Posted by Stars Above Us (Warrior cat Rp ~ Sign ups)

Vex (#57493)

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Posted on
2016-09-28 06:38:55

The forest is drying up, and food is running scarce. Three clans must come together to think of a solution, but how well can they work together after many moons of battleing, and hate amongst each other. They all will be tested by the cats of the stars, on we're loyalties truley lie...

LilyClan named after the founder Lillystar, was a cat of loyalty, devotion, and humility, these three traits flow within all LilyClan cats, of old and young. Known for their thick coats, strength, and stealth, LilyClan cats reside in the northern parts of forest.


- Sleetstar - She-cat - Played by - Naipherah #88158
- Dakrheart - Tom - Played by - Joker #93168
Medicine Cat
Medicine Cat App
- Shadowstep - Tom - Played by - Naipherah #88158
- Adderstrike - Tom - Played by - Sahara #57493
- pinefang- She-cat - Played by - Lunarskies #66248
- Reedpaw - She-cat - Played by - Sahara #57493
- Windpaw - Tom - Played by - Lunarskies #66248

Moss Clan
Moss clan named after the founder of the clan, Mossstar Moss a symbol of Honor Loyalty and Patients, with the clan and the forest. Theses forest cats are most known for her strength and ability to climb any tree in the forest.


- Lionstar - Tom - Played by - Sahara #57493
- Morningfang - She-cat - Played by - Lunarskies #66248
Medicine Cat
- Emberstorm - She-cat - Played by - Pandora paradox #89006
Medicine Cat App
- Sunpaw - She-cat - Played by - Naipherah #88158
- Blazeheart - Tom - Played by - Sand #77192
- Sparkheart - Tom - Played by - Pandora paradox #89006
- Echoclaw - She-cat - Played by - Lunar skies #66248
- Dovepaw - She-cat - Played by - Sahara #88158
- Oakpaw - Tom - Played by - Naipherah #88158
- Featherwind - She-cat - Played by - Sand #77992
- Tigerkit - Tom - Played by - fearedlion #67784
- Flickerstrike - She-cat - Played by - Lunarskies #66248

Ash Clan
Ash clan named after the ash star the founder of ashclan, ash star was known for the strength a wisdom devoted into the clan, and the Same strength and wisdom that has been passed down to the new generation of this clan. The ashclan is manly known for her rock hard pads able to walk across rocky surfaces that make up the dens.


- Smokestar - Tom - Played by - Blair #91417
- Wolfmist - She-cat - Played by - Aruawolf7 #69762
Medicine Cat
- Silverhawk - Tom - Played my - Neptuneneb Lights on #64036
Medicine Cat App
- Tawnyclaw - She-cat - Played by - Sahara #57493
- Crowthistle - Tom - Played by - Naipherah #88158
- Ivybreeze - She-cat - Played by - Naipherah #88158
- Troutstep - Tom - Played by - Lunarskies #66248
- Cliffpaw - Tom - Played by - Sahara #57493
- Aspenpaw - She-cat - Played by - Lunarskies #66248
- Frostleap - She-cat - Played by - #66248


- Jubilee - She-cat - Played by - Blair #91417


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Edited on 08/10/16 @ 15:41:35 by Sahara (#57493)

Blair (#91417)

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Posted on
2016-10-03 10:09:02
pm me about playing the siblings or being any of their mates they look like this (in order of the form)



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Blair (#91417)

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Posted on
2016-10-04 10:12:42

:: Quote ::
"Love is stronger than hate
No matter how hard you rebel"

:: Age ::
8 Moons

:: Gender ::

:: Rank ::

:: Clan ::

:: Appearance ::
A small she-cat with short grey/brown fur and grey/blue eyes rimmed with green.
:: Sexuality ::

:: Personality ::

Jubilee is kind and sweet. She loves all and can't bring herself to hate anyone or hate anything.

:: Brief History ::
Jubilee is the daughter of Felicity, her mother a kittypet and Rowanclaw, a warrior. Jubilee has once thought about becoming a warrior, but found it hard to make the transition.

:: Strengths ::

:: Weaknesses ::

:: Relationship ::
Mother: She loves and could never be thought of as better.
Father: She loves and yearns to know what he did and do what he did.

::Other ::

| Name Meaning |
A type of tea invented in London.

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LunarSkies (#66248)

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Posted on
2016-10-04 12:42:12
Grief is like the ocean; it comes on waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim.”
26 Moons

Troutstep is a silver and black tom.
Troutstep is a kind, flirtatious tom who has no idea what personal space is. He enjoys speaking to all the cats in the clan. He is usually fairly charming, and he knows how to get what he wants.
Brief History
Troutstep had a single sister while growing up, and he loved her dearly. They did everything together, trained, fought, and eventually got their warrior names together. They were happy for a few moons, when his sister vanished one night. He does his best to be happy, but it's mostly a fake presence.
Charming, kind.
Scared of heights, impulsive.


"There is no such thing as paranoia. Your worst fears can come true at any moment."
30 Moons

Frostleap is a pure white she-cat with blue and green eyes.
Frostleap is a soft spoken she-cat, who befriends everyone who speaks to her. She has a history of being pushed around, so if she suspects that it's happening to her, she will stop speaking to them. This will be her first litter, and she's extremely prone to imagining worst case scenarios, and she's made herself nervous.
Brief History
Frostleap had a fairly kithood but towards the end of her apprentice moons, she changed when her mother passed away. She became silent, and spent all of her time alone. After a few moons she eventually began to speak again.
Kind, good "motherly senses"
Easily pushed around, paranoid
Open, pm me if you would like to be her kits or her mate.


"The only kind of love worth having is the kind that goes on living and laughing and fighting and loving."
20 Moons

Pineflame is a brown she-cat
Pineflame is the definition of short tempered. A single comment can send her into a frenzy, and the only way to calm her down is to apologize. Although it has gotten better through the years, she has much to learn.
Brief History
Even as a kit, Pineflame got into fights whether it be with her siblings or other kits. It continued while she was an apprentice, and even now as a warrior she continues to have little spats with her clanmates.
Strong in battle, compassionate
Aggressive, short temper
Open just pm me


"I never forget. I never forgive. I can wait. I find it very easy to harbor a grudge. I have scores to settle."
24 Moons

Echoclaw is a silver she-cat with brown spots along her face and back. She has dark brown eyes, and if fairly small compared to her fellow warriors.
Echoclaw is a pretty she-cat with a sharp tongue. She enjoys teasing her friends, but she can make it personal in less than a second. She tends to hold a grudge, and she remembers almost everyone who has wronged her.
Brief History
Echoclaw has had a fairly normal life. ( I hate histories.)
Good at hunting, nice enough
Grudges, small size.
Open, just pm me.

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Edited on 07/10/16 @ 15:59:23 by LunarSkies||Lights off|| (#66248)

Vex (#57493)

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Posted on
2016-10-05 00:15:25
Blair - all your cats are accepted I will be adding them right now

Lunar skies - I hope you finish your forms soon :)

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Blair (#91417)

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Posted on
2016-10-05 10:57:34
I am going to make more later but right now I don't have much time.

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LunarSkies (#66248)

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Posted on
2016-10-05 12:57:20
Finished my forms

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Vex (#57493)

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Posted on
2016-10-05 17:02:24
Lunar skies - like your forms all accepted I really liked reading about them, and I really like your two ashclan cats frostleap and troutstep.

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AuraStar🌟 (#69762)

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Posted on
2016-10-05 22:56:57
If it is in fact still open my I reserve a spot for ash clan deputy? I'm busy helping my mother clean

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Vex (#57493)

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Posted on
2016-10-06 04:54:03
Of course you may reserve it I will hope to see your cat/cats soon

Everyone, I may not be on to accept your characters or answer questions because I'm live in Florida and hurricane Mathew is a coming so my power might blow out, but hopefully not my house

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Edited on 06/10/16 @ 11:54:34 by Sahara (#57493)

Blair (#91417)

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Posted on
2016-10-06 07:22:33
Sahara I can help you out with accepting and taking note of it if you want?

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AuraStar🌟 (#69762)

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Posted on
2016-10-06 07:45:04
"A good friend will see you for who you are, no matter what face you wear"
23 moons
Ash clan
Wolfmist has soft somewhat long grayish black fur that blends with her white fur. She has yellowish green eyes.
WolfMist is a cat who could be desribed as usually laid back, unless the situation was a serious one, and open minded. She'd rather do things peacfully first via talkin it out but if that doesn't get anywhere she isn't afraid to put her paw down and use some force. She's known to have the a pretty sassy mouth despite how much she tries not to be so. WolfMist always tries not to show it but she's comstantly afraid of letting anyone down and feels scared that she may not be good enough to be deputy.
Brief History
WolfMist had a stander life in the clan, she always had a deep want to help her clan the best way how, thus making her determind to become deputy.
Quick thinker,Fast,Agile
Mother: BlizzardFur (Dead)

Father: NightFang (Dead)

Brother: Pm me if interested

Sister: Pm me if interested

Mate: None at the moment Pm me if intrested

Hope this ok, and I'm kinda in the same boat with the hurricane. I do find it funny that I meet someone else here who's also dealing with Matthew XD

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Edited on 08/10/16 @ 07:03:12 by AuraWolf7 (#69762)

Vex (#57493)

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Posted on
2016-10-06 08:28:40
Blair - that was be greatly appreciated because the storm is said to last two weeks at the most

Aruawolf7 - wolf mist is accepted and I will add her right now

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AuraStar🌟 (#69762)

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Posted on
2016-10-06 08:48:08

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The Joker Wolf (#93618)

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Posted on
2016-10-07 05:28:31
You guys still accepting :3?

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The Joker Wolf (#93618)

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Posted on
2016-10-07 07:33:55

George,_a_perfect_example_of_a_tuxedo_ca.: Name :.


.: Quote :.

" Without darkness, one cannot know light. "

.: Age :.

55 moons

.: Gender :.


.: Rank :.


.: Clan :.


.: Appearence |Source :.

DarkHeart is a strong brute. He is large and can look very intimidating to those who don't know him. He is a jet black, with a large tuff of white on his chest. He does have a speck of white on his forhead and his lip area. His paws look as if his paws were dapped with white, giving him the look of a tuxedo cat. He has a normal sized tail and weighs about 9 pounds of pure muscle. He averages about a height of 9.8 inches, which makes him quite tall for a tom like himself. He has peircing yellow eyes that are clear and alert at all times.

.: Personality :.

DarkHeart is a bitter tom, hence the name DarkHeart. He could care less about the other clans, and only cares about his clan. He is very loyal, and understands others limits. His limits on the otherhand are oblivious to others, he can be nice and then trying to lash out the next. He hates being around others that are unfamiliar to him, and can have a temper if they taunt him. He may seem like a big brute that only cares for his own well being, but he is a kind person that is only misjudged by his actions. He has been known to sulk, but when his clan needs him, he puts asides his feelings for the good of the clan. He only has good intentions, but it seems his short temper gets in the way, leaving him to be the way he is, quiet and bitter.

.: Brief History :.

DarkHeart was the son of a common warrior and a queen. He was one of three kits born on a crisp winter morning. Though due to it being winter his two other siblings had died, leaving him to be the lone survivor of the litter. When he was young he mostly stayed within the camp, not curious at all like the other kits. Later on his parents died due to old age and joined StarClan. So he tend to wander into the medicine cats den from time to time when he had the free time on his paws, hoping Mistpool would help him. He enjoyed being along side the she-cat, it was peaceful and took his mind off his parents, but he'd mostly spend his time in training. Trying to perfect every move his mentor which was his father, Gooseclaw, showed him. The training was worth it, because he became a tough warrior, which led him to becoming deputy after SleetStar took place as leader. He admired how SleetStar became leader, maybe even a bit envious, but he'd know better than to envy those close. So he made a promise to himself, to never let ranks get in between what really mattered, the lives of his clan mates. Accepting SleetStar as his leader was a challenge, but he then started to get used to her, and actually likes to be around her. It reminded him of Mistpool, and how kind she was to let him in so easily after his parents death.

.: Strengths :.

¤ Strong ¤

He is very stong, due to his size and how he trained when he was a young kit. It all adds up to him becoming an excellent fighter, when it does come time to fight.

¤ Brave ¤

He may be quiet, but he never turns down a challenge. He is willing to fight for the good of the clan. Even if it means he would die in battle.

¤ Smart ¤

He is intelligent. He knows strategies and can plan for the worst, even if pressured, and it was a life or death situation.

.: Weakness :.

¤ Bitter ¤

He can be a grumpy tom at times. He would seem to not want others to talk to him, which is probably the reason why he has no close friends.

¤ Short Tempered ¤

He can get angered easily. He would most likely storm out in frustration, making him loose his train of thought. Only to anger him more, because it could have been important.

¤ Distrustful ¤

He Can't trust others as quickly as others. It takes time and dedication to earn the trust of this big brute. Which makes him more of a lone type tom, making him upset at himself and no one to talk to.

.: Relationships :.

Mate : None
Crush : None
( Available for Crushes, though don't really see any one liking this old brute XD )
Apprentice : None

.: Views :.

LionStorm | Mother | Old Queen | Deceased

You showed me love, something that is valuable to know and earn. Sadly I lost that but it was great when I had it. Thank you..

GooseClaw | Father |Old Warrior/Mentor | Deceased

You showed me everything I know, I wish you were here to see me dad.. I've done it all for you.

MistPool | Friend/Old Crush |Original Medicine Cat | Deceased

You helped me though my toubled times, and for that I couldn't thank you enough. You were the only one there for me, while others didn't care.

SleetStar | Clan Mate| Leader | Alive

I am willing to follow you and your commands, even if it means death.

Greypool | Clan Mate | Med Cat | Alive

You are like Mistypool, but your more.. Snarky.

AdderStrike | Clan Mate | Warrior | Alive

You seem very quiet, but you are very knowledgeable. That's good, I'll remeber to go to you when we need your assistance on getting somewhere.

Shadowstep |Clan Mate | Warrior | Alive

You seem like me a bit. We could be like long lost brothers, but sadly we don't seem to talk.

Pineflame | Clan Mate | Warrior | Alive

You have a short temperament. So do I, but I do like your style. Maybe we can talk? Or maybe even become... friends?

Reedpaw | Clan Mate | Apprentice | Alive

You small little kit, well "apprentice", you are a strong little one.

Windpaw | Clan Mate | Apprentice | Alive

You are very shy I can see that, since I am very observant.

.: Other :.

Any chance I could be an Admin? I'm on everyday and I wouldn't mind helping you with this ^^.

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Edited on 08/10/16 @ 21:54:19 by Joker (#93618)

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