Posted by Ember Mountain (Wolf RPG) RP thread

Zelda (#58994)

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Posted on
2016-10-22 21:08:37
This is for accepted characters only!
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Ember Mountain is home to many wolves. These wolves have been here for centuries upon centuries, claiming the land one paw at the time. Though these wolves may have claimed Pryor Mountain, there are two rival packs. The Burning Ash Pack, and the Rising Flame Pack. The two Packs have been butting heads for as long as they have been here, going to war over land, prey, and claiming Ember Mountain itself. Which pack do you choose and who will rise up in victory, and who will fall with guns blazing?

;; all lioden rules apply
;; fade to black when mating
;; no god-modding/power playing
;; no mary-sues, your character needs flaws
;; do not use text talk in the role play. ex; u, brb, gtg, y
;; this a semi-literate role play, use proper grammar, and punctuation.
;; i expect three, sentences minimum when roleplaying. i understand if you have writers block sometimes.
;; four characters maximum a player
;; ask before you kill, severely injure, or mate with a players character.
;; reserving is allowed but re-opens after 1 day.
;; when roleplaying, put something like: name-gender-pack-location. so it's easier for others to role play with you. you are welcome to add more, just as long as it includes what i listed.
;; when your wolf has pups, you or someone else will have to rp them, but remember: max characters is 4! if no one rps them by adolescence they will be chased off the territory
;; if you read these, put "Tacos." in "other" on your form.
;; have fun, and be nice to each other in the RPG

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Edited on 24/10/16 @ 03:38:04 by Zelda (#58994)

Onyxius(DM me the
word melon) (#38876)

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Posted on
2016-10-23 08:57:37
Onyx:male:raising flame pack.

Onyx licked his chops as the sun bore down on his back, shifting slightly he attempted to roll on his back but half way decided he was to lazy to do so.

On his side the large male closed his eyes and watched as the shadows from his nightmares swirled and formed in the sun. He growled lightly as it took the form of his mother then his father.

Desiding he was ready to move he stood on his four limbs and streched the stiff bunched up shoulder muscles and allowed the motion to trail down his spine to the tip of his tail before moving off to find water, his ears perked as he was alert to his suroundings

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Affliction (#91200)

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Posted on
2016-10-23 09:22:08
Neptune/♀/Burning Ash territory Border

Neptune nudged leaves and brush with her nose, looking around the base of trees for Burdock Roots. She sniffed frequently, looking for it's familiar flowery scent. She could tell there was some nearby, but couldn't pinpoint exactly where. She looked at the thick forestry that separated the Burning Ash territory from the Rising Flame territory, she didn't dare leave her scent on their side though.

Nocturne/♂/Burning Ash camp

Nocturne slept soundly atop his favorite branch, on the tallest tree in camp. He much loved to observe his surroundings, it made him feel somewhat safer and reassured. He noticed that Neptune, his little sister, hadn't been around, which was no surprise to him, since she was always wandering about.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

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Posted on
2016-10-23 10:27:28
Male / 3 / Rising Flames Warrior / Pack Camp
Mentions: OPEN

The large purple tinged brute trotted through the camp calmly. Tail swinging behind him as he moved, the spikes along his body tinged red, signalling no one should mess with him even though he seemed happy. The wolf let out a sigh and lunged forwards suddenly. His body cooling off as he ran, the spikes turning blue, red, and then normal. Jaxon giving an annoyed bark at nothing in particular.

Tyrael (Ty)
Male / 2 / Loner / Outside Burning Ash
Mentions: Neptune

The two-toned male trotted towards Burning Ash from Rising Flame, the two packs thinking he was two separate wolves. Rising flame thought he was brown, while Burning Ash thought he was white. It provided excellent cover for the male, especially since he seemed to accidentally cause chaos where ever he went since his mom's death.

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Onyxius(DM me the
word melon) (#38876)

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Posted on
2016-10-23 10:33:37
Onyx:4:raising flames beta: pack camp: mentions jaxon

The large brute sighed as he heard the sound of another pack member barking, he rolled his eyes dramatically as he turned back to where he came from the shadows seeming to bend bellow him.

"Who is barking and why" onyx called with a harder tone then he ment.

He growled to himself as he allowed small bright sparks to flick from hos paw pads.

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Affliction (#91200)

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Posted on
2016-10-23 10:39:40
Neptune/Assistant Healer/♀/Burning Ash territory border
Mentions; Ty

Neptune lifted her nose from the ground, standing tall as she caught the scent of another wolf. She stared dead ahead, her ears perked up and her eyes narrowed. She let out a small yip to let anyone around know that she meant no harm.

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Cheruwolf (G2 2.1k+
TriRose) (#91514)

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Posted on
2016-10-23 10:58:49
Yamishi • Female • Beta • Burning Ash camp

A quiet, yet rather long sigh emitted from Yamishi's dark figure as she lay on top of a rock, her hues shifting around with a sleepy glint. She rested her head onto her paws and huffed softly. "Might as well try to get some rest.." The female muttered and closed her eyes. She knew sooner or later her little sister was going to come and bug her, so why not sleep until the time comes?

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Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2016-10-23 11:00:18
Dakota/Lead Huntress/ female/ Burning Ash Border
Mentions; Ty, Neptune

Dakota woke to the sound of a small yip she quickly stood ears perked. She started sniffing and caught the scent of Neptune and another wolf. She quickly identified the other wolf as the loner that passed through here every once and a while. Dakota let out a huf and started trotting to where Neptune's scent was strongest wondering why the loner was with Neptune or at the very least around her.

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Affliction (#91200)

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Posted on
2016-10-23 11:08:24
Nocturne/Delta Male/♂/Burning Ash camp

Nocturne didn't want to worry himself over his sister, since she could usually handle herself, but something told him to go out and look for her. He sighed, and forced himself to get up. He looked down from the top of the tree, and took a step off, letting his dead weight carry him to the ground. He landed heavily, and stardust flew up upon impact of the grass. He cracked his neck and shook out his fur, and began walking in the direction of his sisters unmistakable scent.

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Onyxius(DM me the
word melon) (#38876)

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Posted on
2016-10-23 11:11:14
(Ty is offline i will get onyx to come to the bourder)

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Onyxius(DM me the
word melon) (#38876)

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Posted on
2016-10-23 11:16:21
Onyx:male:4:raising flames beta: on way to the bourder

Onyx growled as the scent of a burning ash mutt filled his nares, a foul sneer plastered his maw as he took off in the direction to which the stink was comming. His crimson hued optics burned as his paws kicked up red and orange flames, the shadows dancing around him now seemed to contort into ugly demon cretures and danced along the ground.

Reaching the area his nose lowered and he hissed as his ears picked up a yip.

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Affliction (#91200)

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Posted on
2016-10-23 11:21:02
Neptune/Assistant Healer/♀/Burning ash border

Neptune didn't see a figure appear, so she shrugged off her concerns of another wolf being there. She continued to move the tall grass around with her muzzle, until she saw the familiar flower. "Finally!" She exclaimed, and she reached down and tapped the flower with her nose, making it carefully de-root itself and float up to her mouth. She gently grasped the plant between her front teeth, and continued searching for more

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Onyxius(DM me the
word melon) (#38876)

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Posted on
2016-10-23 11:25:04
Onyx:male:4:raising flames beta:border

Onyx growled as he watched the femora harvisting the roots his crimson eyes peered though a small leafy hide he was swallowed by shadows allowing him to watch the female carefully.

He closed his eyes and called the shadows dorwards and watched as he guided them slowly but surly towards her a sinister sneer etched on hos maw.

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Hange Zoe (#72802)

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Posted on
2016-10-23 11:28:07
Yuri|| Rising Flames|| Female Healer|| Location: Woods near the camp|| Mentions: None

With another quiet sigh leaving her maw, she wandered off in the forest, as plants and flowers blossomed when she passed by. She couldn't sleep for the remainder of the early morning, so she decided to leave the camp to get some fresh air. The morning rays of the sun glistened on her black and pink fur while she stopped to lay on a soft patch of grass. Her ears twitches to find out that there were other wolves near her, but she decided not to bother to find them. Calmly embracing the nature that surrounded her she closed her eyes and grew a small smile in satisfaction.

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Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2016-10-23 11:32:53
Dakota/ Lead huntress/ Female/ Burning Ash Boarder

Dakota kept on trotting through the woods towards the boarder following Neptune's scent when she caught another scent she quickly noted that she didn't recognize this scent and that it was ether from raising flames or a new loner. She Broke into a sprint running as fast as she could worrying for the assistant that was close to the boarder and prone to attack.

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Affliction (#91200)

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Posted on
2016-10-23 11:38:38
Neptune/Assistant Healer/♀/Burning Ash border

Neptune stopped and looked up, the fur on her back raised up with discomfort. Suddenly, the grass surrounding her grew taller and thicker, rendering her invisible from the outside. The trees began to bend, and reach down towards the ground and sway viciously, though there was no wind.

Nocturne/Delta Male/♂/near the Burning Ash border

Nocturne continued to walk, taking his time to take in the beauty of the forest. Except, when he drew closer to Neptune, he saw that some of the trees were beginning to look crooked and out of place, He knew that Neptune had no control over her powers, and that the world around her would simply react to her emotions.

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