Posted by | Forest mustangs roleplay thread |
![]() Polo (#96942) Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2016-09-20 07:10:13 |
![]() Current Weather: Blistering hot sun without a cloud in sight Enter Canada: Not a drop of rain has been seen since early May, and every animal is feeling it. The sun has become uncharacteristically hot, killing and drying out the Mustangs' main food source: vegetation. The horses have fled to a small, twenty mile area of pine forest, deep in the mountains, seeking shade and relief from the hot sun, which is burning light colored horses. Deer and moose are heading to wetter lands, depriving the wolves of their main food source: fresh meat. Because of this the swollen wolf populous have turned to the horses for food; killing young foals and old horses alike. Safety in numbers has been taken to the extreme, some herds harboring well over a dozen horses. More wolves have passed through these lands, following their prey source. When they happened upon the hundreds of Mustangs hiding in the mountains they stayed, adding to the already overgrown Canis Lupus population. Mares keep even older foals close, and yearlings with a good head on their shoulders dare not stray from the protection of their lead stallion. Because of the dry, sparse grass, lactating mares are condemned to a dwindling milk supply, unfortunately and quite unwillingly starving foals unequipped to graze on what little grass there is. The new wolves brought with them an awful disease, dubbed the "Staggering Sickness". The horses have no known treatment, but healers are working tirelessly to find a cure. It can take anywhere from four to ten days for the symptoms to appear, and contact with the victim's droppings, urine, saliva, nasal discharge, or even breathing the same air will almost guarantee the sickness continues to spread. The main symptoms are thick nasal discharge, staggering gait, hind leg weakness, fever, and lethargy. Some infected horses even die. Wolves seem unable to catch this horrid disease, but it passes from horse to horse like wildfire, and whole herds are dropping like flies, especially with more horses in a smaller area and larger herds. The disease also causes malformed or aborted foals in pregnant mares, and foals, along with the elderly, are more susceptible to it. Character SheetsNo thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.![]() Edited on 15/05/17 @ 14:34:35 by Polopony (#96942) |
FNaF Foxy {Clean Main} (#56607) Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-03-29 15:03:19 |
(please don't kill Sabor. Warning you now.-.-' NPC or not he is My dog) Ginga He shook his head no at it being about Starshock "no, the herd is Hades herd and the leader just has a bone to pick with us...Sereno, son of starshock and Renegade is with them...." He kept his distance when he saw Fire being wary and protective. "fret not friend..We're not going to hurt her..just help..bt if you like we can give you the herbs she needs and instruct you." Sabor He snarled as he rose back up, using his strength to force the wolves off of him. He was indeed larger than them even not by much. His eyes no longer had pupils as they seemed to ;glow' and turn' demonic', his voice quite a low rumble as he grinned at the wolves. "Yer not very smart are ye? Don't ye kno you'll oy end up in Hell if ye mess with a Demonis' wolf? No? Well yer in fer soe pain ye mangy lot." He wasted no time in killing the entire group who tried to toy with him. He ended up being the one to Eat them. he took off after other dogs and horses as he saw the she wolf the mangy horse was ater was going to get back up. NPC she wolf/Former HH(Calling her Agatha) She wadered around the terf until she noticed she was being followed. she turned to face he one called Reno. She just looked at him...she gave a smile once he got too close and her other packmates who joined FH leapt out with starp sticks and bones to slash and stab at Reno. They didn't keep still as they watched his movements. Attacking only once his attention is captured by the others. Agatha leapt at Reno's throat once he was too overwhelmed and used her weight to throw him off where the rest followed and clung, one on each leg, Agatha on his throat and the rest along his back. They were try ing to weaken him, disable him make him unable to fight in other ways..but not kill him. Trikill rushed with Saiyo and Unamari and rammed the horse while the rest suddenly jerked awy some openig their mouths but others ripping skin. the new three grabbed apart and went opposite directions before Reno landed. Trikill aimed for Reno's eyes, Una his ears and Saiyo his nose. Once the group made their move they all went off n their own way with agatha already long gone with the other 'traitors'. (I'll stop picking on reno now. maybe now he'll leave the ST pack alone? They adopted Agatha and they nt nice to those who threaten their packmates. ^ ^') ![]() Edited on 29/03/17 @ 22:13:54 by FNaF Foxy {Side} (#56607) |
RedEclipesWolf (#96769)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-03-29 15:47:30 |
((Nope sorry Reno also has a ace up his sleeve like Sabor..)) Reno got to his eyes were black with red irises. He grabbed on of the wolf by the tail and dug into the wolf neck pulling out thw wolf's troat. "Agatha I will kill you as Aynaet command me you bitch." He snarled following his scent. "I am not one who gives up easily, why do you think they kept me separated from the test of the pack." He said as his began to see red. He found Agatha again and pounced on her. "Tell me this why does it take three powerful packs to bring us down it is because Hell's Star Pack is where the strongest most evilest wolves live." He said pinning her to the ground. "My fur is full of poison, those wolves who bite and tear my flesh with groe weaker steadily." He said stepping on her head he was alot larger than her. "Bring more wolves to me it only makes me angrier and the angrier I get the more you let the evilness inside me out." He said he wore the throat as a metal around his neck. "I will kill them all one by one." he said biting her tail hoping she would howl for reinforcement. Alycone>>Fire, Ginga "No I trust you, you have no blood on you which means to aren't fighting." She said softly with a warm smile. ![]() |
FNaF Foxy {Clean Main} (#56607) Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-03-29 15:55:19 |
(damn i was hoping yu'd leave my 'Dogs' alone now as i had Agatha leave the area so she's not in the territory no more....sabor has no ace btw, just his bloodline so :/) *refuses to respond with agatha cuz i wnt it done with and he's going all this trouble for One wolf? Yo can kil her since she NPC even though i did want her alive or future reasons,but leave My Nmaed dogs alone she won;t howl just stare at him ven when dead.* Ginga - Alycone He nods and comes closer slowly, showng he's no threat to fire. He then begins working on her wounds. (ugh, i eel like crap right now have nthing else to type XD) ![]() Edited on 29/03/17 @ 22:58:35 by FNaF Foxy {Side} (#56607) |
☣⚜Skazzle☬Skit tz☣{WCU} (#83026) Wicked View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-03-29 17:02:31 |
![]() Boulder - Sereno Yes, I want to kill them all. Send the whole herd go go go! He roared, his herd pouring out the trees. Meadow was fighting as well. Her hooves landed hard on a wolves back, causing him to spasm until he couldn't move. Boulder attacked some other wolves, ripping its nose off as it cried in pain, before crushing his legs, letting the wolf die alone. His mares were fighting with every strentgh they've got, sending hoof after hoof to osme mares faces. The 12 stallions were killing wolves with no mercy, with the help with their wolves. One of te stallions were torturing a pregnant mare that tried to defend a sister of hers. Boulder screamed as a mare gripped his ear. He turned, kicking with powerful blows to the stomach and ribs. She gasped, falling over before stomping on her belly, until he puncture her skin so much er hts spilled out. She let out a shriek of pain, closing her eyes as her breathing went quick. He charge after 2 mares that was teaming up on Esmeralda. Trampling over them, grabbing them by the scruff and pulling on their ears until he shred them. A mare and her foal were getting chased by a few mares, but Boulder pelted after them, kicking the foal on the ribs, killing the young thing instantly as its body flailed like a ragdoll. The mare screamed, charging after her but falling as Boulder kicked her in the jaw, wolves finsihibg her as they poured ontp her. His herd was winning, some mares were fleeing. He helped Senika as she was attacking a large male wolf that was biting her hind leg. He kicked its face, the wolf letting out a cry before slowly crushing his head beneath his hooves. Shadow was among the fight, too, fooling a mare of "I'm just trying to prove myself," nefore kicking at the mares throat with no mercy, the mare choking, before Shadow bit in between the nostrils, the mare letting out a cry of pain. He was paying to much attention pf his daughter an was bowled over by a stallion(NPC). Get off me pr I'll rip yer throat off! He roared, the stallion pinning him down, piercing at his stomach. Boulder struck a powerful blow to his throat, blood spurting out his mouth as he fell off him, choking on his blood. Boulder rammed into the stallion, pulling the stallion down by his mane before kneeing him on his neck, letting him roll free of him, a few wolves lunging at his throat. Show no mercy!!!!! He roared, striking a hoof at a mares nose, the mare yelping, backing away. A yearlibg huh? Boulder's going to teach her a life lesson she wil NOT forget. He bowled her over by smashing his body into hers, biting her throat, shaking vigourously. He let his bloodlust go free as he seemed to go full wolf, swallowing the flesh as the mare stared at him in horror and pain. He kicked her in the ribs, letting a few of mares finish her. A blue toan mare kickd at his ribs, causing him to gasp as he glared at the mare. It was just Lady, boy does he want to injure her!!!!!! He kicked her neck, grabbing her mane as he kept kicking(every girl fight ever)at her face. I'll end ya!!!!!!!! How dare ye attack tis 'erd!!! You an' that Sereno!!!! She screamed, tugging her black mane free before poundjng her hooves against Boulder's back. He smiled sadistically, rearing nefore barrel kicking Lady, the blue toan mare staggering away, before a palomino mare pushed her over. Meadow? Lady and Meadow used to be great friends when Boulder was friends with Advika!! Lady glared before realizing its her friend. Meadow!?!? You were with them!?! Yer gunna pay for this!!! Lady screeched. Boulder sat, recovering from the kick she gave him. I'm sorry!! I wanted to keep my life okay!! Meadow cried, flattening her ears. Ah though' betta of you than tis!!! Lady shriekd in a cold, harsh voice. Meadow looked shocked, before dodging one of Lady's hooves. I'm sorry!!! She cried, backing up. Se clearly wasn't able to fight her friend. Trayta!(Traitor)!!!!! Lady shrieked, kicking at her chest. Meadow kicked er on the face, leaving the mare staggering. Shocked at first, she glared at Meadow. You showed yua loyalteh now, Meadow. Do not consida us furiends. You are an enemy Ah wish were deayud. She said in a eerily truthful tone, before charging Meadow. A mare helped Meadow, Ebony. Don't worry mate! This mares gunna regret her words I betcha!! She said before slamming into the mare, sending blow after blow to her ribs, grabbing Lady's ears, shredding them. Boulder helped, tripping her before striking at er belly. Flaps of skin hung from her skin, before she fled. Boulder charged back into battle, pushing mares into trees with incredible force as he attacked. ![]() Callan - Cronus He shrieked, backing off before barrel kicking him on the ribs, grabbing his neck in his jaws. If he rips him off he risks getting a chunk of his neck ripped off. He secretly hopes he does. This will inflict more pain. ![]() Prisha - Bone, Shadow, FH, Tadi, Peisha Prisha ran towards a few mares with foals. She signaled to dollow her, before dashing off. She went straight to the cabe she out Tadi and August in, leaving the mares and foals there. Don't get out, let the foals stay in the cave and if any wolves or horses come, fight them off. DO NOT LET THEM COME NEAR MY FOALS!!! She said, her voice getting incredibly loud, before shaking her pelt free of droplets. The mares shove the foals in the cave, protecting them of any danger. She turned to see 2 chestnut foals gallop to her. They had a cold and hostile look in their eyes. Wheres Advika!? The filly roared, her voice a little loud. Prisha took a step back in shock. How do they know Advika? They mist be from Boulder's herd. The filly looks exactly like him! I'm not telling you! Prisha made a sound like a snarl, not even frightening the foals at all. Well then, we have to help oir dad kill your little mate, August. He's already dying!! The colt snickered, running off. This might be a lie, but she's willing to fight if she has to. Prisha followed, until wolves trapped her near a few trees. They snapped at her heels and tore skin, causing her to yelp. One lunged at her back, tearing her skin at her back. August!!!! She shrieked in pain. ![]() Edited on 30/03/17 @ 12:38:49 by ☪Skazzle Dazzle☣☣ (#83026) |
RedEclipesWolf (#96769)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-03-29 18:44:22 |
Sereno>>Estrella, All the fighting horses and wolves Sereno walked into the field ignoring all the fighting as he tried to look for his sister. A mare charged at him anger flaring in her eyes as he spotted why, her foal laid bloody on the ground still as day. "This is all your fault, what would your mothe.." Sereno stopped the mare by biting her jaw, his eyes were cold and hard sending chills down the mares back. He bit down hard before he shook his head violently until he hard a snap. He let go the mare's jaws hung like a broken branch on a tree. "My mother died because of this herd, none of you cared when she was ill. None of you went to see her, all you all did was stay in the fields and whispered about her madness." He said angrily as he bit into her throat. He forced her tobthe ground rather easily, still keeping his hold on the mare's neck he raised his right hoof and brought it down hard on her head. The mares twitched in pain her skull had be broken and blood spilled out her ears. "You will die painfully for your words." He said leaving the mare to die, as he continued to look for Estrella. A couple of wolves were fighting 4 Forest wolves against one Hades' wolf. "Pathetic the bunch of you." He snarled as he lifted on by it's tail and used his hoof to crush it's head. "There are three packs, yet you still are oit matched by our wolves." He said grabbing another by the head and threw it towards a large boulder, making contact head first leaving a thick blood line as it fell to the ground. "You might have fought bears and other dangerous creatures but our wolves fought us, we are more dangerous than those pathetic slow bears." He snarled looking coldly at the now lone wolf. "Noble bloodline means nothing to me, Raku destroy." He commanded as the Hades wolf jumped onto the Forest wolf sinking it teeth straight into it's shoulder. He soon saw a pair of yearlings hiding in the bushes. He smirked as he slowly made his way to them. "Hush little foals don't you cry, don't you see the darkness tonight. The stallions scream in agonizing pain and the mares slowly die in the freezing rain." he sung as he got closer the colt got between Sereno and the filly, they both whimpered tears rolling down their faces. "Shhhh... Look at Boulder he's eating your mother and the wind is screaming watch out for Sereno." With a sadistic smile he reared up and quickly brought his hooves down on the colt, killing him instantly. He laughed as the filly screamed he looked at her his nostril's flared. "It's ashame, your such a pretty little mare." He said before he charged at her and bit her neck pulling her down to the ground. He pulled at her neck ripping the flesh off, the mare screamed as she tried to get up. "No you don't." Sereno chuckled as he used his back legs to break all of hers. He bit at her stomach and pulled at it til he tore a mouthful off, he did this many many times. He took a step back blood dripping from his mouth as he smiled. The mare had finally fell unconscious due to the pain of being torn apart. "Good night beautiful mare." He said walking away to find more victims. ![]() |
☣⚜Skazzle☬Skit tz☣{WCU} (#83026) Wicked View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-03-30 03:38:02 |
![]() Meadow - NPC Mares and Wolves The palomino mare went back to her herbs, keeping watch on Ember, before a wolf came back, its paw badly wpunded. Meadow stepped forward, sniffing the wound before wrapping it in cobwebs. The wolf's paws stopped bleeding after a while, so Meadow unwrapped his paw and chewed some comfrey into a poultice, applying it to the wound. She heard frowls before a large male not from HH aas sneaking towards Ember. She immediantley chased after, ripping a chunk of flesh out p its nevk before she stomped on its head, breaking its skull, before he went paralysed. She looked at Ember, sniffing her if she was okay before returning to the wolf. Go rest, in a minute you can go back... She said quietly, nudging the wolf towards a tree. A mare came back with a gash on her leg either from a horse or a wolf, most likely the hooves of a horse. It was bleeding heavily. She wrapped her leg im cobwebs, waiting til the bleeding stopped until applying the poultice of Goldenrod. ![]() Advika - FH, Brooke, Shadow, Bone, Boulder While Brooke was eating, through the rain she could see a black cloud of ravens hovering over her herd, before diving down. Thats unusual. But... she saw some horses running to FH territry. No... she whispered, glancing at Brooke as fear pierced her chest. HH attacked them!!! Once Brooke was done, she picked her up, placing her on her back. Hold on tight, Brooke. She nickered, feeling her claws hook into her mane and fur. She pelted off, ears pinned back so the rain doesn't get into her ears. She reached the trees, running through, until ahe passed FH Territory. She heard cries and howls, her instincts screamed in her ears to run, run far far away. Brooke held tightly, curling up in her watm mane. When she ran closer, she saw a war. HH Mares were thinning out FH mares. More of her herds mares were killed than HH's. This is hell! Advika gasped, backing up before se darted off, hoping she isn't seen. Hope tugged at her belly as she saw a cave with a few foals and mares from FH. She cantered to them, te mares rearing at first but realizing it was Advika. Thank goodness! Advika we haven't seen you in so long!!! The mares said, bumping their noses onto her nevk. She saw Kayva and Tadi in the cave. You've got quite the baby bump, One mare said, making her blush. What am I doing!? I need to save them!!! Advika thought, shaking her mane before straightening up. All mares and foals. Follow me, I know a safe, protected place you can stay at!! Advika neighed, loud enough for the mares and foals to hear. Advika!! Kayva said, running over to her and nuzzling her. Tadi! Stay beside me! Advika whinnied, rearing before galloping off, hearing the beatings of hooves on the geound behind her She was so close, telling the mares to go forward until they see a herd with stallions and Spade, until she saw two foals chasing afer her. They were gaining. The filly laughed, before kicking at her legs, causing her to fall. She fell on her chin, wincing from the pain. The colt kicked her, before the filly snapped at him to go. So YOU are Advika!? The filly hissed, her eyes wild and hostile. She was Boulder's filly. She looks and acts like him, and how does she know she's Advika!? Boulder. Leave me alone! Advika whinnied, she didn't want to hurt her. Your herd is losing. Little Prisha is getting attacked by wolves. Its her time now. I know what you did to my father, And I'll make you pay, The filly made a wolf like snarl, before striking at Advika's belly. She rolled over, instantley forgetting about Brooke. Brooke watched, eyes wide. She pounced at Shadow, scratching at her face and eyes. The filly shrieked, kicking Brooke off. GET OFF HER!! Advika roared, kicking at the filly's ribs with a hard blow. The filly gasped, falling over, wincing in pain. DO NOT TOUCH MY DAUGHTER! Boulders booming voice startled her, as E whipped around to see him racing towards her. He smashed his body against hers, causing her to bowl over, careful not to hurt her unborn foal(s). He grabbed her mane, pulling vigourously SPAAAADE!!!! She cried. (Please do not interfere, Wolf and I planned on letting Boulde and Spade fight) ![]() Edited on 30/03/17 @ 12:40:50 by ☪Skazzle Dazzle☣☣ (#83026) |
Lurgle (#49415)
Aztec Knight View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-03-30 05:35:48 |
☣⚜Skazzle☬Skit tz☣{WCU} (#83026) Wicked View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-03-30 05:36:50 |
Lurgle (#49415)
Aztec Knight View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-03-30 05:49:43 |
(I'm comin' hubbub. IMMAGONNAFUCKURSHITUPBOIIYEEE) ![]() August - Prisha, Tadi, Kavya, Bone, Shadow August's ears twitched to hear a cry and he immediately abandoned his fight, not caring at all if they chased after him. He ran as fast as he could to the scene, going full out on any wolf in his sights. He grabbed on hard by the scruff and threw it at a tree, before charging at it and stomping it's ribs in. He quickly whipped around as a few pounced at him up front and he bucked in the air, kicking one away in an awkward position. One grabbed onto his leg and chewed vigorously, and he used his other foot to stomp on it's back, breaking it. ![]() Apollo - Callan, Cronus Apollo's ears twitched as he looked around the battle scene. Once he just faintly caught a glimmer of that familiar scent, his eyes flamed up and he ran, looking around, before seeing that same roan fighting a nemesis, obviously much stronger than him. "He's mine!" He snapped at Callan. ![]() Cronus - Callan, Apollo Cronus blinked blood out of his eye. Good, they're going crazy, maybe I can escape in one piece! He thought. As he blinked another droplet of blood out of his eye, he looked harder at the bloodied paint. He would speak but he was currently in a death hold. ![]() Edited on 30/03/17 @ 12:50:04 by Zypheria ☯ [AKA Burrito] (#49415) |
☣⚜Skazzle☬Skit tz☣{WCU} (#83026) Wicked View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-03-30 06:02:35 |
![]() Callan - Cronus, Apollo Callan din't move for a few seconds, confused, before he finally ripped his teeth off, atching before stomping on a wolf's ribs that dare attack him. He saw a foal being killed by ravens, the black birds pecking into his eyes and stomach vigourously. ![]() |
FNaF Foxy {Clean Main} (#56607) Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-03-30 06:36:10 |
ShadoTrident,SkyStream, Shinobi packs They saw who was winning and those who were able to escape did. They murmbered their sorrys under there's breath as they left the area. They didn't stop nor look back til they were back home Any wolves or horses who followed were killed due to tressapassing on their lands. (okay the packs of my Important canines have left with only NPC wolves left to fight who refusd to leave) ![]() Shunder/FH/Mare (in heat) VS Beth/HH/Mare (NPC) The two mares were still locked in their fight as the ignored other wolves and horses of both sides. they were both bloody and badly injured but neither refused to fall nor leave the other. They charged once more at the other, with bloodlust and fire in them, hooves and teeth met the other's body and skin. The two had eye for the other, nothing else. Beth had both her ears shredded and one was completly severed and limp, she was more skin with gashes ad broken to fractured bones than anything. Blood covered her dark coat, se was missing a few teeth and was barely able to stand on her injured right forleg. She had a large gash over forehead where blood was flowingfreely earlier but was slowing as it began healing. She galred at the other mare before her with one good eye. Shunder wasn't in good condition either but she was smart enough to notallow Too much damage such as fractured or broken bones where she was most vunrable. She had gashes all over her body she done very well in keeping certain parts protected by blockig and dodging. Shunder's old wounds were re-opened to new ones, she had a badly torn ear, deep cut close to her eye, her back ached and her hindquarters burned lik hellfire fr th cuts and ripped flesh. Beth charged and bowled Shunder over just as a few wolves tried again to attack the mare from behind, crushed the wolves as she landed and Shunder used the momentum to roll completly and throw the mare of her and stood up again as quick as she could. Shunder felt a harsh bite from behind and kicked out suddenly, she heard a squeal and a crack, she turned to look at what she killed, it was a young horse..a foal it looked like. Se looked at the lifeless body til Beth barked at her before she was rushed again. "Focus on me you worthless chuck of flesh!!!" "ugh! Funny, commin' from a mare whose don't look any better herself..." She rolled again and tried to kick out, which hit its mark surprisingly, she got up and saw more HH members heading towards her so she bolted. Beth got up, saw why Shunder bolted and told off her companions before taking off after Shunder. She called out as she off. "No one interfere! I want this mare; Shunder for myself!" (..Wow, nope, Beth no share XD) ![]() Edited on 30/03/17 @ 13:38:24 by FNaF Foxy {Side} (#56607) |
☣⚜Skazzle☬Skit tz☣{WCU} (#83026) Wicked View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-03-30 06:45:01 |
![]() Advika - Boulder I've waite for this moment! For so long I wanted to rip you up to shreds, kill your pathentic little foals that Spade bears!! Spade won't be here to save ya now pretty girl.. Boulder whispered in her ear, kicking her chest, kicking all the air out her lungs as she gasped for breathe. Brooke jumpedonto his face, clawing his nostrils as he shriekd, throwing her off as she rolled onto the ground. Avika bit at hs heels, the matalic taste of blood filling her mouth until he kicked her again. ![]() |
☣⚜Skazzle☬Skit tz☣{WCU} (#83026) Wicked View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-03-30 06:45:02 |
DOUBLE POST! :P Please Ignore ![]() Edited on 30/03/17 @ 13:45:29 by ☪Skazzle Dazzle☣☣ (#83026) |
Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)
Bone Collector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-03-30 06:50:42 |
Spade "Damnit Advi!" He let out a thundering neigh, some horses and wolves paused at the noise eyes wide. Spade was shaking as he and his 12 followers charged forth. All 12 formed a semi-circle around him as he charged directly for Boulder. Head thrashed wildly as he slammed forwards, teeth agape and aiming directly for Boulder's cheek. Hooves launching forwards to connect with whatever flesh could be found. Snapdragon had managed to round on the filly who had harmed Advika though with a stern look from Spade moved to corral her away from the battle. Him and Wolf together, the filly didn't stand a chance. "Get the foals out of here!" He heard Sagittarius roar. Pride swelled in the painted black stallion's chest before he connected with flesh. (Don't kill these ones XD) Max - paint Snapdragon - Leader, Buckskin Wolf - Silver Kitch - Palomino Dax/Jax - Brown Louis - Cremello Sagittarius - Dark Grey Coyote "Swift" - Spy, Pinto, Small Dastiel - Grullo Prince - Silver Pipe - Grey ![]() |
Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)
Bone Collector View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-03-30 06:51:11 |