Posted by [Open] TLK Style RP! RP THREAD!

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-11-11 10:27:20
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Hello! I love roleplaying so much that i decided to make my own! This will be a TLK styled roleplay. Anybody is allowed to join, as long as you STAY ACTIVE! You must reply in 5 days or less! Same territory as in TLK movies. Lone lions may join the pride if you want them to. One thing about me: I do not reply during weekends. I spend my weekends with my family.

Here are the rules down below:

1: Hate the character, not the player.
2: If you're having issues with another player, PM me IMMEDIATELY!
3: When mating scenes come around, just fade to black.
4: Your lion cannot be magical/invincible/the prettiest lioness ever.
5: Respect other players.
6: If you want to love/ have a relationship with another lion/lioness, PM that player if that's okay.
7: Have fun.
8: Be on the lookout for more roleplays that I might set up.
9: Put Appollyon in the Other category of your sign up form.
10: If there's any attack on the pride, you must sustain injuries!
11: The limits for how many lions you can have is 3.

Here are the job descriptions (in case y'all forget):

King : Leads the pride with his mate, the Queen. Makes all the important decisions and war movements. He may kick out of accept any lion or lioness into the pride.

Queen : Leads the pride with the king, she has all the same power as him.

Lead Hunter/Huntresses : Leads the hunting party that searches for prey and takes it down.

Hunters : Members of the hunting party that catch the pride's meals.

Lead Warriors : Leads the troop of lions and lionesses that go into battle.

Warriors : Pride members that fight its battles and wards off hyenas.

Cub Sitters : Usually pregnant females or females that are nursing, they keep watch over the cubs and move them if danger has been declared.

Trainees : Young lions and lionesses training to become either Hunters or Warriors.

Cubs : The youngsters of the pride.

Elders : The old, very respected members of the pride.

Lone Lions: Rogues or lions/lionesses who look after themselves. Usually tend to live in the Outlands. Sometimes ten to live in small groups (Usually 1-4 lions per group).

We're almost done! Hang in there! I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU!! To everyone who decides they want to join. I will also be participating in the roleplay. Multiple threads will be created such as a Chat thread - Where everyone talks about their plans for their characters/etc. and the actual Roleplay Thread - Where magic happens! You're able to kill off you lion/lioness anytime you'd like!! Thank you for actually taking a look at this and I wish you the best of luck!

Other Links to This RP's Threads:

RP Chat Thread (RP members can chat about anything [PG] and plan about what to do next in the RP): ** Coming Soon! **

Actual RP Thread (This is where words are put into imagination): YOU ARE HERE!!

Sign-Up Thread (This is where you post applications for characters): THIS HAS BEEN SWITCHED TO THE THREAD BELOW:


Character Sheet Thread (this is where I keep track of who's what!): CHARACTER SHEET THREAD!

Character Sheets

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Edited on 21/11/16 @ 21:52:58 by LionTamerπŸ˜› (#66075)

FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-22 11:14:39
Loki | Cub | Pride Rock | Mentions: Nashiro.

"Hyenas." Loki smiled, unsheathing his claws. "It'll be easier beating them up!" Loki snorted. "They're weak." Loki muttered, stopping to sniff the air, his ears perking slightly. Maybe they're gonna be harder to beat them...Hopefully nobody heard me...Or I'd be teared up. Loki thought, looking both ways quickly, raising his head cautiously.

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Nights Moonlily (#76015)

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Posted on
2016-11-22 11:14:57
Lune|Female|Cub sitter|Pride rock den|

Lune looked at one of her daughters and laid her tail on her back. "This little one with red Siamese markings and my spots will me Ai. That one I had already thought of before I had the cubs." she said softly. Carefully, she shifted so she was closer to Raimus and re-shifted her cubs to her belly. Looking at the male, she gently rubbed her head against his cheek and purred quietly.

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Edited on 22/11/16 @ 18:15:34 by Nyx [BrF] (#76015)

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-11-22 11:23:34
Ramius | Lead Warrior | Pride Rock Den

His eyes opened wide with surprise as Lune rubbed against his cheek. He felt faint and then started purring loudly. Once he was able to get in control of himself, he looked at the cubs and smiled thinking of the perfect name. "How about the little ginger's name is Lillith?"

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Cheruwolf (G5 7.1k+
Ferus) (#91514)

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Posted on
2016-11-22 11:28:02
Nashiro | Cub | Pride Rock | Mentions: Loki

Nashiro burst into a loud, sudden fit of laughter as she heard Loki's words. "Don't get too full of...yourself!" She said in between her laughter. Calming herself with deep breaths, she sighed, regaining her composure. "What would you do if we found some Hyenas? Or, Hyenas found us?" She asked with a small smirk, looking over to Loki, awaiting his answer.

Ai | Newborn | Pride Rock | Mentions: Lune, Ramius

The small cub mewled lightly, squirming everywhere as she looked for her mother's tummy, quite unable to find it. So, instead of moving closer to her mother's scent, she started straying away, shuffling over to an unknown scent and laying still near the warmth.

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Nights Moonlily (#76015)

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Posted on
2016-11-22 11:38:12
Lune|Female|Cub sitter|Pride rock den|

Lune looked down just in time to see Ai squirming away from her belly. Carefully, she picked Ai up and placed her beside her stomach and licked her head softly. "Lillith is perfect for the little ginger girl! Now all I have to do is try and figure out how to explain that they don't have a father in the pride when they are old enough." she meowed softly. Looking back up to Ramius, she blinked and quickly looked back to Lillith realizing that she could pass as his daughter.

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Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-11-22 11:48:08
Ramius | Lead Warrior | Pride Rock Den

"Well... Maybe, I could.... You know... " He mumbled, feeling abashed and a little uncomfortable. He started to fidget with his paws, feeling as if he'd face a whole pack of hyenas rather than confess his feelings. "Okay, here goes... I've want to be with you but I am afraid you'd claw me if I came in between you and your cubs." He felt so relieved as he explained to Lune why he hadn't offered while she was pregnant.

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Nights Moonlily (#76015)

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Posted on
2016-11-22 11:52:47
Lune|Female|Cub sitter|Pride rock den|

Lune looked up at Ramius surprised, shifting and making her cubs lose their grips on her teats. Her eyes were wide as she looked for any sign of a joke. Once she was assured that he was sincere, she leaned up and touched noses with him. "Oh Ramius! You really mean that? she purred as she rubbed her head under his chin.

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Fall Out Boy (#78868)

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Posted on
2016-11-22 11:53:04
*whistles* get it golden pom pom xD)

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Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-11-22 11:59:59
Ramius | Lead Warrior | Pride Rock Den ( You're going to get it if you don't stop calling Ramius a "Golden Pom Pom"!)

He purred happily, relieved that she hadn't turned him away or smacked him. His gaze soft and loving, he looked at the small cubs and then nudged Lillith back to her mother's belly. Ramius smiled at Lune and then rested his head on the floor of the den.

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LOff!!! (#83166)

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Posted on
2016-11-22 12:15:06
Niran | Loner | Prideland Borders | Mentions: Lisari

Niran lay beneath the straggly tree of the border, panting heavily in the mid-day sun. Her darkly-shaded pelt didn't help in this blistering heat, and even though she'd taken a dip in the cool, welcoming waters of the waterhole, she was still surrounded in a cocoon of unbearable heat. After days of travelling in these same conditions, she was exhausted, both because of the heat and her travelling companion.

Lesari | Cub; Loner | Pride-land Borders | Mentions: Niran

Lesari crouched at the base of the rock, tail twitching excitedly as she peeked over the curve of the boulder at her companion; the older lioness. She eyed the dark tail lying limp across the stone, butt wiggling as she prepared to pounce. The heat wasn't as unwelcoming to her, her lighter coat reflecting the heat rather than absorbing it like Niran's. Her boundless energy seemed endless today, and she was enjoying the summer heat while she could, before her and Niran were on the move again.

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Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-11-22 12:27:03
Koda | Cub | PrideLands Border

He went a few more zebra-lengths into the OutLands and then scampered back, being cautious and bold at the same time. His ears twitched as a strong breeze buffeted his face, flattening his small amount of mane against his face. Koda let out a joyful yowl and then dived into the OutLands yet again, as if challenging the OutLanders.

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FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-22 12:31:03
Loki | Cub | Pride Lands | Mentions: Nashiro.

"Ummm...Attack them?" Loki looked at his paws as he padded fowards. "W-What would you do?" Loki asked, raising his head, and looked at the pale lioness, his blue eyes glancing at her, then back at the territory, his ears perked up.

Tocho | Cub | Pride Rock | Mentions: Lune, Lillith, and Ai

The newborn cub stayed away from his family, squirming on the floor.

(Writer's block, sorry! D:)

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rvedBetter (#99089)

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Posted on
2016-11-22 12:32:37
Jasmine :|: Female :|: Outlands' Edge/Border to Pridelands

A clear vision comes into her mind as she runs around, something with a resemblance to a lion with no mane and a cub by it.... She shook herself and backed away, realizing it was real. Jasmine hid in the scarce undergrowth and rocks near her. The various shades of grey in her coat helped her with hiding, and her scent was still hidden from rolling in the grass earlier. She took a second to realize what it was, a lioness and a cub. She scowled and watched them as the adult lay there, the cub messing around her.

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Rosiieee:3 (#99562)

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Posted on
2016-11-22 12:37:02
Kefira|huntress|pride rock|mentions no one| (have no idea what is going on so...)
Kefira was bored of all the talk between everyone now, her tail flicked in irritation. "Screw it" she turned around and started heading towards hunting grounds, if anyone wanted to join her they could but she was tired and hungry. She might get in trouble from the king yes, but to be fair the hunters should have been hunting by now unless they wanted to starve. Into view came a zebra, hard to take down on her own, but she could try. Kefira got low on her haunches and slowly moved forward, silently and quickly.

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LOff!!! (#83166)

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Posted on
2016-11-22 12:43:51
Niran | Loner | Prideland Borders | Mentions: Lisari

Niran groaned, laying her head on her paws as she closed her eyes, trying her best to keep still. It was then that she felt tiny, sharp, needle-like teeth pinch the tip of her tail, and she opened an eye against the blinding sun, lifting her tail with the tiny cub still attached. She gave a small smile as the little cub continued to hold on, her game suddenly intensified. "What are you doing, Lesari?" she asked in amusement, her voice a low purr.

Lesari | Cub; Loner | Pride-land Borders | Mentions: Niran

Lesari giggled, swinging in the breeze as she refused to let go, tiny paws swiping the air as she tried to bring it back down to the ground. She hugged Niran's tail, yanking it with all her might, but still to no avail. "Em' tryim' ooh 'ahol oooh." she mumbled, meaning to say she was attempting to tackle her older friend.

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Edited on 22/11/16 @ 19:44:50 by SmokeOnTheWater (#83166)

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