Posted by Blizzard Crystals | Sign Ups!

Skystone | G1 maroon
RLC (#78438)

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Posted on
2016-10-09 01:44:44

Two kits escaped from the old Shadowclan, then found a new home. They traveled to a distant land where they grew up, finding others to join them as they lived peacefully in a beautiful forest. When Rainclan fell into anarchy only a few cats remained, deciding it would be better and safer to divide into two clans, Snowclan and Gemclan were formed. The two leaders of Rainclan, Snowstar and Moonstar, the original kits, traveled away from the place and, once again, found a new home. Snowstar led Snowclan, finding a peaceful forest in the mountains where they could live. Moonstar took a different route, leading Gemclan into an intricate cave system within the mountain.
Now generations have passed, and the clans are peaceful, but how long will this last?

Snowclan Territory Description
Snowclan in the mountains, they sleep under the stars but are still sheltered by trees. They hunt along the ledges and paths of the mountain. The cats of Snowclan appreciate their closeness to the sky, even if they dont fully believe in Starclan. There are a few twoleg cabins scattered around the territory, rumor has it tame cats live there.
Leaders Den
Medicine Cats Den
Warriors Den
Apprentices Den
Elders Den

Gemclan Territory Description
The Gemclan cats live in the base of the mountains. Their caves are decorated with natural gems and they have small nests carved from water around the sides of the central cave. Their nests are made of Hay and moss, which the medicine cats grow in certain caves. There is a large lake in the central den which is Gemclans main source of water. {WIP}

Central Cave
Medicine Cave

1. All lioden rules apply
2. Fade to black when necessary.
3. Please no cats with wings and purple fur, all cats must be realistic.
4. You can have as many characters as you can handle
5. Ranks will be determined through RP sample, if you want to be a leader or deputy please have a good one.
6. Please no godmodding or powerplaying, the clans are meant to be peaceful but if you mean to harm another character please put "The cat swiped out at the male, her paw clawing at his pelt attempting to scratch the rogue intruder"
7. Please PM the player if you would like to injure, kill, or create a relationship with the character.
8. Put rosespots in other.
9. This is a group RP, please wait for two others to reply before posting again.
10. This is also a semi-literate roleplay, I understand writer's block but I would appreciate at least 4-5 sentences. If you write a one-liner I will warn you but if you do it again you will be kicked.

(Photo here, remember to link back to source)
Small RP Sample (or brief history)

Important Links
Gemclan Roleplay Thread
Snowclan Roleplay Thread
The Journey Roleplay Thread

Visions Of Pandemonium

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Edited on 20/10/16 @ 06:27:24 by Skystone {Lights Off!} (#78438)

Cervicorn [G1 Maroon
Ennedi] (#33365)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2016-10-17 19:53:26


N a m e

A g e
24 moons (2 years) old.

G e n d e r

C l a n

R a n k

P e r s o n a l i t y
While Redbird can come across as obnoxious and self-entitled to those who don't know him well it’s generally unintentional on his part. He does tend to run on the sarcastic side and can range anywhere from being very straightforward to horribly passive-aggressive around cats he dislikes, usually dependent on who he's speaking with. Pair that with the fact he has a habit of subtly teasing others and this doesn't often endear him to many of the other warriors. It's never his intention to be cruel, but for those who don't understand his sense of humor it's easy to become offended by his insults.

That aside, he’s an amiable fellow who means well and can be quite friendly when in good company. Redbird is very compassionate, protective and empathetic which often leads to him being reckless if someone else is in danger. He won't hesitate to put his own life in danger if it means keeping a Clanmate safe and will defend his friends with everything he's got. Redbird might not be the biggest or strongest cat around, but he can be viciously tenacious when necessary. He cares a great deal about his appearance, having grown up in a family where looks were considered everything. His vanity never quite reached the same level as that of his brother Sunny, but he can often be found meticulously grooming his fur after a patrol.

H i s t o r y
Redbird was born a kittypet named Phoenix. His early life was spent in luxury, born into the home of a prestigious LaPerm breeder and then sold off as a companion animal once he reached an appropriate age alongside his brother Sunny. Their owners showered them with affection and the two young cats grew up truly pampered. Things changed when a fire tore through their home and the formerly inside only cats found themselves lost on the streets, having escaped through a window.

The brothers came to a disagreement three days later and parted ways, with Phoenix wanting to move elsewhere and Sunny wishing to continue his search for their burned home. Phoenix headed out to the mountains and soon after came across SnowClan. After some convincing they agreed to take him in and train him up as a warrior. It was tough going at first and the newly named Redbird quickly learned he'd have to shape up if he wanted to stay. While he finds the warrior lifestyle messy sometimes he doesn't have any real regrets. These cats are his family now.

A p p r e n t i c e
None yet.

M e n t o r
Dovesong (Adoptable).

F a m i l y
Flare (Mother/Status Unknown).
Bart (Father/Status Unknown).
Sunny (Litter Brother/Status Unknown).

M a t e
No one yet.

T h e m e S o n g
Unbreakable Heart - Three Days Grace.

O t h e r



N a m e

A g e
46 moons (4 years, 4 months) old.

G e n d e r

C l a n

R a n k

P e r s o n a l i t y
Stern and uptight in demeanor, Reedclaw comes from a background of self-discipline that has followed him well into the present day. He's needed to keep his emotions carefully in check nearly his entire life and doesn't quite know how to relax, though kits tend to bring out his softer side and he can often be found entertaining them in his spare time. His sense of moral justice is strong and he frowns immensely upon rule breaking or disobeying authority figures without a justifiable reason, though of course there are cases where it is excusable and he'll always speak up for anyone he believes has been abused or mistreated. Normally little more than a silent figure standing in a corner, he's passionate about the causes he does choose to align himself with and can be quite vocal in his opinions.

"You are a soldier, not a diplomat. You are here to be seen, not to be heard. You are the required muscle and that is all," were common comments from superiors of his former alliance before joining OakClan, but such admonishments did little to dissuade him from speaking should he believe his voice needed to be heard. He attempts to speak in as respectful a manner he can manage and always in a calm, even tone. Never quick to anger, or if he is then he hides it well behind an unreadable, stoic expression. Violence is a necessary evil in his mind, but he'll do his best to smooth over a situation without bloodshed if he can, willing to use intimidation and threats in order to get rival cats to back off or surrender without a fight.

Once he becomes comfortable with someone Reedclaw tends to grow attached and overprotective. Even if he isn't the most openly affectionate tom he has other ways of showing that he cares; subtle touches, compliments, gift giving and actually joking around with the cats in question being a few clues. His loyalty is not easily earned, but once you've gained it you can expect a friend who will go to great lengths to insure you are safe and support you through your endeavors. He's surprisingly family oriented and a hopeless romantic, but hasn't had much time to devout to finding a life partner or having kits just yet.

H i s t o r y
Reedclaw came from a fairly strict, militaristic family of rogues who had been at war with their neighbors for as long as any cat could remember. He started training for the militia as young as three moons at the insistence of his father, the group leader. His apprenticeship was rough, the conditions so harsh and cruel none of his siblings survived to graduation. Eventually Reedclaw was fully assimilated into the militia. He doesn't like remembering this part of his life. He did many things he's now ashamed of. Things that haunt his dreams and memories alike.

When he reached his 20th moon Reedclaw's family group came to a violent end, their rivals finally gaining the upper paw. With little left to call his own and few survivors who had any interest in sticking around, Reedclaw moved away from the area entirely. Once he stumbled upon GemClan territory he was initially aggressive toward the Clan cats, malevolence being all he'd come to expect from strangers. He got into a few skirmishes with border patrols before curiosity finally replaced hostility.

It was slow progress, but eventually loneliness drove him to request admittance to GemClan. It took many moons to gain enough trust to earn a true warrior name and be fully accepted into the Clan, but Reedclaw is now as respected and valued as any other senior warrior.

A p p r e n t i c e
None currently.

M e n t o r
Wolfheart (Deceased). By the time Reedclaw joined the Clan he was already an adult with advanced combat skills, but someone still had to teach him how to live in a Clan setting.

F a m i l y
Calista (Mother/Deceased).
Vito (Father/Deceased).
Gloria (Litter Sister/Deceased).
Diego (Litter Brother/Deceased).

M a t e
No one yet.

T h e m e S o n g
Warrior Inside - Leader.


S m a l l R P S a m p l e
Located with my other bios on page one.


I m a g e C r e d i t s

thesilverpaws on Tumblr.
Helmi Flick Cat Photography.

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Lady (#96969)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-10-17 21:19:32
Maine Coon cat

n a m e

a g e
36 moon (3 years)

g e n d e r

c l a n

r a n k

p e r s o n a l i t y
Entirely devoted to her tasks as deputy of Gemclan, Cherrypatch will not rest until all the key duties are carried out. She will face problems head first and is unafraid of backing down from a fight. Her worst fear is making mistakes, her clan mates would say that she is very much a perfectionist. The marbled warrior was brought up with manners, grace and delicacy -- all of which she has turned to purposes less socially acceptable, she will spread rumours and is incredibly apt in the arts of persuasion.

The deputy is known to have many one time partners, none of these relationships are taken seriously. Ever since the cat sensed tension between her parents, her faith in a fairytale future was dissolved. Cherrypatch let go of all her cliche dreams of falling in love with a handsome tom and having beautiful kits. No, she does not believe in love.

She will break the rules and bend them to her will and is ruthless to those in the way of her goals. But despite all her imperfection Cherrypatch will do anything to protect her beloved clan. Whatever problems the she-cat holds is pushed aside when her clan-mates or family are involved. True to her word, tenacious and in general tries to make cats happy. Also, Beetlenose keeps calling her brave?

a p p r e n t i c e
None yet.

p a r e n t s
Whitetuft | Father
Swiftheart | Mother

s i b l i ng s
Longtooth | Brother
Beetlenose | Brother

m a t e

k i t s
Oh the horror!

H i s t o r y
((Refer to Beetlenose)) After her parents relationship fell apart. Cherrypatch took to the news with sadness yet she recovered surprisingly well and faster than her siblings, the she-cat never believed in strong bonds anyways, which is why she tends to be emotionally walled off in many situations and replaces "closeness" with physical intimacy. Breaching the emotional hull is difficult, and she may act defensive, vulnerable, or aggressive if somecat manages - depending on the situation. She was appointed deputy quite early on, her manipulative yet alluring personality won over plenty of hearts as she matured as a warrior, despite the senior cat's protests. Cherrypatch's mind was set, she would stop at nothing until she got her way.

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Edited on 18/10/16 @ 04:30:41 by Lady (#96969)

Skystone | G1 maroon
RLC (#78438)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-10-17 23:59:15
@Pumpkin Lord ~ Accepted!

@Lady ~ Accepted!

The thread will go up around 5:00 LD time, and sign ups are temporarily closed!

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Aellens (#77016)

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Posted on
2016-10-18 03:32:24
When will the sign ups be open again? i would love to join

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Skystone | G1 maroon
RLC (#78438)

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Posted on
2016-10-18 06:26:10
@aetcpp ~

I'm not sure, I'll notify you when they reopen. but rogue, kittypet, and loner sign ups are still open c:

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Ser Isles (#57298)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-10-18 19:53:13
i heard we were volunteering cats for a neat journey so i volunteer rabbitstep hot diggity damn (also late to the party shoutout to me)

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Cheruwolf (G2 2.1k+
TriRose) (#91514)

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Posted on
2016-10-19 13:48:36
Is this still open?

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Skystone | G1 maroon
RLC (#78438)

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Posted on
2016-10-19 13:51:26
@Ririe ~ Rogue, Kittypet, and Loner sign-ups are still open c:

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-10-20 11:57:25
Hey, I hate to do this, but I'm having a difficult time coming up with six intros. To make things easier on myself I'm going back down to four characters. I'll be dropping Crowfoot and Flamewing.

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Noxis (#93407)

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Posted on
2016-10-20 11:58:18
I forgot about this o3o
Are you still looking for members?

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Skystone | G1 maroon
RLC (#78438)

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Posted on
2016-10-20 12:00:24
@Pumpkin ~
That's ok c: I will remove them from the spreadsheet soon.

@Noxis ~
I'm sorry, sign ups for the clans are currently closed, unless your character is a rogue, kitty pet, or loner.

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Edited on 20/10/16 @ 19:12:21 by Skystone {Lights Off!} (#78438)

Ser Isles (#57298)

Prince of the Savannah
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-10-22 09:08:46
hey, i have to drop out of this rp sorry, feel free to scoot my positions to other people

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♓ Jamaa Shetani

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Posted on
2016-10-23 02:49:10
(Just so everyone knows, i'm still trying to finish my other forms on page 2. I hope i'm not to late :c

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Skystone | G1 maroon
RLC (#78438)

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Posted on
2016-10-23 03:22:22
@Ser Isles ~ Awww Dx I will remove your forms from the spreadsheet ASAP

@Jamaa Shetani ~ Thats ok. Feel free to finish them whenever

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Skystone | G1 maroon
RLC (#78438)

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Posted on
2016-10-25 13:25:20
Sign Ups are Open!!

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