Posted by Rivalry of the Sun and Dusk| Sign-Ups | Semi-Lit+

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-09-24 10:36:06
Starseeker Sign-Ups
Gathering Place
Sunrise Pack
Duskfall Pack



The chorus of howling resonates off the surrounding mountains, rides along the lake's ripples, and swims through the air like several beautiful birds. It is a song of joy, of reverence, of life. Whether it be a jubilant celebration of new life, or a mournful commemoration of a life since passed, expect to hear the melodious harmony of canid voices against the mountain-formed wind.

Soon after the mountain wolves' song dies down, a new one arises, not in reply, but instead in common interest. A similar celebration takes place at the base of the trees, skipping over stones, splashing through the stream. Yips of young pups are audible through the wooden acoustics, accenting their elders' voices.

The Packs
Sunrise Pack- Current alpha is female; The pack lives on some hilly plains in the shadow of a mountain. There is a shallow lake below the camp. The dens are caves in large boulders or carved into the sides of the mountain facing the east. The highest dens on the mountainside are occupied by the higher ranked wolves and their mates. The ones closest to the lake (slightly damper and colder) and in the lowest rockfaces are occupied by the lower ranked wolves. The Nursery is located in the warmest, most accessible spot from the lake. All of the Apprentices sleep in one huge den and the Tenderfeet in another, both near the lake. Scouts stay the furthermost away from camp and closest to the borders.

Duskfall Pack- Current alpha is female; The pack lives in eye shot of the western side of the mountain. The westernmost point of the territory is dense forest and the easternmost point is flat plains. In the middle of the territory is wooded shrubland. The camp is located in the westernmost area of the shrublands, the dens are made in the bushes and dug under the roots of large trees. The select few that know how to climb trees live in them. A stream, fed by the nearby river, runs around the perimeter of camp and throughout the territory. Apprentices and Tenderfeet sleep in their own individual dens scattered around. The nursery is a large community den that sits just outside of camp; the entrance is shrouded by bushes. Scouts stay the furthermost away from camp and closest to the borders.
Pack Ranks

●Alpha (1) --- Male OR female, the leader; has the last say in every decision.
● Beta (1) --- Male OR female; second in command; advisor of Alpha and the one who is in charge of domestic decisions/debates within the pack.
●●●Epsilon --- Alpha's mate
●●●Upsilon --- Beta's mate
● Deltas (2) --- Young wolves next in line for alpha/beta; chosen as pups/young adols to lead after alpha/beta steps down - They posess no true status (i.e. - not above or below the Zeta), but they are still higher-classed wolves as they are most likely children of the higher-ups, especially the alpha or beta.
● Zeta (1) --- Commander (General) of the warriors; third in command; war general; fighting and battle strategy is his/her specialty.
● Kappa (1) --- Lead hunter; male or female; hunting and formation strategy is his/her specialty
● Nobles (2-8) --- 1-4 females, 1-4 males; no real duty/job. Hunt AND fight for the pack; mainly royal ambassadors in the place of the beta and alpha
● Royal Guards (2-5) --- Guards of the high class wolves' cubs.
● Apprentices (unlimited) --- Former Sigmas; 3-13 months old. Will become either royal guards or nobles; were not chosen to be deltas. Deltas are chosen at 6 months (1/2 year) of age.
● Sigmas (2 litters [1-4 pups per litter]) --- Cubs of upper class wolves. Deltas are chosen from these cubs unless there are VERY special circumstances; separated from the 'Juniors' - these wolves start training at 3 months old
~~~^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Higher Class ^ ^ ^ ^ ^~~~
~~~V V V V V Lower Class V V V V V~~~
● Preists/Priestesses --- Wolves with the uncanny ability to communicate with the gods and goddesses; the most difficult positions to aquire because they have to be born with the ability, it cannot be taught.
● Healer (1) --- Possesses sharp knowledge of herbs/medicines for healing packmates; not allowed to have pups or a mate unless given permission; if they are found to be guilty of this law, they are removed from their position or, in major circumstances, expelled from the pack altogether.
● Warriors (2-7) --- fighters; fight for pack safety; guard the pack
● Hunters (2-7) --- hunters; usually females or lanky/long-legged males
● Scouts (2-4) --- Scout out the herds for large hunts; spies; keep track of battles and report back to the captains of the battle/alpha-beta; messengers
● Tenderfeet (unlimited 'a tenderfoot') --- In training to become any lower rank. Former Juniors. 4-14 months old.
● Juniors (2 litters [1-4 pups per litter]) --- Cubs born to low ranks and are watched over by the omega; begin training at 4 months old
● Elders (2) --- Respected by the upper class and lower class alike; the wisest/oldest of the wolves (8-12 years)
● Omega (1) --- Lowest ranked wolf; eats last, watches the lower-class cubs while parents are away.


• Three sentences minimum per post
• Hate the character, not the player
• When speaking out of character.. please use ()'s!
• No powerplaying!
• If you are going to be gone for a while, please alert us!
• Lioden rules apply
• Relationships with characters and NPCs are definitely allowed!
• If you have read these rules, put 'Sunfall' in Other
• Check out my Mustang RP! Leotie Herd Sign-Ups

Family / (EX)-Mates:
Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
Den Appearance (Optional but encouraged):

----If you reserve a position you have 4 days to make an acceptable form if another person also wants the position. A week to make the form if no one else asks for the position.
Extra Info

●Deltas continue their training inside of the pack until they are 16 months old and leave for a season and a half (typically during the summer) to train and learn how to lead a pack. They will have a month to touch up on their normal techniques, then spend a month with a noble to learn diplomacy and the beta to learn how to lead. After their training with their Noble and the Beta, a month is spent in the other packs meeting the other alphas, spending a few days getting to know the pack, etc.
● A wolf's gestational period is two months.
Cub Development
Original Idea/Owner belongs to/is Raptorfeather (Cinder) (#26583).
Time skips one month forward EVERY SATURDAY at 6:00 PM.

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Edited on 13/11/16 @ 10:42:53 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2016-11-06 15:06:11

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-11-06 15:06:33
Plus NPCs.

And in Sunrise:

Kerrin (We'll just have Kenai be sick or something.)
Daemon (He's still a thing, right?)
Maybe the Daenai cubs?

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-11-06 15:07:19
Oh, uh, sure... I'm just trying to revitalise the RP.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-11-06 15:07:52
Yes on Daemon for now

Hunter XD Maybe Kappa? o3o

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-11-06 15:08:29
And I had said sometime last week that there would be a gathering this week. It's not like this is a sudden, unplanned thing.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-11-06 15:08:30
Oh I know she's just having a really hard time keeping up to even post.. I gave her a basic rundown of everything
Really? o.o' I dun remembers

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Edited on 06/11/16 @ 22:08:52 by Wolflord (LOff; Weekend Hiatus (#17200)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-11-06 15:09:48
I need to go to bed.

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2016-11-06 15:11:36
I already have Xiva as a high rank, so I don't want two wolves of a high rank, personally.

But I could use the Kappa position for [memes] her personality, making her more assertive... Hmm...

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-11-06 15:13:13
@Wolfie: Top post on page four of DF:

"These hunting expeditions served as a sort of therapy or meditation for the Zeta, a brief vacation from the stresses of pack life and current affairs. Especially since it was partly up to him to decide who was going to the gathering next month."

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-11-06 15:14:00
Oh I don't really pay much attention to those o.o''

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-11-06 15:17:23
Huh. And I thought I'd mentioned it somewhere else as well, but I can't remember.

I just thought everyone else read everyone else's posts like I do...

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-11-06 15:20:42
I do, But I must've been busy or stressing or half asleep at the time.. I slightly remember it but it's hazy

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2016-11-06 16:00:40
Name: Alkalai

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Age: 4 years

Rank: Kappa

Pack: Duskfall

Family / (EX)-Mates: N/A

Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
+ Fast
+ Intelligent
+ Strong [When it comes to prey; Pretty average against other wolves]
~ Cowardly
~ Aggressive

Personality: Alkalai is the kind of hard-headed wolf that can't take a joke, and won't stand for any crap that's given to her. She's bold, aggressive, and won't be happy if a hunting party comes back empty pawed, since her own mentality is that if she can come back with a rabbit or some other form of prey by herself, a hunting party can do the same. Sometimes, to prove this, she can be gone for hours. When someone requests that she calm down or lay off, she does anything but that, getting more aggressive. However, with her cockiness in hunting, she gets more skiddish when it comes to wolf-on-wolf combat. In terms of killing prey, it's for her survival, but when it comes to asserting dominance against fellow wolves, she feels that the best hunter wouldn't be able to take down the average warrior, considering they have the capability to fight back.

Biography: She's the average born in-pack to irrelevant parents who died once she became an adult in the eyes of the pack. Nothing too special. She's seen a thing or two while out on solo patrols, but that's about it.

Den Appearance (Optional but encouraged): She is one of the few who have learned to climb trees, although she only knows enough to get her up to the lowest branches. There are various claw holds in the tree, made by her many attempts to get up, and she just lays on a thick branch and calls that her den.

Other: Sunfall

Description/Image: Alkalai is a light reddish-brown wolf with shaggy fur and a cream underbelly. The area on top of her muzzle down her spine to the tip of her tail is dotted with black flecks, giving the illusion that tar had rained down on her as a pup and just stayed there, staining her fur. Her tail is slightly longer than normal, along with her muzzle She is made especially intimidating with her icy blue eyes, which she highly appreciates when it comes to getting others to take a hunting party seriously.

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-11-06 21:26:38

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-11-07 13:33:33
Shameless advertising xD Hopefully this rp will kick off better than the others x3

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