Posted by :Hard Mode: Clan Chat Thread

(TheEbonyPanther) (#49783)

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Posted on
2016-11-15 12:22:50

This is an official clan thread for the :Hard Mode: Clan!


Welcome to Hard Mode's Main/Chat Thread!

We are so happy that you've decided to join the :Hard Mode: challenge!

Please use this space to introduce yourself, chat about your breeding goals and progress, trade NCLs, and ask questions.

The first post will be reserved for FAQs.
If you have any questions about the rules or parameters of :Hard Mode:, please feel free to ask and the FAQ will be updated!


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Edited on 12/01/25 @ 12:13:56 by Cerrates (TheEbonyPanther) (#49783)

🥑mag (#33281)

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Posted on
2018-02-09 02:31:50
Snagged an...interesting chased lady today from the TC for an unbeatable price. She’s got an obsidian base and 3 feline breed-only marks—but looks very plain. They might be good for breeding onto a better base though! And she’s young.
Free to whoever wants her when her cooldown ends :) I still don’t have a solid plan for my pride beyond the eventual goal of a kimanjano king, but black bases definitely won’t be in it so she’s no use to me.

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Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2018-02-09 03:46:37
Hey guys, yesterday I went and calculated how old Ajali would be by the time of the Championships... and came to the conclusion that he'd need to reach the ripe age of 17 years and 3 months old to get to the first day of the event - which means that, even taking the Primordial Spring as granted, there's still those 3 months and however much it takes me to get a male groupie. So... I'll either miss part of April's event or miss a lot of it, unless anyone has a male groupie around they're willing to part with in a trade? Please PM me if you do :'D

I could also not roll during may... I'd miss the Ivory apps, but then I could work towards opening the spring...

Edit: I have a groupie Thanks, Mad

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Edited on 09/02/18 @ 05:35:32 by Berenos (#84593)

Indy .: Hard Mode :. (#86046)

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Posted on
2018-02-09 07:01:10
@ Hazel - Oh yes! Nooru! He will be Azarasti VI! He's second gen right now but I plan to use a groupie on him when the time comes so he can be (another) heritageless Celestial. The only thing that might stop that is if I can get my paws on a Cairngorm cubbin. ;)

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Enitan [HM] (#18630)

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Posted on
2018-02-09 10:15:47
Woo! Glad you got a groupie for Ajali, Berenos!

So far, Baadaye, Tau's current little heir, is a rockstar. He's gained a skill point every day since he's been born. Hopefully it's a good sign he'll be awesome at patrolling.

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Hazel [HM|G2] (#135276)

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Posted on
2018-02-09 10:39:25
Congrats on the groupie, Berenos!

@Indy Oh, he's wonderful! Sounds like a great plan.
....I've been intensively breeding for Caringorm for a couple weeks now, and if one finally pops up, I may just have a deal for you...

@Tau You'll be kinging a Sulphur? You have no clue how glad I can to hear that. In my opinion, there should be so many more Sulphur studs- and yet there's four in the entire game. -_-

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Enitan [HM] (#18630)

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Posted on
2018-02-09 10:42:11
Yep! That's the plan, Hazel! Still working on the perfect design for him, but he's definitely keeping his base when he gets kinged.

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Dia 🌈 (#113187)

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Posted on
2018-02-09 14:55:11
So, I threw myself back into the wardrobe, inspired by your designs, and came up with this.
I checked it on mobile to make sure there are no crazy colors my screen is displaying different.

What do y'all think? It's got a nice subdued, clay-like look I definitely want, but I worry it's too bland. Also, the marozi. I really wanted to use, for the challenge alone, and I think it works, but would that turn you off of him as a stud?

Asking hypothetically, I'm not sure if I'd stud him yet. Not even sure he'd make good cubs, lol.

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Enitan [HM] (#18630)

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Posted on
2018-02-09 14:57:53
He looks good to me! He's got a nice "deserty/rocky" look to him that's realistic but not too plain.

Personally I don't mind marozi so long as it looks good. I know some people hate it, but heck, I hate Cinnabar and some people adore it. Different tastes for everyone. It wouldn't turn me off using him.

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Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2018-02-09 15:01:09
It looks awesome, Dia! I dislike the marozi when it's at the opacities of "in your face" over everything else - like most markings -, but yours blends quite nicely! Really, he has this dusty, dirt-y look, it is amazing :D

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Dia 🌈 (#113187)

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Posted on
2018-02-09 15:02:00
Thanks for the feedback! That's pretty much what I was going for, except the rocky part was tricky. Good to know you like him

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Dia 🌈 (#113187)

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Posted on
2018-02-09 15:03:34
same to you! I think it can work really well and add something to look at, but there's something like a stigma against poor marozi :'D

Anyway, I'm really happy to hear such praise from you! <3

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(TheEbonyPanther) (#49783)

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Posted on
2018-02-09 15:34:40
Ooh very nice Dia! <3
I actually don't see the marozi at all it's very subtle

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Lithium [HM] (#4516)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-02-09 16:00:56
Love it, Dia! Marozi is <3, it's funny to me so many players hate it when it's actually a natural lion marking. xD

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Enitan [HM] (#18630)

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Posted on
2018-02-09 16:04:47
Same, Lithium! I mean, I get wanted it blended (I like blended markings) but it's a completely natural marking.

Look at this girl!


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Dia 🌈 (#113187)

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Posted on
2018-02-09 16:05:11
@ Cerrates
Thanks! Yeah, it's more visible on some female poses, but it's there!

Thank you, too! I think that many people dislike it because when NCLs have it, it's completely unblended and pretty much always on like 80% opac upward, so it's look quite hideous
But you can do nice stuff with it! Helps make the legs a bit busier in a design and, as you said, it's an actual marking on lions.

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