Posted by 1x1 RP Search

Sumria Claus🎁💩
Sumriaias (#32475)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-11-07 07:50:04
So. This is the first time I've ever done this so I hope it works out well. Currently I'm sick though, so those who reply please do not be mad if I do not respond "fast enough".

Let's get down to business.
I am a fairly literate Rper that is completely bored out of my mind (and is sick as of 11/7/6). I love details and am a bit of a poet when it comes to some things. I am open minded and am happy exploring the world of RP genres. However I do have some things I just will not do, simply because I just don't believe in that kind of stuff. Anywho, pm me for a list of stuff I will not RP if you're interested.
(Just a short list for those who don't have the time to PM me, however the list is longer so PM me if you're interested. These are key ones I will not budge on. If you want to RP with me, please don't request I do these types, thank you.)
-MxM FxF romances. (I'm not judging anyone, I just don't do that type of RP)
-Warrior Cats (I've read all the books, only because I was bored. No thanks on this one.)
-Romances (I will do this, I'm just not very good at it... probably because my love life is non-existent).

What I will RP-
-I am an equestrian and an archer, I love role playing in some sort of equine setting (horse/donkey/zebra/pony/horse & rider ect.). I love archery, I am a mounted archer and I love love love the sport of archery. Doing any sort of RP that includes archery is perfectly fine with me.
-I love fantasy, and I am currently writing a book or two in this sort of theme.
-End of the world stuff, I'll do it an all, but that does not exactly mean I will like doing it.
-Adventure, adventure, adventure! I am certain most everyone loves a good adventure RP of any type, spies, and Indiana Jones type stuff is always always catches my eye.
-School RPs, I don't love school, but I love Rps about school! School can be very interesting and exciting (if you go to an academy for assassins, or if you are a home schooled daredevil). I almost love this type of RP, throwing any other idea/genre/theme to the main School idea is great.
-Animals. However I will only do somewhat realistic animal RPs. No sparkly rainbow unicorn wolves for me please. (I do have an oc like that, I will admit, but... he's still no unicorn and he doesn't sparkle.)
-OC stuff, I love my OCs they help me get through my bad days (I love drawing an angry wolf on a bad day). I am willing to Rp with any of my OCs and any of yours.

I know there's more, I'll add it later if I can think of it. Once again, I am fairly ill so, please have patience.

I am a female, however I can play either gender.
I work and breath horses, goats, and cows. I have a job and I go to school, so I'm not always on.
Here's a big one... my green light lies! I'm not always on when my green light says I am.
Sometimes I don't make sense. (Occasionally, when I am very tired or even hungry, my paragraphs/sentences/words will not make any sense.) Please don't get upset if I'm rping with you and all of a sudden my character does something completely out of style/character.
I'm and Artist, so I may pause in a RP to draw a scene from the RP. (I cannot tell you how many times I have done this.)
I am a complete and utter fan of the entire collection of Sherlock Holmes. Here's a hint some of my characters could easily be the subject/victim/perpetrators of the original stories.(Original books only, the T.V shows and movies do not do the books their justice.)
I don't watch T.V much, so... fandom stuff is kind of useless to me. (However I have been identified as a subtle fan for a long while.)

Other: Tell me what you like to RP. Give a small example of what you can do.
We can chat here until we sort everything out.

My examples:
Itsvan's eyebrows pricked at his companions show of exuberance, his shaded eyes narrowed a bit and suspicion came to rest on his weary soul. It wasn't unusual to run into people who weren't exactly fans of his self, but to run into someone who literally knew of every deed he had committed to in the last four years, that was unusual.
The strange turn of events made him more wary and he stepped slightly, hand always ready to fly to the hilt of his spectacular blade. His dark eyes flickered for a moment and he turned away staring into the depth of the pool at which they sat.
It was beyond deep, and mythical like bluish bits of seaweed wafted about like the wisps of the wood. His reflection stared back up at him, all dark and silver, mysterious, gallant, terrifying. He let his hood fall back and examined his face free of shadows. He took a breath and shook his head. It was truly too easy to peer into his face and see his very soul, emotions, and terrors. It was oddly unnerving but also made him feel more human, if that were even possible.

Alyth twisted her arms about trying to get a look at the ropes on her wrists. She could hear the heavy breathing of her enemy as the massive beast stalked further into the wood near her place. Her eyes widened with a look of terror, and for once in her pathetic life she felt scared to death.
Most of the time she could pull up some cocky bit of courage which might astound those on her trail. However, now was different. She was bound head to toe with heavy rope, left as bait for the massive wolf like animal known to hunt people.
She took a slow breath and focused on her predicament, maybe the wolf thing wouldn't be so bad. She'd seen wolves hunt, they were quick killers if the prey did not fight hard. This was only one wolf, she could fight it off, but only if she were careful.
The massive black beast approached, it's matted fur like the very color of hell. It had but one eye, the color of frozen blood, it burned into the very pit of her soul, staring into her thoughts. It was rather painful and Alyth twisted to look away from the devilish animal's eyes.

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Edited on 07/11/16 @ 15:50:24 by Sumriaias (#32475)

Hermi [PFM] 💙 (#80425)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-07 08:18:28
Hello :D
I stumbled upon your thread and I'm absolutely willing to roleplay with you and miht have a few ideas
I'm not keen on horses myself, but I'm a fan of adventure and school roleplays, so we might sort something out to suit both of us c:
I'm really tired right now, as it's quite late here where I live, and I'd love to keep typing this message but I really should go to sleep already. Plus my eyes hurt :(
Aaaand I didn't want to lose this thread and forget about it, heh. 'll continue tommorow if you already want to try and see if we could roleplay together

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