Posted by Hart [main - 2 spots left]

Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2016-11-10 17:21:24

Main - Role Play
In the forests of fog there lives many herds of deer, but this story will be focusing on one particular herd that, after a series of unfortunate events, has but only eight members hoping for a better future. Despite all that's happened they have remained in their portion of the forest due to disagreements over whether and where they should go. But one misty morning their qualms were pushed aside when a buck whose coat was as white as snow and silvery grey antlers that just barely touched, forming a crown over the head appeared in their territory, telling tales of a place where they won't ever have to worry about starving in a harsh winter or watching their backs for wolves or even of catching a sickness. At first the eight were uncertain, but after some well worded sentences the white buck had convinced them that there was nothing but misery in their future if they continued as they were. He told them to meet him at the southern edge of their territory and wait by a patch of large mushrooms.
Now it's up to you to decide whether you stay or leave.

Aldvin || Three || Buck || Squishy [1]
Jess || Three || Doe || Blair [1]
Vendetta || Four || Doe || Shy**BSS** [1]
Hōseki || Two and Five || Doe || ♓ Jamaa Shetani ♓ [1]
Fawn || Two and Nine || Doe || ☪Skittzzle☣☣ [1]

Name || Age || Gender || Player [page]
Name || Age || Gender || Player [page]
Arqilis Name|| Age || Gender || Player [page]

Image Source, permission to use it given by me B3

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Edited on 12/11/16 @ 22:39:04 by prince (#6036)

Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2016-11-10 17:21:33
This role play takes place in an expansive forest that's constantly blanketed in fog and has a calm yet slightly eerie feeling since you can't see more than twenty feet ahead of you. The trees are tall and thin or low and gnarled, very few have edible bark or leaves so the deer have to really look for their food. The trees are fairly clustered, but there isn't too much in the way of bushes or brambles, so there's always a way to escape from predators. Given that you stay alert. The ground can sometimes be slippery because of all the pine needles and constant falling of leaves and it's broken in some spots by patches of inedible mushrooms. The territory in which the characters live in is just like the rest of the forest, although theirs is a bit more rocky with occasional open patches and streams. A portion has been burnt down in a fire that occurred after an electrical storm and there are the remains of skeletons poking up through the dead leaves from all of the recent deaths.

White Tailed Deer All of the characters in this role play will be white tailed deer and while I'm not exactly encouraging it, you are free to give them some sort of oddness like piebald, one point antlers, antlered does, etc. Just don't get too out of hand, these are the survivors, remember?
Herd A herd is usually composed of the does living together with the bucks integrated throughout, but for the most part living on the outskirts. There's usually one buck who's the best of the best and decides when and where they move, but he died not too long ago and has yet to be replaced. And while I understand deer have more sexual dimorphism and such, in this role play the genders are gonna be a bit more equal with the authority of does well respected, especially considering they're the ones who make up the majority and have the fawns.
Female Female deer are commonly referred to as does or hinds. They are generally smaller than bucks with an average shoulder height of twenty to thirty inches and weigh ninety to two hundred pounds. They are more slender with more narrow faces and necks.
Male Often called bucks or stags, but hart can be used, especially if they are bigger like an elk. Bucks are taller and weightier than does averaging thirty to fifty inches and weigh one hundred to two hundred fifty pounds. They have wider heads because of their antlers and thicker necks to support the extra weight of antlers during the fall. The number of points and thickness of antlers can be used to indicate their age, but with healthier populations it's harder to tell because even yearlings can sport six pointers. Of course that doesn't apply to these deer, but that's besides the point.
Partners Because this will undoubtedly come up, I want to say that the way this herd works is that the deer you have fawns with and the one you're partnered to are separate things. Does want their fawns to be strong and thus will usually mate with the strongest/most impressive buck, regardless of their sexuality. However they can also have a romantic partner, of any gender, and usually doesn't have anything to do with having fawns.

-Follow all Lioden rules
-The basic no god modding, power playing, mary/gary-sues, anti-sues, etc
-Four sentence minimum with basic grammar, spelling, and punctuation
-Try to refrain from wolf speak and purple prose
-Please post, at least, every other day or message me if you can't
-If you want to drop out or have not posted for a week, without explanation, I will kill off your character unless you want them to be taken over by someone else
-One character maximum, unfortunately there will not be more than eight slots added
-While this contains fantasy elements, I don't want deer challenging bears or having antlers all year
-This is more plot based and I will be guiding you towards certain points, but otherwise have fun and understand that your actions have consequences
-Relating to the above, I'm warning you that it is completely possible for your character to be injured or even killed, but I will always give warning ahead of time
-LGBTA+ friendly
-If you have a question, either post it on the chat thread or message me, I'll always be happy to clarify ;3
That's all for right now, message me if you have any more that you think should be added

Delete anything in between dashes
Name -self explanatory, feel free to include nicknames-
Age -between two and six years-
Gender -self explanatory-
Orientation -self explanatory-
Appearance -include height, weight, coloration, and anything else you deem necessary-
Personality -you may be brief, so long as it gives the reader a feel for your character-
Relationships -what are their opinions about the other characters-
Other -optional-

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Edited on 11/11/16 @ 16:34:24 by prince (#6036)

] (#67747)

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Posted on
2016-11-10 21:40:41

Name: Alduin
Age: Three years
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bisexual
Appearance: 3.2ft(at shoulder), 133 lbs. Red coat with a white underbelly and partial snout.
Personality: Lackadaisical, Content, Quiet, Easy-going, Aggressive, Sarcastic, Boastful, Egotistical & Overbearing
Relationships: Content with the majority, a little less so with the more annoying ones. Will try and prove to be silent yet resourceful to those he doesn't know too well, compared to being more lazy around his most trusted friends.
Other: Scarred along his flank and ankles, and the tip of his right ear is torn.

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Edited on 11/11/16 @ 22:34:33 by Sqùishy (#67747)

Blair (#91417)

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Posted on
2016-11-10 23:36:21
Name: Jess
Gender: Female
Age: 3 years old
Orientation: Bi Sexual

Black doe (melanistic). She has chocolate brown eyes.
She is 25 inches and 100 lbs.
Personality: Jess is sassy but at the same time very caring and loving. She always wants the best for the herd and tries her best to show she can not be run over because of her small size.
Relationships: Protective of the whole herd. She loves them all equally. She is strict with those she doesn't really know well and care free with her friends.

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Edited on 13/11/16 @ 08:29:52 by Blair (#91417)

_away (#90939)

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Posted on
2016-11-11 00:07:56
Gonna join!! :D

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♓ Jamaa Shetani

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Posted on
2016-11-11 04:47:18
Can i join?? Haven't seen a deer RP in a while!

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2016-11-11 05:39:32
defiantly gonna join!

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-11-11 05:40:53


4 years old





95 pounds

This kind hearted doe is quick to help those in need, coming off as a motherly figure to younger does. Highly intelligent, but not cocky or showy of it, she tends to remain low. Vendetta is usually sweet, unless you decide to aggravate this passive fae then all hell breaks loose even dispite her being on the small side of her species. Her stubbornness can get her into trouble, as being hard headed often leads to learning the hard way.

[Open to a lover]

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Edited on 13/11/16 @ 07:26:03 by Shy**BSS** (#51494)

Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2016-11-11 05:46:50
@Squishy Accepted

@Blair Accepted, although could you use another picture or write a description, the deer you used is an Axis Deer and you may want to add a physical strength/weakness ;3

@♓ Jamaa Shetani ♓ Of course, just make a form ;3

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♓ Jamaa Shetani

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Posted on
2016-11-11 06:01:22

(I couldn't find any other site that linked to this picture, so i believe Pinterest was it's original site..)
Be like a diamond precious & rare,
Not like a stone found everywhere...

General Info
Hōseki (Means Gem in Japanese)
2 Years & 5 Months
Bisexual (Leans more towards males.)

On The Outside
24 Inches

98 Lbs

Main color:
Her main coat color is white, but she also varies in dark, light, and normal browns.

Markings/Marking colors:
The splotches on her side are a mixture of light brown's and a bit of normal brown's, and further down her back, they become smaller dots. On Hōseki's head, she has a marking that almost resembles a unibrow, but points downward, it is a dark brown while the markings around her eyes are a light brown. Small black dots can be seen by her nose.

Hōseki's eyes aren't really a dark blackish brown, but they appear like that. Her eyes are actually a very deep dark green, but the green doesn't appear unless you look really close.

More in Depth
Just like her quote, Hōseki is precious and rare. Not to mention fragile. This young doe is very elegant, but don't get her wrong, she can be very aggressive in her own way, and when she is, Hōseki is like a wolf in sheep's clothing, meaning that you will never see her coming. Always being in a good mood is what makes everyone love this little doe, for she is really cheerful and helpful. even on a bad day, she's always trying to cheer people up. Sometimes Hōseki can be a big teaser towards the other's, but, she only does it because she cares about them, and she wouldn't be able to go on without any of them. In fights, Hōseki is always planning strategies, making her a very intelligent opponent for some, but this young lady doesn't fight unless she has to.

Kawa - Mother - Doe - A medium sized doe with a similar piebald coat like Hōseki's. She is calm, cool and collected. - Deceased

Rain - Father - A large buck with a beautiful white coat, also a part of Hōseki's appearance. His eyes are a dark green. Rain is a strict male and is unafraid to fight for what he believes in or loves. - Deceased

(Message me!)

(Message me!)

Like i said in the link, I tried my hardest to look for the original link, but i believe that the owner posted it on Pinterest for their own reasons because there was no other sites holding that picture. I hope my form's okay!

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Edited on 11/11/16 @ 19:32:25 by ♓ Jamaa Shetani ♓ (#66764)

♓ Jamaa Shetani

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Posted on
2016-11-11 06:02:54
Okay, well, i'm done with my form ^^ I hope it's okay!

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2016-11-11 06:43:45
Image result for female deer


2 years, 9 months



23 inches

101 lbs

Fawn is kind and caring. She is also quiet, and doesn't talk much. She is elegant, and helpful. Even though she is shy, she will try to cheer others up, and will often try to make friends. Fawn has such a calm and positive personality, and some other deers thinks shes mute, because she barely speaks. Sometimes Fawn likes to be alone, and watch the birds flutter around.

Advika: Deceased
Renegade: Deceased

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Edited on 11/11/16 @ 20:52:55 by ☪Skittzzle☣☣ (#83026)

♓ Jamaa Shetani

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Posted on
2016-11-11 07:11:13
There's a way to make your image smaller....
keep the < img src = " then add the link and then put " width = 510 >. No spaces.

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Blair (#91417)

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Posted on
2016-11-11 07:19:33
Okay here is the new pic. And some physical streagths and weaknesses
Black doe (melanistic). She has chocolate brown eyes and in 25 in tall she ways 100 pounds.

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-11-11 07:20:28
Edit the original form Blair

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Blair (#91417)

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Posted on
2016-11-11 07:22:32

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Edited on 11/11/16 @ 15:24:10 by Blair (#91417)

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