't mean he has to trust him... Right?

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-06 13:15:26
Sereno>> Delta, Rena
Sereno fought back tears as Rena spoke. "No she does not hate you, infact she gave her life to save you. She wanted me to bring the both of you here and to keep you safe." He said looking at the sky how blue and empty it looked. "I promise to never let any harm come to you even if it means me giving up my life as well." He said as a breeze past them, he chuckled as he turned to face the wind. "I think mother agrees with me." He said softly, but his soft gaze turned hard as a million questions ran through his mind. "You don't have to trust me now, but you soon will that I am sure of." He said smiling back at his little siblings.

Alycone slowed down. "That is right isn't." She said a little disappointed. "Fine lets just have an enjoyable run as we make our way there." She said now running next to Fire a huge smile on her face.
(Short sorry)

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-03-06 13:16:51
*coughs and pushes foals to Anya*

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Shadow_2019_ (#106857)

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Posted on
2017-03-06 13:23:51
Fire- mentions: Alycone

He cantered beside the mare, picking his pace a little. "I may not know the way, but I have a strong feeling I'm faster." He said smirking. His legs extended to a farther stride. A light coat of sweat covering his muscular body. He smiled and shook his head, his name flowing in the wind.

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2017-03-06 13:32:50
*cough cough 0.0*

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-03-06 13:40:02

Ah two new foals, ex-lead mare down, other is still preggers... New stallion and mare in the mix ey? She surveyed the herd with a bobbing head, she'd never seen Sereno as a foal so she had no idea who he was.. She shrugged before looking 'round, surely the old brute would chase his fallen mate now yea? Soon to be out of the picture like she was. She gave a dark chuckle, what if the foals were hers!? She knew the herbs to make herself produce milk, trust and milk was all she needed from them...

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-06 13:59:48
((Passes everyone some cough syrup while wearing a mask..."Don't get me sick."))
Alycone laughed. "I dought that fire, because I'm Alycone." She mocked speeding up a little, she tried not to look at the muscles rippling under his coat. She winked at him before passing him.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-03-06 14:01:02
(XD I need some horsies to join Anya.. they can rules the herd with her)

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Shadow_2019_ (#106857)

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Posted on
2017-03-06 14:09:04
(Siting in a corner, putting germ x on my hands. "I get sick easy")

Fire- mentions: Alycone

He snorted and laughed. "You're also really beautiful, since we are stating the obvious." He said smirking, looking at the mare. His legs burning a bit, it had been a while since he had ran. And his legs weren't used to his larger size. He spotted a small rock and rushed ahead of her, slowing down and stopping on the rock. Rearing up, and kicking his front legs out. "Seems that I won!" He replied with a smile, landing back down with a thud. His muscles more defined from running, but he was still sweaty.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-06 14:13:14
Sereno>>Anya, Delta, Rena
Sereno nose flared as a new scent passed his nose he looked in the direction of the smell. "Must be a new mare I don't know about." He said to himself, he looked at the foals his eyes saddened. *Talking about mares I need to find a milk mare for them.* He thought looking at all the mares in the field. *Damn they are ethier pregnant still or aren't producing any milk.* He thought exhaling a breath of annoyance.

Alycone >>Fire
Alycone giggled. "Ok big boy using flattering to win is consider cheating." She mocked pressing her nose against his. "Silly stallion I will win next time." she said her voice soft and full of love.

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Edited on 06/03/17 @ 21:17:24 by DarkShamess🎭 (#96769)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-03-06 14:17:19
-coughs loudly at sereno-)

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Shadow_2019_ (#106857)

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Posted on
2017-03-06 14:23:48
Fire- mentions: Alycone

He nuzzled her nose, rolling his eyes. "I might let you win next time, just because you're beautiful." He said, dropping his voice like hers. His ears perked up, softly tickling under her chin with his lips. He was new to the whole affection thing, but he was able to show it easily around her.

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MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-03-06 14:26:44
(Estrella is pregnant....she probably has milk.)

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-06 14:51:15
Sereno>>Estrella, Anya, Delta, Rena
Sereno looked for his older sister, spotting her easliy among the herd. "Estrella, can you come her for a moment." He said in a commanding voice. *Something about this maremare's scent has me really uneasy.* He thoughy to himself as he waited for Estrella, his eyes stuck on the forest lining.

Alycone smiled "Silly stallion, you are so sweet." She said looking affectionately in his eyes. "I really like you Fire." She said as she slipped her head under his neck. "Don't leave me ok."

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