Posted by :Hard Mode: Clan Chat Thread

(TheEbonyPanther) (#49783)

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Posted on
2016-11-15 12:22:50

This is an official clan thread for the :Hard Mode: Clan!


Welcome to Hard Mode's Main/Chat Thread!

We are so happy that you've decided to join the :Hard Mode: challenge!

Please use this space to introduce yourself, chat about your breeding goals and progress, trade NCLs, and ask questions.

The first post will be reserved for FAQs.
If you have any questions about the rules or parameters of :Hard Mode:, please feel free to ask and the FAQ will be updated!


Chat Thread - Progress Thread - Sales Thread - RP Thread

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Edited on 12/01/25 @ 12:13:56 by Cerrates (TheEbonyPanther) (#49783)

Lithium [HM] (#4516)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-02-23 21:26:56
If anyone's looking for specific Event NCL markings, or for any of the new markings, please speak up! I'll probably be waving a bunch of NCLs in the sales thread but the sooner I can cycle them the better. xD

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Enitan [HM] (#18630)

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Posted on
2018-02-23 21:58:28

The markings I'm looking for (mostly on the basis I like them) are...
Glaze (Black, Brown, Dark Brown, Henna, Scoria, Tan)
Shaded (Black, Brown, Dark Brown, Henna)
Shoulders (Black, Brown, Dark Brown, Henna)
White Tip Toe
Undershine (Bone, Cream, Quartz, Saffron, White)
Venter (Bone, Cream, White)

Any are good, but if they have Thick Mane + 2 (or more) event markings I'd love them and I'm happy to pay for them as well. My ideal would be (either) Glaze or Shaded + (any or both/all) Venter, Undershine or Tip Toe.

The "perfect" one would probably be Shoulders, Shaded, + Venter for me personally (in that order although exact slot doesn't matter). Or maybe Glaze, Venter, Tip Toe.

Thick Mane is always wanted (but not required) just for making that pretty Royal mane.

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Edited on 23/02/18 @ 22:01:09 by Tau [HM] (#18630)

Toradaeus [Request
Roll] (#49785)

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Posted on
2018-02-23 22:01:45
I am idly looking for the cherries and Bone Venter :)

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Enitan [HM] (#18630)

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Posted on
2018-02-23 22:02:40
I just got a Cherry Undershine if you're interested, Toradaeus. She's not off cooldown just yet, but shortly.

And yes, the Bone ones are my most desired. Love the Bone coloring.

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Toradaeus [Request
Roll] (#49785)

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Posted on
2018-02-23 22:06:59
I....will wait because I just realised I have exactly 0 space and I need to fix that first. :3 but keep me in mind for the future haha. Mainly interested in that Bone Venter but don't let me take any that you want to keep or that someone else would like <3

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Enitan [HM] (#18630)

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Posted on
2018-02-23 22:07:38
No problem! Figured I'd ask! Cherry doesn't interest me too much. It's pretty, but I like my naturals. So Bone, Cream, etc. are my favs.

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(TheEbonyPanther) (#49783)

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Posted on
2018-02-24 05:49:01
EDIT: He's Gone!

Ok guys!! The little Strawberry Cotton Candy cub is officially available for sale!!

Cinnabar Gen 2 Cub

He is a squeaky clean Gen 2! The only clean Gen 2 Cinnabar currently available! He is Hard Mode qualified so if you've ever wanted a Cinna king or queen on your hard mode account he can fulfil your dreams.

His buyout is currently 3GB or 1 Yohimbe Bark, BUT I'm willing to consider lower offers from Hard Mode members! So offer away!

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Edited on 24/02/18 @ 14:09:15 by Cerrates (EbonySeptapan) (#49783)

Indy .: Hard Mode :. (#86046)

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Posted on
2018-02-24 06:32:29
Just a reminder: my current king, Azarasti V, retires in just three rollovers! Until that time, studding will be free for members of Hard Mode only! Once he retires he will not be a hard mode-compatible stud so uh, you may wanna try to get your Madagascar babbins from him while you still can. o_o

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Dia 🌈 (#113187)

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Posted on
2018-02-24 07:16:58
Just to announce my Event NCL needs as well:

I am looking for preferably Red, best case Cedar based lionesses with
- Black or Tan Glaze,
- Dark Brown or Tan Ridge,
- White Tiptoe or
- Bone Venter.

Thick Manes are a plus, as are multiple wanted markings on one girl. Perfect would be Cedar + Thick Mane + at least one of these markings. So, if you end up with a good candidate, please hit me up, I'd pay for her! :D

as a sidenote: I found a double-margay chased girl in the TC today, with dark brown and cream margay, both of which should fit rly well into the look I'm going for with this pride, so that's nice. I'll just need to her to pass it naturally in her three remaining heats, because I don't have a gnawrock anymore
I'd better safe one or two Buffalo Scrots for her to better my odds.

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Soundline - {HM} (#138107)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-24 07:29:43
May as well through in what I'm looking for as well! Though the one requirement I'm gonna be picky about is no yellow looking lioness please.

Glaze - Cherry, Heather, Quartz, Tangor
Ridge - Tan, Onyx, Dark Brown
White Tip Toes
Undershine - Cherry, Bone, White, Quartz
Venter - Bone, White

On another note, my king is just about done. ^^

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Indy .: Hard Mode :. (#86046)

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Posted on
2018-02-24 07:30:43
If I get any I'll let you guys know. :)

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Soundline - {HM} (#138107)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-24 08:54:39
Update on the future Sidereal king, I now have a chased Skyward lioness. ^^

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Edited on 24/02/18 @ 18:56:18 by Kurushimi - {HM} (#138107)

Enitan [HM] (#18630)

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Posted on
2018-02-24 22:32:07
Congrats, Kurushimi!

Also, I put this post HERE with the markings I finally decided to go for.

Basically I'm looking for the following markings in the following slots:
--White Venter in Slot 4, 5, 6, or 7.
--White Tip Toe in 7, 8, or 10.
--A bonus would be Slot 1-4 having ONE of the following: Shoulders, Glaze, or Shaded in Brown, Dark Brown, Henna, or Scoria.

The perfect girl would have a Red Light Solid base and a Thick Mane as well.


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Edited on 25/02/18 @ 14:58:26 by Tau [HM|Çß] (#18630)

Hazel [HM|G2] (#135276)

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Posted on
2018-02-24 23:31:25
@Dia I think I actually just picked up a Cedar with Tan Glaze on my main...I'll go check.

@Tau & @Kurushimi- I'll keep my eyes open.

@Indy I may just have to take you up on that!

@All- I just spotted four Chaseds in an actual appeared to have triple Marozi...but I sadly missed her and one other.

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(TheEbonyPanther) (#49783)

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Posted on
2018-02-25 04:44:12
Hey guys my Chased Mottled Rosette girl is in heat, 8+ yrs old, and she hasn't passed her Mott at all yet.

If anyone has an Ochre Gnawrock and would like Mott cubs, I am offering 2 free Mottled Rosette cubs to anyone who can supply a Gnawrock.
I will Buffy Scrote her and only need to keep 1 cub to carry on her Mott.

I can breed her to any heritageless king of your choice ( your king if you want and he is heritageless) and will pay the stud fee myself. You get first pick of the litter.

Heritageless Mottled Girl

Just let me know or PM me if you're interested! :)

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Edited on 25/02/18 @ 04:46:23 by Cerrates (EbonySeptapan) (#49783)

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