Posted on 2016-09-30 02:26:55
From now on, you can OPTIONALLY use official Lioden emotes:
They are not overwriting :D normal emotes like that


* Emotes can be used in Chat
* Emotes can be used on Forums
* Emotes can be used in PM's

As you click on the emote button on the thread/post/PM, it will expand and show you all current icon possibilities. You can click on them to add them, or just type in a form of : happy : (without spaces)

You can suggest new emotes in this thread: LINK


Note: We do not mind emote overflowing chat, specially that this is a fresh feature. You're welcome to go overboard, but to a point - if you continue to spam emote-filled messages nonstop, you will get treated for spam like any other situation. However if you wish to post single or multiple emote posts entirely in a reasonable way, it is fully within the rules!

Emotes are not optional. If you wish to disable them, you're welcome to use browser addons that block images They will also not work for thread topic titles.

Original suggestion

New Stuff + adjustments!
* Based on this Suggestion:
Clan Raffles now have the option to select multiple winners. Like regular raffles, when setting up a raffle you can select whether or not you want it to be winner takes all (default) or check the box to have multiple winners. Multiple winners will give one prize out per winner, but one person can only win one prize at a time. You need as many unique entries as prizes for the raffle to run or it gets refunded back to the clan hoard.
* New Custom Decor section in Hoard - Suggestion.
* You can now bump trades in TC to most recent ones with a button - Suggestion.
* Fixed an issue of pending members in clans being able to participate in raffles.

New base and mane base!


Saffron is a new mane custom colour.
Luteo is a new, custom base (Solid Golden Common Medium) available in Oasis and Base Changer.

Please Note that mutation files are being worked on still due to new Halloween mane being introduced this month and it took over priority. Should be caught up along with the mane being updated for mutation as well though so definitely shortly


Rhipicera femorata is a new Oasis Common beetle species!



Remember that the event ends on September 30th at 11:59 pm, and all your currency will be stored in your account until next year. October event will launch on its own on Oct 1st at 00:00 am, please expect news post shortly before it starts.

Shad has added new tags, check them out as usual! :D

Thank you testing team for all your help on this update, the clan raffles were tricky!!

Raffle Lioness

Congrats sipho (#86418)! You have won the latest raffle lady along with Feline 5 Gold!
Newest lady with the Wild Forest background and Feline 3 Gold and Marigold Rims is up for impressing in Special Lioness area in Explore or in NEWS section under News Post List!

Polls and dev notes
Looks like you guys would like to see GMO's return in January. Let me just remind you that they would cost significant amount of Leather Beetles if we indeed follow up, we'll consider definitely!

NEW POLL - Male Pose v. 2 : LINK
Go vote for the first male pose! These are top two picked from last pose poll - I think the alternate most voted for (Roaring or Resting each has alternates) will be introduced first, and the 2nd pose with highest alt will be a second pose for further future. So this way, both roaring and resting will be introduced, you're just picking the 1st, and which of the alternating versions would be ingame.



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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-10-06 14:43:57
hey bro

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