Posted by The Great Wolf Migration II - Sign Ups - OPEN

Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2016-10-03 02:34:21
Read This
This is a literate, realistic roleplay. Correct grammar and punctuation must be used at all times, and every post must have at least a paragraph (four sentences). I will require a sample from you to make sure you are up to standard. This roleplay aims to provide a space where experienced roleplayers can enjoy themselves, although if you are up to standard I won’t reject first time roleplayers.

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You are a wolf. You are part of a proud lineage of canines able to survive both alone and together. You rule any kingdom you enter. You make other animals cower in fear. They scurry out of sight when you appear. You hunt, you run, you feed you grow. You are a pack.

The Story so Far
Formation of Remington's pack
The day started like any other. The wolves woke and stretched, the forest coming to life around them. The first sign of trouble came from the skies, the birds all heading away from the forest. Confusion spreads and the passing of the flocks is followed by…nothing. A few felt uneasy, trotting away from their respective packs to investigate. Suddenly everything moved, the ground shaking beneath their paws. All wolves bolted, the world crashing down around them, until everything calmed. Those wolves, the lucky or unlucky few, who survived stood amidst the horrifying ruins of the forest, their journey beginning.
After the great earthquake that destroyed the large forest home of the wolves the survivors left their old home. Rumours of a large valley encircled by forested mountains, with a lake situated in the very centre, spread amongst the remaining wolves. As they left the forest they came together, forming a new pack under the leadership of Remington and Velvet from the remains of their old ones. Their goal? To reach the Valley of Hope.
Remington’s pack journeyed across the grasslands until they reached the base of the Norther mountain range. There they chose to go up and across the mountains, a shorter route than going around. However, their choice led them straight into Shadow’s territory. Shadow, a cruel alpha who has claimed many victims, including family of those in Remington’s pack, set his wolves upon them.

Your Story Continues
Remington’s pack fought bravely and finally managed to defeat their rivals. They moved on, accepting a few of Shadow’s old pack members into their group. As they reached the other end of Shadow’s old lands they encountered a few lone wolves that lurked on the borders. Your wolf either comes from Shadow’s old pack (having changed sides in the battle or choosing to catch up to the pack having stayed at the den site to look after the younger wolves), or was a lone wolf on the edge of Shadow’s borders.

Roleplay Rules

The usual no god modding/powerplaying etc
Follow lioden rules
Ranks indicate what your character is best at, not the only job they are allowed to do. The exception to this is alpha and beta as none of the other pack members may stand in for these wolves.
All positions will be decided in rp, no exceptions.
Ask my permission before your female comes into heat.
You may have up to four pups in your litter, provided you can find roleplayers for them all that I approve of.
Write ‘Rusty <3’ in other
If the alpha is gone the beta is in charge.
If the beta is gone the pup sitter is in charge (after all pups are the future of the pack and must be protected at all costs).
Omegas are lower ranked than pups and on the fringe of the pack, eating scraps and acting as punching bags for training adolescents.
The pack will listen to the command of whoever is in charge.
Hunting anything smaller than a fox can be done alone and in the main thread. Hunting anything bigger than a fox will require more than one wolf and must take place over multiple posts in the hunting thread.
Any member of the pack may take a mate.
You may have two characters. After I've seen how well you keep up in rp you may ask to be allowed a third character.
The maximum age your character can live to is 20 years old. This is the absolute maximum and is very rare. Most of your characters should live to about 13 years old.


Name –
Age –
Sex –
Appearance –
Personality –
Biography (including whether your character was in Shadow’s pack, if it was in the battle, or if it was lurking on the territory edge) –
What role would your character be best in in Remington’s pack? –
Other –
Sample RP (either hunting, fighting or relaxing) –

Remington’s Pack Ranks - if you were already in the RP please post below that you are back, your character name and your character’s old rank!

Alpha male (one allowed)
Alpha female (one allowed)
- Velvet, played by Rusty [MP] (Quad celestial) (#39276)
Beta male (assigned in RP)
Beta female (one allowed)
- Kade, played by Nyanunix |MusicalAgony (#11487)
Lead Hunter (one allowed)
- Dakota, played by Xerxes (#52637)
- Tunstall, played by Logan {Lights Off} (#85963)
Elders (over 10 years old)
- Alamora, played by mr.man78 (#96942)
- Rivers, played by Nyanunix |MusicalAgony (#11487)
Pup Sitters
Pups (under 2 years old)
- Glen (unborn), played by Nyanunix |MusicalAgony (#11487)
- Mya (unborn), played by Xerxes (#52637)
- Yuki, played by *Dreaming~Paradise*(Dixie) (#71738)
- Bin, played by Cree (#58946)
- Katsumi, played by 🦄 Amber Da PickleUnicorn � (#87487)
Loners (not part of the pack)
- Milo, played by Eudora (shutterbug) (#14878)
- Hazel, played by Rusty [MP] (Quad celestial) (#39276)
Unranked (rank will be assigned through rp asap)
- Ezrin, played by Nyanunix |MusicalAgony (#11487)
- Leania, played by Fandom_Artist (#87415)
- Tyrael, played by Wolflord (LOn!) (#17200)
- Arya, played by fennexflower (#98044)
- Lynx, played by Astral (#65000)
- Kova, played by Astral (#65000)
- Jasper, played by Wolflord (LOn!) (#17200)
- Petra, played by Cree (#58946)
- Kaeva, played by Windsparkle (#16196)
- Levi, played by Xerxes (#52637)

If you need to take a hiatus from the rp then let me know and I will list you as loner and your wolf can disappear from the pack for a bit. Then whenever you come back your wolf can reappear and work for a rank again. Real life gets in the way for everyone sometimes, but if you've rped with us you're always welcome to bring your character back ^^

Main RP Thread
Hunting Thread
Art Thread
Poll Thread
Character Sheets Thread

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Edited on 09/10/16 @ 13:47:31 by Rusty [Skyward 1.8k stat 3cel] (#39276)

Nature Paw (#64491)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2017-06-15 15:19:27
I feel like we just go through them and so who is even on anymoRE and if they are if they want to continue

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Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2017-06-15 15:38:05
Dakota- Lead Hunter
Mya- Unborn Pup
Levi- Omega

(Old Characters in the Great Wolf Migration I)
Cyber- Pup Sitter
Stryker- Shadow's Pack

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2017-06-15 15:39:49
Alamora: Elder


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Nature Paw (#64491)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2017-06-15 16:11:40
Those all ones staying?

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2017-06-15 18:51:35
I'm staying

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MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2017-06-15 22:11:29

I'd be interested in rejoining, though it would honestly ultimately depend on how many decided to come back. :)

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Nature Paw (#64491)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2017-06-16 02:17:13
So Polopony and MoeMoe I need you guys to either pm me a link to your character sheet, or link it from here so I can see you character

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Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2017-06-16 04:50:00
There's a link to character sheets in the main post

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-06-16 11:19:06
I'll join back in :D Jasper & Tyrael, loners

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-06-16 11:22:27
I can get ahold of moemoe and polo if you wish, I have them on discord :D

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MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2017-06-16 12:06:26
Clicky Link

This is the link to my characters on the charactersheet thread (right above your post, Nature), below is my progress in revising the old charactersheets.



Appearance – Average in size Kova is neither really big nor very small but perfectly average.

Calm and laid back, Kova is a wolf who's character could be described as submissive with limitations. He will only become aggressive if a wolf tries to treat him like an omega or if one of his loved ones is being threatened. Otherwise this male will abstain from any violence, will seek to comfort others, and will do his best to support his packmates in whatever decisions they make. The life-blood of Kova is the concept of loyalty...though his treatment within Shadow's pack was dismal bordering on abusive the white and russet wolf would not let his loyalty be swayed away from his original alpha, Shadow, until the evil creature was killed.

Biography (including your character’s role in Shadow’s pack)
Born and raised within the pack Kova is a 4th generation hunter of Shadow's pack and is really good at his job. When faced with the choice to join Remington's pack during the battle Kova was torn between joining this new pack, who's obvious comradeship and the trust posed a great curiosity to the wolf who had known nothing but distrust and pain between pack members. In the end, and with great personal sacrifice, Kova prevented Remington's mate Velvet, and the pack member River from leaving the battle site. (I am assuming that Remington killed Shadow.) Now, as he waits for his moment to stand before Remington's pack and receive acceptance, exile, or punishment, Kova does not regret his decision to stay loyal to his past leader no matter how twisted the dark wolf had been. In Kova's mind loyalty is not truly tested until the world is turned on its head.
(I really really like the idea of Shadow's pack members to be put before a kind of court ruling...Remington and Velvet overruling of course....please please let it happen!!!!)

What role would your character be best in in Remington’s pack?
Hunter or Pup Sitter

What are your character’s reasons for leaving Shadow’s pack?
Too many fights and to many wolves trying to dominate him...can’t they leave him alone and let him do his job in peace? He does not wish to move up the food chain nor does he wish to move down it. There is also the fact that he has nowhere else to go, as Shadow is now dead.

Originally this character was a fill in...but I have gotten very attached to him and he is becoming a truly fantastic idea in and of himself.

Sample RP (either hunting, fighting or relaxing)
I’m sure you already know how I rp….

Name –Lynx
Age – 4 Years, 5 Months
Sex –Female

Somewhere between short and average in size, Lynx bears a compact body that uses speed to it advantage.With pieces torn from her ear and two nasty scars on her snout and over her left eye, Lynx is a wolf who has seen a lot of nasty fights. The scar on her snout after displaying her dominance over an older fighter and succeeding the one over her eye a gift and reminder from Shadow.

Lynx is a cunning female who is well rounded but is amazing in the art of combat. Being a smaller wolf than most, and female at that Lynx could not hope to defeat others of her kind, especially of the opposite sex, in close combat. Therefore, fueled by revenge, Lynx developed a fighting style the relies on staying unobserved as much as possible, staying out of reach, and hurting as many different wolves as possible or using her agility and speed to her advantage if it comes between her and one other wolf in a fight. A dominant personality Lynx can be quite stubborn at times and is often sarcastic but these traits only show if you get this wolf to say a word as she is not one to speak out on trifle matters. Lynx will not make a sound during the hunt or a fight...she does not growl and does not often howl unless absolutely necessary, this silent way of fighting often unnerves other wolves and is sometimes thought of by 'good wolves' as unfair and kept Lynx alive and relatively dominant within that Shadow's pack when she would have otherwise have been maimed or dead if forced to fight in the traditional fashion. On the flip side of her personality Lynx loves nature and the beauty it shows, her favorite being the night sky and is often content to sit and watch the world around her, still as a statue for hours on end her imagination usually running away with her. A wolf of few words, and a lot of thoughts, at her heart Lynx is a very intelligent female who has a hard time connecting with others. (As a side note, I need to talk to Nature on how the battle of Remington and Shadow worked out...I feel like Remington was the major reason why Shadow passed but I hope to add Lynx in the fight perhaps giving him a wound on the side, or at the very least distracting Shadow. With Shadow gone Lynx will have to rethink the very reason of her life and will be in shock and tired. I feel like she will start to dislike physical violence instead of relishing in it...maybe I am still thinking about that, (Which will keep her from challenging for beta for she would be a formidable advisory and she has a lot of crap to sort out.) Etc Etc.

Lynx’s mother was a fighter within the pack many years before and was one of the best fighters within the pack. Unfortunately during a patrol of the border the fighter met a loner and quickly fell for him. After a few months of seeing him in secret the female became pregnant with two pups and gave birth, by that time her outpacker mate had been forced to move on as the pack became more aggressive. She started caring for the pups in secret knowing that Shadow would kill them as she did not have an actual mate within the pack...unfortunately he soon found out as the Beta’s noticed the fighters odd behavior and informed him. As punishment Shadow made Lynx’s mother watch as he killed her son and was about to kill her daughter Lynx….at that moment though after seeing her brother die by this mean creature Lynx attacked him, puppy claws and teeth trying to do their worse. Surprised and impressed by this pups shear determination Shadow spared her life though he left her with a nasty scar over her eye for daring to attack him. After making Lynx’s mother watch the death of her pup and the wound delivered to her other pup Shadow killed the female mother as an example to other wolves of what would happen if they did the same as she had.

What role would your character be best in in Remington’s pack?
Fighter-Her style of fighting usually consists of wounding several different wolves during a battle instead of fighting one on one. It brings variety to fighting styles and may make the other fighters uncomfortable, which will be interesting. If forced to fight one on one she will usually use her speed to get in and out quickly leaving deep wounds in her wake. Her silence is also an advantage as she does not make a sound before, during, or after a fight. Her main weakness in a fight and something she does her absolute best to avoid is getting cornered or pinned. Being cornered limits her speed though she will still be able to get in blows. Being pinned could be fatal depending on the size of the wolf pinning her. Being between small and average for a female wolf any wolf bigger than her, especially a male, would be able to hold her down pretty effectively. She would not be able to escape unless helped though she would do her best to make the pinner let go by biting and kicking..

What are your character’s reasons for leaving Shadow’s pack?
Her plan is not necessarily to leave it but stay close to Shadow before attacking him by surprise. This would of course would kick her out of the pack and if Shadow ultimately dies she will have no purpose to drive her….joining another pack may give her a new purpose.

As for any possible warned that you will have to earn Lynx’s respect (probably by fighting depending on how she takes the shock of losing the whole purpose of her life) as she is not going t to be an easy win...she will literally have to earn and give trust to her future mate.
Sample RP (either hunting, fighting or relaxing)

Kova was made in a wolf maker who's owners gave permission to use them however we wanted. And Lynx's lineart was created by Jodow on Deviantart!

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Edited on 16/06/17 @ 12:38:55 by MoeMoe (#65000)

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2017-06-16 12:18:18

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-06-16 20:24:43
Seems to be just Ty until I find Jaspers sign-up

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-06-16 20:31:29
found and added

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Nature Paw (#64491)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2017-06-18 05:34:09
The stars next to name mean you are still in rp, no star means that we don't know if they are still in or not

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