Posted by .:Apex Wars:. Human Vs. Animals Sign Ups OPEN

Crownteeth (#39277)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-09-28 03:51:00


Chat Thread Thread {Not Open}
Roleplay Thread {Not Open}

…Humans are a naturally destructive species…
Humans seemed too like war, violence, fighting, destroying. They’ve begun to tear mother earth up and pollute her air with their chemicals. They killed her children without thought for fun or for food, they caged them for others to look at or made them bend too unnatural commands. “We are the top species. The apex of apex predators.” Oh what a laugh honestly. We aren’t apex predators, we hunt with unnatural devices not fully known to the animals that hunt with tooth, claw, and determination. But we’ve begun to kill their home and it’s beginning to look like they’ve had more than enough of our destruction. The apex predators have begun to understand tactics, strategies, and have begun to show unnatural behavior with the way they interact; prides of lions joining with other prides too become larger, wolves were doing the same to form larger packs, wolverine traveling in groups, bears traveling together…it was all odd. Until the attacks begun, human kind was driven from the entire northern and western half of the country by the animals who had escaped from the zoos and formed up. But strangely enough each of these groups had one leader, one human leader who seemed too understand what they wanted and what they said inside their heads. And it was these leaders that made them dangerous, able to understand human life and the way it worked, how we worked and they used it to divide and conquer. They had become traitors’ too human kind in a way, but the government was determined to get a hold of these people and turn them back to our side. Use them too command the animals against each other. So they created a small task force and gave them what training they could before sending them into the massive city where these people, these ‘traitors’ are said to reside. Their task is now simpler, find the leaders, the alphas, the kings, and either turn them or kill them if they couldn’t be swayed.

.:The Rules:.

- All LioDen rules apply.

- Godmodding and powerplay are not acceptable. The only characters you have the right to control are your own and no one here is invincible. You will be called out and warned if you do either. A repeat offender will be banned

- This roleplay may have some darker themes, but mature content/18+ will need to either fade to black or be taken off site in compliance with LioDen’s roleplay rules. This would include mating, birthing or excessive gore/violence.

- This is intended to be an intermediate to advanced roleplay. You will be required to post at least one paragraph (5 sentences) and practice proper grammar. No one liners as they do nothing but stop the progression of the rp.

- Please be active. Inform me if you need to drop or take a hiatus.

- Do not use any artwork that you did not create yourself as a reference for your character unless it was specifically made for you. Please provide proof. Art theft will not be tolerated by me at all, if I find you lied about owning the art I will ban you from the rp.

- You may use photo references, but you MUST link back to the original source. I will not accept applications using unsourced or improperly sourced pictures. Tinypic, Pinterest and Photobuck generally do not count as original sources.

- You can have up to four characters per person. If you prove to be active than you may request a fifth character.

- Swearing is allowed, but don’t overdo it.

- I expect everyone to be polite to one another out of character. If you have a real problem with someone, PM me and I will get it sorted out.

- Limit 1x1 this is supposed to be a group roleplay. Give everyone a chance to respond before moving on. Wait two posts before you post again.

- If you managed everything than please copy this into your other section. “I have read and understood all the given rules, I know if I break them there are consequences that are in place and I will respect everyone.”!

- This RP is LGBTQ+ friendly. Don’t like it or have a problem with it then either ignore it or leave please. Discrimination will not be tolerated.

- No same character mates.

.:Sign Up Form (Human Task Force):.
Code Name
Previous Job?
Family Relationships
Brief History

.:Sign Up Form (Leaders of the Animal Groups):.
Animal Group Controlled
[Wolves & African Wild Dogs, Leopards & Jaguar, Tigers & Lions, Bears & Wolverines, Komodo Dragons & Crocodiles]
Residence In The City?
[Where do they and their Pride/Pack/Group live]
[All of them will have one odd pupil. Ex; tear shaped, cat slit, etc]
Family Relationships
Brief History

.:Human Task Force:.
*Platoon Leaders*(0/3)
These guys have a good deal of intelligence and military training, they are trusted too lead their platoon during this mission. They will not be willingly accepted at all and may run the risk of attack at any time if not careful.

They have little military background and only defensive training, they are seen as non-threats too the leaders and animals and may be more willingly allowed into the city or even the area where the groups reside if they prove they mean no harm.

These guys have experience in the army and a good deal of training. They are often of military background and will not be taken lightly by the animal leaders at all. More often than naught they may be either attacked or sent away.

.:Animal Group Leaders:.
*Wolves & African Wild Dogs Alpha*(0/1)
The top dog here, they act as the Alpha for both the wolf pack and the pack of AWD. They live among these animals more often than naught and are the deciding force between attack and hold, they are able to communicate with them through a mental link as well. They can keep up running for longer distances as well as their eyes have gotten sharper along with their teeth having sharpened.

*Leopards & Jaguar King*(0/1)
The pride leader here, they act as the King for both the leopards and the jaguars. They live among these animals more often than naught and are the deciding force between attack and hold, they are able to communicate with them through a mental link as well. They have a lot more stealth and they have faint rosettes across their skin in a leopard like pattern. Their teeth and nails seem too have gotten longer and sharper.

*Tigers & Lions King*(0/1)
The pride leader here, they act as the King for both the tigers and the lion pride. They live among these animals more often than naught and are the deciding force between attack and hold, they are able to communicate with them through a mental link as well. They have a more commanding aura about them with their eyes having taken on a golden hue, their teeth look longer and sharper as well.

*Bears & Wolverines Chieftain*(0/1)
The chief here, they act as the Chieftain for both the bears and the wolverines. They live among these animals more often than naught and are the deciding force between attack and hold, they are able to communicate with them through a mental link as well. They seem slightly stronger and their eyes seem a little darker, their teeth and nails seem a little longer and sharper.

*Komodo Dragons & Crocodiles Ruler*(0/1)
The ruler here, they act as the Ruler for both the komodo dragons and the crocodiles. They live among these animals more often than naught and are the deciding force between attack and hold, they are able to communicate with them through a mental link as well. They seem too have tougher skin and a green tint too their eyes along with sharpening teeth.


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Edited on 28/09/16 @ 14:28:19 by (~Shiba-Keeba~) (#39277)

Crownteeth (#39277)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-10-05 14:25:39
*Pats Isles*
It's another one of mine XD

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Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RoS (#26583)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-10-05 14:26:08
:OOO ISLES!! I forgot im likely the only one that stalks recent so much.

BAB YOU MUST. VERY GOOD that's the rp thread <3

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Ser Isles (#57298)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-10-05 14:26:56
oh fucking yes it's werewolves man i fucking love werewolves i mean wereanythings rly i mean gimme a werebat shove a weresnake into my life i dont care gimme

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Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RoS (#26583)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-10-05 14:28:33

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-10-05 14:34:57
I hate myself for deleting my bios bc I feel fine to rp now. I honestly thought my cat dying was going to destroy me. am I a monster for being ok? like I'm really sad, but I'm ok to rp still

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Ser Isles (#57298)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-10-05 14:36:49
nah mate ur all good
Sometimes you think something will destroy you but that preparedness makes it less destructive. It's ok to wanna rp and be creative while in grief ok?

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-10-05 14:39:07
thank you friend. ;o;

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Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RoS (#26583)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-10-05 14:48:10
exactly what Isles-chi said paz :(

Sometimes we NEED something to keep us busy, and it just so happens that the thing we need to keep us busy makes us feel a bit better too. I know im the same way, ive logged on like 20-40 days in a row(idr) because Im having an... - interesting - home life right now :L It's just something people do, though it seems insensitive and weird.

It isnt though, is what im trying to say <33 I think it's the preparation that will either make it that much worse, or that much more of an "im really sad, but i need to do stuff" feeling. :(

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