Posted by Forest mustangs roleplay thread

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2016-09-20 07:10:13
tumblr_m6evpou9G41qeg2eho1_500.gifCurrent Month: July
Current Weather: Blistering hot sun without a cloud in sight

Enter Canada:

Not a drop of rain has been seen since early May, and every animal is feeling it. The sun has become uncharacteristically hot, killing and drying out the Mustangs' main food source: vegetation. The horses have fled to a small, twenty mile area of pine forest, deep in the mountains, seeking shade and relief from the hot sun, which is burning light colored horses.

Deer and moose are heading to wetter lands, depriving the wolves of their main food source: fresh meat. Because of this the swollen wolf populous have turned to the horses for food; killing young foals and old horses alike. Safety in numbers has been taken to the extreme, some herds harboring well over a dozen horses. More wolves have passed through these lands, following their prey source. When they happened upon the hundreds of Mustangs hiding in the mountains they stayed, adding to the already overgrown Canis Lupus population. Mares keep even older foals close, and yearlings with a good head on their shoulders dare not stray from the protection of their lead stallion. Because of the dry, sparse grass, lactating mares are condemned to a dwindling milk supply, unfortunately and quite unwillingly starving foals unequipped to graze on what little grass there is.

The new wolves brought with them an awful disease, dubbed the "Staggering Sickness". The horses have no known treatment, but healers are working tirelessly to find a cure. It can take anywhere from four to ten days for the symptoms to appear, and contact with the victim's droppings, urine, saliva, nasal discharge, or even breathing the same air will almost guarantee the sickness continues to spread. The main symptoms are thick nasal discharge, staggering gait, hind leg weakness, fever, and lethargy. Some infected horses even die. Wolves seem unable to catch this horrid disease, but it passes from horse to horse like wildfire, and whole herds are dropping like flies, especially with more horses in a smaller area and larger herds. The disease also causes malformed or aborted foals in pregnant mares, and foals, along with the elderly, are more susceptible to it.

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Edited on 15/05/17 @ 14:34:35 by Polopony (#96942)

dogteef (#96630)

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Posted on
2017-06-09 21:20:37
Augustus ||
-mentions: Aynaet, Bacon

"I like the sound of that Aynaet." He said, looking to her, a smile on his maw. He pawed at the ground as he heard of Bacon's first task. Augustus could just see the wolverine showing his kind of dominance. Laughing to himself, August draped his large head over Aynaet's back, the heat breaking a sweat on the large stallion.

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Shadow_2019_ (#106857)

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Posted on
2017-06-09 21:21:58
(Woah this is moving fast....)

Fire- Mentions: Sereno and Alycone

"Sounds like a plan." He said before he walked off, headed right back over to his mates side. "I have never been more glad to be able to lay down." He said as he laid down, his legs needing the rest. He had lost so much weight that if he wasn't as tall as he was he could be considered a yearling. He sighed and put his head down, not even bothering to drink or eat yet. He just wanted rest.

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gaara of the desert
(drinking) (#106478)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-06-09 21:26:14

he walks up to the foal with a smirk on his long face he was already a dominant animal species just being a wolverine to foals he was probably a nightmare "hey kid follow me NOW" he said in a kind but stern voice when the foal didnt budge he gave a glare so they followed him to aynaet "hows that"

(cactus could be someone aynaet and august meet on there way to making a new herd)

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Edited on 09/06/17 @ 21:28:50 by rocky (the pumi dog) (#106478)

gaara of the desert
(drinking) (#106478)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-06-09 21:27:37
lemme edit

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2017-06-09 21:28:11
(Aynaet said to Shadow and Delta, but they aren't tiny foals, Shdow is a mare now but Delt ais a adolescent head over heels for her)

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-06-09 21:29:02
((Slapps Fire.. "We Are Under Attack Fool.. Ahh yes forgot got about that.. We will just say that was she calls all younger horses... Like how a 35 years man will calk a 25 year old boy still just this once ))

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Edited on 09/06/17 @ 21:31:11 by RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

gaara of the desert
(drinking) (#106478)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-06-09 21:29:42
(but bacon is an adult so :/ he cAlls them kids :p)

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2017-06-09 21:31:56
(I know, but they arent like, "I just came out of the womb" foals
Oml XD)

Delta - Shadow

The palomino colt didn't move at all when the wolerine told him to, he just glanced at Shadow. She laughed in answer. She snorted while laughing(like Ronno in Bambi). He just cocked his head.

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gaara of the desert
(drinking) (#106478)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-06-09 21:36:21

"DONT MESS WITH ME" he snarled nipping at his back leg not hard but just enough for it to hurt quite a bit "GET MOVING" he snapped nipping at the foal again

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2017-06-09 21:38:34
Shadow - Delta, Bacon

Delta hopped away, but backed away to Shadow. Shadow smirked, screaming boo so loud and unexpectedly it scared the day lights out of Delta and the wolverine. She used her nose to shove the wolverine awya, the animal rolling away.
"Who is he?" Delta stuttered.
"Its Bacon. Hes trying to act strong. Just bug with him. Hes fun." SHadow cackled, shaking her mane.

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gaara of the desert
(drinking) (#106478)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-06-09 21:41:39

"you dont take animals like me serious until were mad do you" he snarled loudly but tried to avoid biting for blood he grabbed shadows long tail and tugged on it pretty hard "stop it you immature mare" he growled trying to be dominant without going haywal on them

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2017-06-09 21:44:04
Shadow - Delta

"get off of me. Your so adorable when your angry." She said teasingly, kcking at his nose softly before she kicked pretty sharply and swished her tail in an arch letting her tailfall behind her.
"Make us follow you. Come on Delta lets have some fun." She said, trotting away with her tail held high, swaying her hips while trotting. Delta followed like he was in a trance.

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dogteef (#96630)

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Posted on
2017-06-09 21:45:17
Augustus ||
-mentions: Bacon, Aynaet, Delta, Shadow

The large stallion watched the colts with disgust. Though he was not Bacon's biggest fan in the herd, he disliked the disrespect coming from the colts in front of him. He pondered stepping in and staying something, but decided against it, not in front of Aynaet at least. August stood there, a look of disgust on his face that was visibly noticeable.

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gaara of the desert
(drinking) (#106478)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-06-09 21:48:00

he snarled and became angry he jumped on the mare and bit her back just barely hard enough to draw blood "STOP MESSING WITH ME IM NOT A TOY AND I AM CERTAINLY NOT SOMEONE TO MESS WITH ICAN HURT YOU BADLY IF I WANTED BUT I WONT BECAUSE I WILL BE KILLED BY ANAET IF I DID" his snarls were real and his voice was rough he wasnt playing and anymore of this playing could cause him to lose all patients with these horses

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2017-06-09 21:52:29
Shadow - Bacon

She instantly rolled on her back, crushing Bacon with all she would, roling around. "If you were a toy to me you would be ripped apart bud." She said, her back stinging butshe's had worse. Delta dfensivley said, "Get off of her you nasty thing. Shes a beautiful thing while you are an ugly sabertooth buck face rat." He said angrily.
"thanks for the compliment. Haha, lets race the fella!" Shadow said, shaking off Bacon before walking over to Delta, slapping him playfully in the face ith her tail.
"Sure?" Delta said, cocking his head.
"I've been watching but I'd hate to see this trainwreck go down." Bone cckled, trotting out the bare trees with a smirk.
"Lets go then!!" SHe said, rearing before dashing off with her 2 friends, while one is her brother. They were too fast for the littke thing to catch upto.
"Don't give up easily!! Your fun!!" Bone called back.

(What do I say? They are pricks)

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