Posted by [Open] TLK Style RP! RP THREAD!

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-11-11 10:27:20
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Hello! I love roleplaying so much that i decided to make my own! This will be a TLK styled roleplay. Anybody is allowed to join, as long as you STAY ACTIVE! You must reply in 5 days or less! Same territory as in TLK movies. Lone lions may join the pride if you want them to. One thing about me: I do not reply during weekends. I spend my weekends with my family.

Here are the rules down below:

1: Hate the character, not the player.
2: If you're having issues with another player, PM me IMMEDIATELY!
3: When mating scenes come around, just fade to black.
4: Your lion cannot be magical/invincible/the prettiest lioness ever.
5: Respect other players.
6: If you want to love/ have a relationship with another lion/lioness, PM that player if that's okay.
7: Have fun.
8: Be on the lookout for more roleplays that I might set up.
9: Put Appollyon in the Other category of your sign up form.
10: If there's any attack on the pride, you must sustain injuries!
11: The limits for how many lions you can have is 3.

Here are the job descriptions (in case y'all forget):

King : Leads the pride with his mate, the Queen. Makes all the important decisions and war movements. He may kick out of accept any lion or lioness into the pride.

Queen : Leads the pride with the king, she has all the same power as him.

Lead Hunter/Huntresses : Leads the hunting party that searches for prey and takes it down.

Hunters : Members of the hunting party that catch the pride's meals.

Lead Warriors : Leads the troop of lions and lionesses that go into battle.

Warriors : Pride members that fight its battles and wards off hyenas.

Cub Sitters : Usually pregnant females or females that are nursing, they keep watch over the cubs and move them if danger has been declared.

Trainees : Young lions and lionesses training to become either Hunters or Warriors.

Cubs : The youngsters of the pride.

Elders : The old, very respected members of the pride.

Lone Lions: Rogues or lions/lionesses who look after themselves. Usually tend to live in the Outlands. Sometimes ten to live in small groups (Usually 1-4 lions per group).

We're almost done! Hang in there! I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU!! To everyone who decides they want to join. I will also be participating in the roleplay. Multiple threads will be created such as a Chat thread - Where everyone talks about their plans for their characters/etc. and the actual Roleplay Thread - Where magic happens! You're able to kill off you lion/lioness anytime you'd like!! Thank you for actually taking a look at this and I wish you the best of luck!

Other Links to This RP's Threads:

RP Chat Thread (RP members can chat about anything [PG] and plan about what to do next in the RP): ** Coming Soon! **

Actual RP Thread (This is where words are put into imagination): YOU ARE HERE!!

Sign-Up Thread (This is where you post applications for characters): THIS HAS BEEN SWITCHED TO THE THREAD BELOW:


Character Sheet Thread (this is where I keep track of who's what!): CHARACTER SHEET THREAD!

Character Sheets

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Edited on 21/11/16 @ 21:52:58 by LionTamerπŸ˜› (#66075)

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-11-25 13:38:28

Just RP them watching the queen trying to pry info out of Jasmine. ;P JK! You can have them where ever you want!

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Edited on 25/11/16 @ 20:40:23 by LionTamerπŸ˜›[Artsy Fartsy!!] (#66075)

Lurgle (#49415)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2016-11-25 13:38:29
(lel welcome to the club, Feared)

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rvedBetter (#99089)

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Posted on
2016-11-25 13:39:14
(You could come have 'em join us at the bottom of Pride Rock)

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-25 13:44:46
Loki | Cub | Pride Rock | Mentions: Kiza, Niran, Lesari, Jasmine, and Koda

The 5 moon old cub looked down the Pride Rock, his blue gaze on 5 other lions/lionesses. Hmmm.. Loki thought, rushing himself off the Pride Rock, and went underneath it. "Well...Most of the lions and lionesses I saw." Loki murmured, looking at the 4 lions. "Oh and hey Kiza." Loki flicked his ear, bowing his head to the queen, his tail flicking. I'll just lift my head back up when she says I can... Loki thought.

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Lurgle (#49415)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2016-11-25 13:48:32
(so what exactly is going on at pride rock..?)

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Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-11-25 13:48:42
Kiza | Queen | Pride Rock | Mentions : Loki/Jasmine

She turned her gaze to the young cub and then smiled. "Hello young Loki." She turned her head back to Jasmine, eyes narrowed. "How have you managed to maintain this relationship with them? Why has no other lion heard of this before? Did you not think that we liked being attacked by hyenas?

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Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-11-25 13:50:13

Kiza, the queen, is interrogating Jasmine/Lesari/Niran/ and Koda after Koda being gone all day and Jasmine/Lesari/Niran being rogues and yet inside the Pridelands.

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rvedBetter (#99089)

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Posted on
2016-11-25 13:50:29
Jasmine :|: Female :|: Rouge :|: Pride Rock

Jasmine shrunk down at Loki's coming, knowing this would only bring more trouble for herself. She whispered to herself, she thought, "Just greatttt..... Jasmine, want a pond full of venom to the face? Sure! That'd be my luck..." She scowled and her tail flicked more.

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rvedBetter (#99089)

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Posted on
2016-11-25 13:51:46
(P.S. Take none of Jasmine's commentary personally, it is just the roleplay)

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Lurgle (#49415)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2016-11-25 13:53:25

Vitani | Huntress | Pride Rock | Mentions: Everyone within the vicinity

The lioness' ears pricked, sensing some drama. She popped out of her den and headed to Pride Rock, and put her ear against the cave walls to hear chattering. "Hmm, sounds juicy." He mumbled to herself, a mischievous grin creeping onto her features.


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Edited on 25/11/16 @ 20:53:54 by Zypheria ☯ [Lights On! βš“] (#49415)

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-11-25 13:53:58
@ Zy


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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-25 13:54:38
Loki | Cub | Pride Rock | Mentions: Jasmine

Loki snorted loudly, narrowing his blue eyes. "Excuse me?" Loki growled, unsheathing his claws to dig them into the earth. "You had a comment? Maybe all of us would like to know." Loki spat out, glaring at Jasmine. "I'm sure we would all want to know." Loki growled through clenched teeth, snarling.

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rvedBetter (#99089)

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Posted on
2016-11-25 13:55:16
(Oh so true, Jasmine is ready to sneak out anytime now.)

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rvedBetter (#99089)

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Posted on
2016-11-25 13:55:55
(Loki can read minds?)

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Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-11-25 13:57:23
Kiza | Queen | Pride Rock | Mentions : Loki/Jasmine

"What's going on here Loki? What are you talking about?" Kiza's eyes narrowed and she stood up, her authority practically radiating off of her dominant stance. Her ears were back and her tail was lashing with suspicion.

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