Posted by 1x1 with 32475

{VV}{CoF} (#7298)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-08 06:15:26
Private RP between myself and 32475

Star Log
Date: April 3rd, 2537
Mission: To scout for new worlds
Number of Occupants: 100 Crew
Log Author: James Grant
Months ago, we launched into space on a scouting mission for a new world to plant Earth residents on. Our own planet is dying, and we need to find a location to transfer to. The goal is to locate a planet similar to our own world. So far, we've located nothing. There have been stars, planets and suns and moons, but nothing of suitable living. The mission has grown desperate, and I fear that my sister and I will never find a place to truly call home. Will we be lost out here in space forever, I wonder? Will we ever see home? Supplies, at this time, are in a good status, but how long will they last? The past several days, we've had many emergencies, especially in the engineering room. The Core has been failing for some time now, and the causes are currently unknown. To go back to Earth would be a death sentence for us all. We must find a place to land our ship... I just hope the captain knows what he's doing....

That was the last Star Log that James would get to put in. Just as he was finishing it, the alarms began to ring, and something exploded upon the ship. It was jarring, and had him falling out of his seat with a grunt. The man shook his head a bit, stood to his feet. His sister, he had to find his sister. Over the intercoms, one could hear the captain speaking.

"This is your Captain speaking. An evacuation order has been sent out. Calmly make your way to the pods, and abandon the ship. I repeat, an evacuation order has been sent out."

Paling a bit, James was quick to sprint down the hall to the Women's quarters. He was screaming, shouting, for his sister. Where was she...? Little did they know that this would be a new start for them....

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Sumria Claus🎁💩
Sumriaias (#32475)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-11-16 04:14:02
(Her hair... o.O I must draw it....)

Adlaide paused in eating as she spotted someone in the arched doorway. A wild looking being with some sort of fiery grace and earthly expression. Adlaide blinked then spotted James behind the girl. She pushed the chair next to her's back and beckoned James to come faster. "The food is extremely good, it smells as good as it tastes. Come sit James, you look exhausted."
Her expression was earnestly worried, but the slight glimmer in her eye said she had seen something that obviously her brother had not meant to let slip. She knew that James had said he would find a woman, but she'd spotted the stupor caused by the unearthly being's presence.

Ngea walked around the table to sit next to her parents, watching nearly amused the two humans. They were so unstable and awkward. She half wondered how they had survived those few nights. They didn't know here, which was so funny as she had been one of their guardians for the last couple of days.
Despite her father's elvish habits of being veterinarian, Ngea could barely look at a vegetable without some ounce of disgust. She reached for a bit of meat and happily bit into it, eating carefully to hide the soft points of her teeth.
Every once in a while she would look over the table scanning the two siblings with an appraising gaze. They would need a lot of help if they wanted to survive here. Perhaps Ngea could help them figure out how to survive here. That was if they survived the next few days.

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{VV}{CoF} (#7298)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-16 04:18:50
(Lol! Drawz eet!)

The man knew his daughter couldn't do it, and it didn't bother him. He just nuzzled into her lightly, kissed the top of her head. He spoke something that was completely different from the language he'd used with Mishani. It was the language of his people, and roughly translated, what he told her was that he loved her. She was their last child... "Where is your friend, my daughter?" Mishani then stated, glancing towards the siblings as well. They looked so exhausted. "Oh, and if you find him, will you bring some medicinal herbs with you?" James, she knew, was going to need it, along with Adlaide.

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Sumria Claus🎁💩
Sumriaias (#32475)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-11-16 04:25:07
Ngea glanced at her mother. "He's still licking his wounds. He nearly got nipped by one of those night-folk." Her lip curled slightly as she mentioned the creatures that had attacked the party. She also had a narrow scrape, knocking one of those creatures over she had gotten a deep gash on her forearm. "I'll go find him in a bit." She looked back over at the siblings. "I'm Ngea. Who are you?"

Adlaide glanced up from her now empty plate and over the table at Ngea. She shifted in her seat and then answered. "I'm Adlaide, that's James." Something was strange about Mishani and the elf man's daughter. She couldn't quite place her finger on it.
She didn't want to seem suspicious but something was unnerving about Ngea.

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{VV}{CoF} (#7298)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-16 04:32:04
"Ah, yes... I figured you two were following us again..." Mishani stated dryly. "You were watching them before we got there, weren't you?" These two wouldn't know exactly what they spoke of, and it'd be best if they didn't go mouthing it off to the entire world, either. "Well, go find him and see if you can't find some medical supplies. Father is bound to have a healer coming, but I get the feeling we'll need to move, and soon..." She could feel vibrations in the earth, subtle, but they were there. Her instincts were rarely wrong.

James, though, glanced up at the mention of names. His gaze then drew back down to the food, he finding himself mostly just picking at it. The water he had no issues drinking, but he just felt sick... Food did not appeal to him at this current point in time... Usually he'd have gotten a shot for infections, but they didn't have that here.

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Sumria Claus🎁💩
Sumriaias (#32475)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-11-16 04:39:54
Ngea nodded slightly, meeting her mother's eyes. "We figured they might need a little protection until you got there. You know we can travel farther faster..." This was spoken under her breath, uttered so low and quiet hardly anyone could have picked up what she said. She then quickly rose and swept out. "I'll be back with some herbs for the both of you. You," her piercing eyes were fixed on James "if you don't eat the herbs will make you even sicker than you feel right now." Then she was gone, disappeared into the shadows, her silent tread taking her away from the dining hall.

Adlaide looked at James worriedly, chances were Ngea was right. The one thing the young women hadn't caught though was the slight hint of Mishani's words, she'd just assumed that when she said move to find rooms. She stared hard at James nearly empty plate. "You should try and eat just a little?" She grabbed a roll and plopped it down on his plate. "Bread is easier to eat when you feel sick, at least try and eat half of it. Please?"

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{VV}{CoF} (#7298)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-16 05:16:31
It was not what she had meant, no... James just stared a few moments at where the young woman had gone, then glanced to his sister. He supposed that they were right, though. She was definitely rough, but she meant well. A soft murmur was given before he reluctantly took the roll, though. What did they make their bread from, though? Grains? It looked like the stuff back home...smelled twice as good, though. "I'll try..." he then sighed, feeling a little reluctant to do so.

It seemed that Mishani and her husband had excused themselves momentarily, though, and were soon off to go find a place to quietly speak. Something was terribly wrong.... They'd need fresh horses, supplies... Ngea and her friend would have to take the Outlanders to a safe haven. Speaking of her male companion, he was, yes, in his room licking his wounds. Night-folk were terrible people with terrible manners....

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Sumria Claus🎁💩
Sumriaias (#32475)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-11-16 05:28:24
As soon as Ngea was far enough, she gave a sigh and shook herself. Just like that her human appearance fell away and standing where she had just been was a very large grizzled black brown wolf. She padded down the hall pausing to headbutt her friend's door. "We need to get moving soon." She said padding into the room. "I'm off to find one of the healers, can you take herbs to the humans? They are in the main dining hall." She did not linger there long and was off at a sprint heading towards the healer's hut. She knew it was dangerous to go out and about in this form, but she much preferred it to the slower very humanistic form.

Adlaide nodded. "Good." She grabbed another roll and started to nibble on it. It was very good, it reminded her of bread from Earth, the kind freshly baked and just taken from the oven. It was more nutty though, rich with a honey like flavor that accented the nuttish taste quite well.
Her eyes flickered and she looked at James again. "Ngea's nice." She said, a underlying tone hinting that she had seen James' brief stupor. She raised one brow slightly, taking a bite of her roll and turning slightly in her chair to face her brother all the way.

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{VV}{CoF} (#7298)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-16 05:36:15
A brow rose at this. He shrugged his shoulders, and went to his dresser. The male shuffled through it a bit before he found what he wanted, a royal blue silk shirt, and leather pants. He'd be going barefoot, honestly. Shifting forms was easy to him, now, and it was done quickly. Dressed, and ready to go, he gathered his herb pouch, and moved down the hall. Hair was a complete mess, of medium length. Like Ngea, whom he saw as a little sister, he had a wild look to him, like he didn't truly belong in the castle.

"Huh?, yes, she is..." James felt himself flushing a little at that, but opted to keep his mouth shut at this, and eat the roll. It did taste sweet, but his stomach wasn't exactly enjoying the food...not yet anyway.

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Sumria Claus🎁💩
Sumriaias (#32475)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-11-16 05:53:47
Adlaide snapped her fingers, and shook her head. "Knew it." She took another bite of her roll and raised her brows further. She just sat there watching James for a while, taking a bite ever so often. Her eyes were alight with a soft glimmer, she didn't often have a chance to tease her brother. More often than not he was the one that always got to tease here. Then again, Adlaide didn't exactly think before doing some things.

Ngea was soon heading back to the castle, once more looking nearly normal and leading a healer towards the dining hall. The hair on the back of her neck felt as though it were standing on end, something was going to happen soon. The sense of urgency caused her to pick up her pace, jogging along causing the poor older man to half run after her.

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{VV}{CoF} (#7298)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-16 06:08:08
Poor human man... For now, though, the wolf man soon appeared, giving a light cough to announce his presence. "Am I interrupting something?" he asked, musing. "I can always come back later if you two want to continue teasing one another." That just caused James to turn a bright red. Goodness, was this what it was like to be teased? He'd almost forgotten. But, if love at first sight was such a thing, it definitely smacked James right in the face.

"Ngea will be coming soon with a healer. Until then, try these. It'll help with the pain." He offered it to Adlaide, mostly because her brother seemed to be shaking a bit to much to handle them at the moment. "They can be taken plain, or in the water you drink. The herbs dissolve in liquids."

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Sumria Claus🎁💩
Sumriaias (#32475)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-11-16 06:21:34
(Poor human man... xD That made me laugh so hard. Does Mr. Wolfman have a name?)
Adlaide couldn't help but snicker slightly at this new person's words. She quickly put the herbs in her brother's water, watching them dissolve and turn the water a nearly pretty greenish red color. "Here you go James." She almost felt bad about giving James a hard time, but she figured, in this place you needed to take opportunities to have fun.
She poked his shoulder and gave a smile. "Don't worry, you're secret is safe with me." She whispered in his ear, then winked.

Just then Ngea swept into the room, the poor healer followed a few good minutes later huffing and puffing from racing to keep up with her. "There they are." She said tossing her head towards the two injured humans. Then she turned beckoning her friend to one corner of the room. Turning away from the two humans she addressed him quietly her voice low and soft. "We need to get them out of here as soon as possible, preferably now. I stopped by one of the watch towers and something dark is on the horizon, it will be upon us soon if it is an army of horsemen. Mother and father will meet us when they can. But we need to head out soon." Her tone grew urgent and her face was tense.

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{VV}{CoF} (#7298)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-16 06:30:43
(Umm... Lemme go find Mordecai!)

He just mumbled a thanks, taking the glass with a shaky hand. The herbal water tasted absolutely nasty, and he wound up spitting out the first mouthful. "Gah! This is as bad as the medicine back home...!" That had been highly expected, and had Mordecai laughing from his little corner. His face soon turned serious, though, and he frowned.

"Horsemen? But there's been peace among the humans for ages... What would have changed now?" They'd need to pack, and quickly. His gaze then shifted to the humans, and he glanced back to Ngea. " loathe to say it, but injured as they are, they will not last... There's only one way to ensure that..."

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Sumria Claus🎁💩
Sumriaias (#32475)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-11-16 06:39:12
Ngea's eyes narrowed. "I'm only going to ask because I'm hoping I don't actually know what it is you are thinking." Her eyes cut towards James then slipped back to Mordecai. She really wasn't looking forwards to hearing what he was going to say, but he was probably right. Out of the corner of her eye she watched Adlaide try and mop up the mess on the table.

Adlaide blinked at the mess James had just efficiently made. "You thought it'd taste any better? Medicine doesn't taste good. Never has, never will." While attempting to clean up the fine red spray she couldn't help but glance at the two strangely wild looking people. They were speaking in muted tones and Ngea was facing away so she couldn't exactly see what they were saying. This not only made her suspicious but also worried.
The healer looked at her brother's arm then sighed, muttering something under his breath in a language Adlaide did not know. She figured he didn't exactly like them, or maybe it was James show of spewing the medicine across the entire table that made him dislike them some.

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{VV}{CoF} (#7298)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-16 06:48:28
"Bite them... I wouldn't ask you to do it, though, Ngea. I know you promised your parents you'd never do such a thing... But there's just something about them. The night folk noticed it. I heard them speaking of taking them to their queen. They're different. I can smell it on them. Humans wouldn't have survived as long as they have..."

Mordecai knew he was right about this. This was something that they, or rather he, had to do. He'd never ask his little sister to do such a thing. It was something that he new was a cruel necessity, but a necessity regardless. As for James, though, he did apologize. He hadn't meant to do that, but he did manage to at least drink about half the contents of disgusting medicine...

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Sumria Claus🎁💩
Sumriaias (#32475)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-11-16 07:00:23
Ngea's eyes narrowed still more. "They are a different race, who knows what biting them will actually do. For all we know it could make them drop dead." Her argument was weak, the doctor had been bitten and survived, but that's all she knew about that. She only hoped that Mordecai didn't. She didn't want to break her promise, not only would it make her feel horrible, she wasn't ready to go on and just bite them. She glanced warily towards the two humans and the healer, it was the only way she knew it.

Adlaide finished cleaning it up and tossed the dirty cloth down next to her plate. The atmosphere of the room felt suddenly tense. She stood up slowly and edged closer to James. Something was beginning to not feel right, maybe it was the fact that Ngea seemed to always be looking their direction with a indeterminable emotion in her wolfish eyes. Whatever the reason, Adlaide decided to keep her eyes on the two wild figures.

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