Posted by Sunshine Palace Chat Thread {Full}

Fluffee <#ᕕ(
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Posted on
2016-09-29 12:19:16
{Main Thread Whoop Whoop!
It is said that Orzik, the unspoken king was exiled for crimes punishable by death. He was chased by vote, his lionesses kicking him out. A young, strong male was set up for replacement, but this was a mistake. This reckless male kicked out more lionesses, only choosing the strongest and most beautiful of them all. This king, even though he was leader, passed his leadership onto a queen, Rania. She was strong witted, quick in split second decisions, and beautiful. She stepped up to duty, only tolerating orders from the young king himself. The young king grew, and with Rania by his side, grew into his new name and rank. Shiamar.
His legacy follows a small pride, Rania still alive. Many think Orzik blessed her with immortality, others just think she's a lion goddess in disguise.
Come join your family where you belong. Come find your home.


1; Please no god modding. {Hunting and coming back with a kill every time, no injuries etc.}
2; Wars/ Battles/ Disasters/ Etc will be planned by me and any mods.
3; Dont ask to be a mod.
4; Be courteous. Dont be rude to another player OOC {Out of character}
5. Minimize your OOC chat please!
6; Be active! If you do not post for 2+ days in a row without explanation you will be put on a watch list. If a mod sees you online and PM's you and all you say is "I forgot' You will be kicked!
7; Please, more than just 'And he said blah and walked around.' Develop your character!

Now that im done ranting, here is the basic form;

Lion Name;
Lion Rank;
Kits; {MUST be in heat!}
Other; {Post depth here}

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Edited on 01/10/16 @ 20:42:41 by Roe {#NinjaRoe} (#89013)

Fluffee <#ᕕ(
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Posted on
2016-09-29 12:19:30
Choose a role from below. Leader/Queen/Deputy and Medicine roles will be chosen by how in depth your form is. If you apply for Leader or medicine, please choose a second, backup role in case yours is taken.

Shiamar's Pride {Shiamar's Legend, ruled by a female}

Queen; Rania/Immortal/Queen/Mate; N/A {Roe}

Munku {Another Ser Isles}

Rakiesh {Doe}

Ice Flow, AKA Ice {Another Ser Isles}

Hunters; {Full!}

Kali {Doe}

Tugger {Another Ser Isles}

Apollo {Another Ser Isles}

Sparky {Ella}

Tarsa {Potato Lord}

Omega; {Full!}

Atlas {Potato Lord}


Calcifer {Another Ser Isles}

Rakoya {Roe}

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Edited on 01/10/16 @ 20:35:54 by Roe {#NinjaRoe} (#89013)

Fluffee <#ᕕ(
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Posted on
2016-09-29 12:19:43
Cool down List; This will be similar to Lioden cooldowns. 8 days before and inbetween a missed heat, and heat will last 3 days. CRB does exist, but has a low chance of mutations. PM me if your lioness Breeds/Goes into heat so I may update this!

Breeding Cooldowns;

N/A so far.

You may now post!

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Ser Isles (#57298)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-09-29 13:45:33
ooh im into this
does the pride have any male lions aside from kits and the king? Or would any male characters have to be loners?

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-09-29 17:18:45
I may also join this. Was wondering how many characters we're allowed to have and like Isles said if males are allowed? I would probably join with two adult lionesses, an adult male and an adol lioness given the chance.

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Another Ser Isles (#96528)

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Posted on
2016-09-29 17:20:27
oh heck potate why'd you have to remind me of multiple characters now i wanna join with like 5 lions
gonna have to fight u

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Another Ser Isles (#96528)

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Posted on
2016-09-29 17:47:39

EDIT: finally done lmao

Another Ser Isles (96528) or Ser Isles (57298)
Lion Name;
Lion Rank;
yay wardrobe links
Quiet and laid back. He prefers to observe and keeps his thoughts to himself. He's pretty reserved in all ways. He enjoys lurking around the pride and talks to any who come his way. He has trouble hunting and tries to make do with scraps but it's not enough for a full grown lion. Though he knows he could scare away a small hunting party if he really tried, he doesn't want to get in the king's bad books and risk a confrontation. That and he doesn't enjoy the idea of frightening the pride's hunters.
None? [Open i guess?]

Lion Name;
Lion Rank;
hunter / Deputy
Mischievous and cunning. He likes causing trouble but has the good sense to not get in trouble. He enjoys harassing other pride members, often getting on their nerves. Despite this, he's truly a sweetheart. He'll go out of his way to help others. Many lions have found gifts near their sleeping spot from a mysterious gifter. Munku also has a tendency to show off, prancing around and using any opportunity to demonstrate his ability. This likely stems from the fact he's physically larger than most males. The drawback is that he's easily spotted and more than a little clumsy on his paws.
none [open?]

Lion Name;
Ice Flow [Ice for short]
Lion Rank;
Hunter / Medicine ?
Rather kind. She enjoys company and seeks it out. She's often found with some lion or the other grooming or being groomed while other times she'll simply chatter with someone in the shade. She has all the gossip on every lion in the pride and some outside of it, though you'd never know as she doesn't advertise her knowledge. A secret shared with her will be categorised and sorted into the library of gossip she's stored. She also has a tactical mind, frequently coordinating hunts and figuring out the best places for hunters to crouch and wait. Hunts lead by her rarely go awry as she seems to take in the wind, the weather, the positions of prey, other hunters, and obstacles all in one glance and calculates for it all.
None [open?]

Lion Name;
Lion Rank;
Warm is the best word to describe her. She takes care of everyone and makes sure everyone is happy. She's frequently seen around cubs, usually acting as a carer for them and ensuring they don't get carried off by vultures. She's an abysmal hunter. Her kindness betrays her, she finds it difficult to put down her prey and can't stomach targeting babies or weak prey. Her success rate is fairly low, but she's more than happy to help chase and let others do the dirty work.
none [open?]

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Edited on 01/10/16 @ 00:20:03 by Another Ser Isles (#96528)

EllaBear (#92690)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-29 18:47:07
Username; Ella or Willow
Lion Name; Sparky
Lion Rank; Hunter
Link/Picture; Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Personality; Sparky is known for her rough sassy personality, though she prefers to rely on her independence at most times she is a strong powerfully spirited lioness who needs a lesson or two about holding her tongue when around other felines, Not only but she is blunt Sparky will say it how she sees it not caring about the possible outcome it may or may not cause.
Crush; N/A as of currently
Mate; N/A as of currently
Kits; N/A as of currently
Other; Work in progress

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Edited on 30/09/16 @ 01:53:53 by Ella (#92690)

Fluffee <#ᕕ(
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Posted on
2016-09-29 22:04:51
All accepted, but for your forms Ser Isles, the Deputy and Medicine rank you need to kinda have an in depth personality etc. Unless you can add that I'll place your lions in the second ranks you chose.

You may also have as many lions as you can handle.

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Ser Isles (#57298)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-09-29 22:06:20
scrap that i have no idea what to add rip me

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Edited on 30/09/16 @ 05:06:48 by Ser Isles (#57298)

Fluffee <#ᕕ(
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Posted on
2016-09-29 22:07:19
Haha it's ok!

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-09-30 03:26:45

Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076).

Lion Name;

Lion Rank;

Click here.

Not a lady to be trifled with. Tarsa is a fierce lioness with a high kill list, intolerant of any beast that might so dare step paw in Shiamar's Pride territory uninvited. Her loyalty is to Rania alone and she has little respect for anyone else. Her impatient, temperamental nature would make her a poor mother or babysitter and she's often kept away from cubs. She's a bit on the stingy side and prefers hoarding things to actually using them. She has quite the feather and bone collection hidden away in her den.





Lion Name;

Lion Rank;

Click here.

Atlas is a friendly, happy-go-lucky young male with a very positive outlook on life. He's a pacifist at heart, abhorrent of violence. He would rather talk his way out of a troubling situation than fight and has a submissive demeanor as a result. He is gullible and naive, willing to believe anything until it's proven incorrect. Atlas has an endless amount of patience and it would be rare to hear him complain. He's got an adventurous spirit and this often gets him in trouble as he snoops around places he doesn't belong. Goofy and playful, Atlas can make friends with just about anyone if they can tolerate his silliness.




I haven't been involved with a lion roleplay in forever. This sample is from an old 1x1x1 you can view here if you need proof this was actually written by me.


Imani had made her way through the crowd slowly. Head held high in a confident, but calm entrance. "The pleasure is all mine," she greeted her rival coolly as she slipped into position with a polite dip of her head. Part of her wanted to quail at his size. Imani was certainly well trained, but she was also quite young, having just reached her second year of life. She had never faced a lion this much larger than her. She couldn't afford any sign of weakness however. She had to be strong. She had to be fearless. Nyekundu would expect bloodshed and she must provide it if she didn't want to suffer her father's scorn and possible punishment later.

As soon as Nyekundu gave the command she lunged forward. Her original intention had been to let Kishindo make the first move, but she found she couldn't bare to stand still any longer. White eyes focused on his front legs as she barreled toward him like a bullet. Hoping to give him the impression she was looking to trip him up. At the last minute she veered off to the left and aimed to latch onto his shoulders so she could quickly hoist herself up onto his back, alternating between tearing at his pelt with her hind claws and biting at his ears. Kishindo's thick mane would protect him from her savage teeth so she didn't bother going for the throat.

Imani felt a brief rush of triumph as her dark claws sank deep into Kishindo's pelt and she yanked herself successfully onto his back. This feeling of victory was short lived as she realized the large lion was much smarter than she had given him credit for. An audible gasp escaped her maw as he tossed himself onto his side and hastily released her grip on him. She let go just in time to avoid being crushed under Kishindo's weight, but landed on the ground next to him clumsily and the drop knocked the breath out of her. A displeased growl coming from the crowd made Imani all too aware that Nyekundu was not happy with her performance thus far.

She snarled in defiance and lashed out at the dirt, creating a cloud of dust to shield her from Kishindo's view as she scrambled back up to her paws. As soon as the dust settled back down to the scarred earth she lunged at him again, aiming to slash at him with extended claws before nimbly jerking out of the way. Her body shook slightly. Whether from exhilaration or anxiety she couldn't tell. All she knew was that if she didn't put up a good fight she would be punished for her failures. Nyekundu certainly favored her, but that would not stop the spotted lioness from clawing her ears off if she did poorly.

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Edited on 30/09/16 @ 13:25:12 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

Fluffee <#ᕕ(
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Posted on
2016-09-30 04:11:02
Both accepted!
Remember the Omega is the one the pride picks on, especially the queen. They can be sent to do dirty work or just to Take anger out on!

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-09-30 04:50:21
Lion prides don't usually have omegas which is why I was a bit confused. XD I don't mind him being a low rank/doing the tasks others don't want to do, but I'm not entirely sure how I feel about him being potentially abused by everyone else. Is it too late to switch him to a loner?

Edit: Updated my bios.

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Edited on 30/09/16 @ 12:35:33 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

Fluffee <#ᕕ(
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Posted on
2016-09-30 06:02:00
Oh, its ok! He can do just the low rank work then ;u;

Sorry about the issue though!

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Fluffee <#ᕕ(
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Posted on
2016-09-30 06:07:00
Oh, its ok! He can do just the low rank work then ;u;

Sorry about the issue though!

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