Posted by ★Written In The Stars★- A wolf RP {Sign Ups}

☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-09-23 07:51:04
★Written In The Stars★
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lol ignore village on right side)
Season: Winter

Hello Everyone,
So i see a lot of wolf RP's around, but I noticed that recently a lot have gone inactive, and some have been going for ages, and its awkward to join. SOOO I thought i'd make my own :D This is my first ever time creating a RP, so I'm not expecting people to come swarming in their thousands....But I wanted to give this a go, and see who is interested. All the info will be available down below, I will keep an organised spread sheet of members and if people become inactive I will PM them and find out why. OF COURSE I understand having a busy life, but I know that personally when I am RPing and people sign up but then never post i get a little agitated. So if you are interested please leave a comment down below and I will make application forms XD

For years rival packs Solepack and Lunapack have lived deep in the forests of Canada. The lake is all that separates their territory. Sole pack resides on the left side of the lake in a small forest sheltered by a mountain. Lunapack is situated on the right side of the lake, their territory is the forest. Winter is coming, and with it deadly illness and a lack of prey. The river will freeze over, leaving packs vulnerable to attacks.

★Monthly Event★
Winter has come, and with it so has illness, it has ingulfed the land. The packs have recognised this disease as Starcough, a fatal disease that has killed wolves before. It is known to the humans as canine distemper, and it is called Starcough because elderly wolves tell a legend that long ago the disease made its first aperance in a pack called Starpack. They were a small pack and all members were infected, they retreated to the depths of the caves. Crawling into the darkness, their leader Ink was the first to get it, and the last to die. When Starpack was found hundreds of years later, ledgend has it that all that was found were their bones and teeth, glimmering in the sun like stars.


Down below, when it says there is 1/2 alphas it means that one pack has an alpha, one doesn't and likewise for other rolls

1/2 Alpha- The leader of a pack

2/2 Alpha Female- Mate of the alpha, highest ranking female who helps the alpha in his leadership

2/2 Beta- The alpha's second in command

1/4 Gamma- The pack's lead warrior

2/4 Delta- Messenger of the pack

1/- Epsilon- Hunters of the pack

1/2 Zeta- Healer of the pack

1/2 Eta- The healer's trainee

1/- Theta- Pack's warriors

1/- Pups- the youngest members of the pack, under 10 months.

0/- Elders- The oldest members of the pack

(Yes I'm aware that these positions properly aren't like other ones you have seen, but I didn't want MASSIVE lists of "the gamma of the bata of the delta of the eta" bc that is so confusing lol)

★Sign Up Sheet★



Gender: All gender identities accepted :) Don't feel that you have to hide the true you...or your wolf <3

Sexuality: Again, all sexualities accepted





History (optional):





Game Rules

• All LioDen rules apply.

• Godmodding and powerplay are unacceptable.

• Everyone should be kind to one another in and out of character.

• By signing up you agree to all of these rules, please contact me if there is a problem

• You character must have weaknesses as well as strengths. No Mary/Gary Sues

• This is intended to be at least semi literate roll play, so at least 4-5 lines per post, the occasional writers block is fine! We all get it, but please do tell us so we can help you out/ work around it

• Be active. If you need to drop or take a break for any reason please inform me if you are able to. If you are inactive for more then 5 days without telling me I will PM you. If you have a major character or your character is involved in a major part of the plot I will PM you sooner

• Properly source all photo references. Do not use artwork that doesn’t belong to you (unless you can prove it was commissioned to you) please do not just put "this doesn't belong to me" as that doesn't count as a source"

• Mild swearing is allowed, but PLEASE keep it minimal

• All mature content must either fade to black or be taken off-site Mild violence is okay, but don't offend other players

• Don't me mates with your own character...That just a little... Creepy *cough*

• Please don't make this RP 1x1 do wait for others to reply

• Max of 4 characters

• Put WOWO WOLF in other so I know you have read these ;)

Pack Law

1. If you disrespect these rules/break the law the alpha will decide your punishment

2. What the alpha says, goes

3. Every morning a hunting party will go out, consisting of ONLY the hunters

4. At the end of each day wolves will howl to the sky in gratitude for their wise ancestors that guide them through even the hardest of times

5. Wolves must share ALL food, any wolf found keeping food to themselves will be punished

6. Pups may choose their own paths

7. Warriors and Hunters that have nothing to do will watch the pups if their mother/carer can't

8. Wolves must protect each other NO MATTER WHAT, even ranks, one wolf's life is just as valuable as all the others

9. Alpha's have the power demote or promote any wolf, weather they like it or not

10. If a wolf wishes to challenge another wolf for his or her rank, they will go to the alpha and fight right there, right now

(more rules coming)






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Edited on 08/10/16 @ 02:02:54 by Sprinkles *Lights On!* (#86006)

☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-09-29 07:55:12
exactly... I will post something on the forums

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Edited on 29/09/16 @ 14:57:35 by Sprinkles (#86006)

☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-09-29 07:58:23

here, we have a chat thread to talk on <3
also, where is the second alpha? We have one alpha, and one Alpha female

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2016-09-29 12:17:47
Name: Alamora

Age: 7

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Pack: Lunapack

Position: Alpha,if not then healer,if still not then I will change her age and make her an elder.


Personality: Alamora is a kind and caring wolf and only wants what's best for the pack.She loves to smile and avoids conflicts but will fight to the death when it comes down to it. She walks with a limp due to her mangled paw but still enjoys a good run.She can sometimes be too soft and allow wolves to break the rules,she needs a strong mate to keep the pack in order


Mate/Crush: the alpha male if alpha

Pups: none yet!


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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-09-29 12:28:54
Is she Alpha female? Or Alpha

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2016-09-29 12:29:48
Alpha would be fine

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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-09-29 12:54:55
okay, but I think she might have to be alpha female, because she is female. The alpha female still takes up the roll of the alpha, she is just the mate of the alpha. So she helps the alpha make decisions and like him has a major leadership roll

edit: Also Lunapack already has an Alpha

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Edited on 29/09/16 @ 19:57:35 by Sprinkles (#86006)

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2016-09-29 12:59:53
so Alpha female or healer or elder?

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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-09-29 13:02:26
yes, your choice :)

Gah no sorry Lunapack has a healer, however it doesn't have a healer apprentice, although her age would have to be taken down a little bit if she wanted to become an apprentice for the healer
Here is the members sheet, it shows what positions are taken, and what aren't

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Edited on 29/09/16 @ 20:07:18 by Sprinkles (#86006)

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2016-09-29 21:51:12
I'll take alpha female

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Solaris (#95849)

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Posted on
2016-09-29 21:59:01
Is still open for sign-ups?

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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-09-30 05:29:41
Okay @mr.man78

@Solaris Yup

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Edited on 30/09/16 @ 12:29:59 by Sprinkles (#86006)

Solaris (#95849)

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Posted on
2016-09-30 06:56:47
Name: Zio

Age: 3 years

Gender: female

Sexuality: Bi-sexual, male lean

Pack: LunaPack

Position: Epsilon

Looks: [img][/img]

Personality: Anilia is strong-willed but at the same time she is kind to her friends and to her familiy, all ways willing to help out if the need arises however this is to a degree, she will not risk her or her family or friends lives, that is unless she must to save her friends or family, if this happens she will gladly give up her own life. She is brave and a pretty decent hunter

History(optional): She keeps her story close to her heart and shares it only if she knows that she can trust you 100%

Mate/Crush: None, open PM me

Pups: someday hopefully

Other: WOWO Wolf

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Edited on 30/09/16 @ 14:28:12 by Solaris (#95849)

☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-09-30 07:24:48
^^ Accepted, however on page 3 we already have an Anilia

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Solaris (#95849)

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Posted on
2016-09-30 07:25:49
Do we a Zio?

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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-09-30 07:26:30
no, haha sorry about that

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