-LOCKED - November Event!
Posted on 2016-10-31 10:19:41

November Event


This month, a bunch of nomadic lion shamans arrived from far away lands to provide their services and trade herbs.

Not only humans believe that ancestors are linked spiritually to the living. Some lions believe they can talk to the spirits of those who passed, becoming shamans. You can gain your Piety for Ancestors by doing deeds for lion shamans, and in return you will be granted spiritual rewards.
Your Piety might unlock something special, so respect the spirits and they will provide.
Alongside, you can gather a lot of herbs in Explore for quests, nesting or beetles!

We received some complaints last year, mainly because people needed herbs for quests and couldn't afford things in the shops, or keeping the herbs till last day until the quests are done, and only then trading in herbs massively to buy things right before event ended. Which made a lot of people actually miss the last day. Keeping that in minds, when introducing beetles, we re-used herbs for them, mentioning to asking players, that we will edit November event 's mechanics when it's time. Since you can buy any herbs for cheap or find them free whole year round, they became obsolete as a currency.
Herbs are still useful - for questing just the same as last year, as well as nesting and feeding beetles. However, the way you obtain currency now is pretty similar to other events now - interacting in Explore. The income might change a bit, so we will be observing and adjusting the prices if needed.

We won't refund your herbs for currency.

Visit the Shamans
Here you can pay a visit to three shamans. Each is a bit different and will provide quests for you, daily. You can fulfil up to 3 deeds daily for them, and in return, gain piety (6-9 a day max). The Ancestors of lions who passed will reward lions who live and show piousness. You can exchange Piety points for mind & body enhancements.
We believe the rewards will make all players happy, no matter what part of lion's body they strive to improve.

Crafting Fossils - in the Shaman Pit
This feature is a restoration place where you can turn in 15 Ancient Fossils you find in explore from a Rockslide encounter, in order to get one of 4 random African dinosaur decors. Afrovenator Fossil found in Arid Desert, released during Karma Expansion, can also be crafted to get rare Afrovenator.
2016 introduces Cracked Fossil, which you can craft into 4 random African extinct animals, including two mammals.

Visit the Shop
In the shop you can exchange ScB (Scarab Beetles) for fancy items. The more Tiers you unlock in bar, the more fun stuff will appear!
2016 adds more decors and Ethereal Base Changer

Piety Bar
Piety bar counts total piety gained in Lioden lands. It unlocks tiers that provide lions with awesome stuff for the shop and the Shaman Pit.
All 2016 NCL event markings are updated in the Piety Ancestry list.

Shaman Pit
This mysterious pit is being prepared by shamans. The more piety lions show, the better the ritual's effect will become!
2016 Whispers in tier 3 have a chance of dropping Ethereal Body or Fur item along with last year's results.

During exploring, you might notice herbs to collect or encounters to interact with. Some are specific for quests, but won't do much if you're not on that particular quest. If you meet a Tsavo lion and defeat it, nothing besides a battle will happen. If you're on a quest to defeat a Tsavo Lion, though, and you win, the Quest will be fulfilled and you can return to the Shamans to complete the deed.

2016 update: Almost all encounters will grant you Scarab Beetles if you interact, including some battles!

You might have noticed you can turn your food into rawhide again - it is required for some quests.

A follow up update is located here


Enjoy yourselves, lions, connect with ancestors and enjoy the truly tribal feeling of this month's event!



November event starts at 1st Nov 00:00 am and ends at Nov 30th at 11:59pm. All unused currency will be stored on your account and appear again next year.

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Edited on 01/11/16 @ 09:00:23 by Xylax (#4)

RareHorse (#100760)

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Posted on
2016-11-21 21:07:50
This looks cool.

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Becky (#74134)

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Posted on
2016-11-22 03:14:13
this was a gr8 event

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rabe & tox
[Hiatus] (#89506)

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Posted on
2016-11-28 10:20:27
Badass looking gem-craft banner Xy! Awesome!

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