Posted by -LOCKED - Some beginners questions

Corax Demonic Cosmic
Incub MS (#101792)

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Posted on
2016-12-08 22:26:29

I'm fairly new, but I think I already like this game. I've already browsed a bit through this forum, but to be honest, it's a bit much to understand at once. Also my first language isn't english, so I'm not sure if I have understood everything correct.
Also sorry, seems I got more questions than I thought ^^"

My questions:
- Lion Stats: Are these important? Does a King need very high stats to stay king? Is there a maximum stat lions can get?
- King: Do I need to keep my first rolled King? He isn't the prettiest one, I have to admit xP
- Age: How long does it take for a cub to reach adulthood? In days, hours.
- Apparel: I have seen some really great apparel the lions are wearing. Especcially those scary, halloweeny stuff. Where can I get those, besides the monkeys shop? Are some of them limited, like event items?
- what use have the stink bugs?
- exclamation mark at a cubs status: what does it mean? The cub has no hunger, and mood is 100%
- markings: what does the percentage mean, for example Mottled Rosette (93%)
- Den slots: male slots are the adult males I can have, right? What are frozen slots? Are the territory slots the female slots? And what is a Branch?
- Trading center: Here can I buy lions? Buy out means I can buy it for the stated amount of beetles? Is there something I have to watch out, like how do I know if a lion is worth his amount? Is it about stats, markings?
- daylies: Is there something I should do daylie, besides hunting, feeding, playing?

I think that's it for now. Might add something when I stumble upon something :)


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Edited on 09/12/16 @ 06:25:34 by Son (#101792)

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Dioxeon #Gaggle (#60759)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-12-09 01:04:24
- Lion Stats: Are these important? Does a King need very high stats to stay king? Is there a maximum stat lions can get?
They are important in their own way, on main males they make battling NPCs easier. Though no, low statted kings can still be kings- it doesn't matter in that sense. Also there is no maximum, but it can take time to get lions stats that high.

- King: Do I need to keep my first rolled King? He isn't the prettiest one, I have to admit xP
No, you can retire him for 10GB for a prettier male; or you can wait til her grows up to be 15 to retire him for free!~

- Age: How long does it take for a cub to reach adulthood? In days, hours.
2 lioden years, so- 24 real life days because every month on lioden is equal to one real life day.

- Apparel: I have seen some really great apparel the lions are wearing. Especcially those scary, halloweeny stuff. Where can I get those, besides the monkeys shop? Are some of them limited, like event items?
You can get those in events, or from branches/the trading center. Some people even make custom decor you can buy from them and put on your lions ^.^ The scary Halloween stuff is probably from october~

- what use have the stink bugs?
You can use stink bugs to buy things from the shop in the current event

- exclamation mark at a cubs status: what does it mean? The cub has no hunger, and mood is 100%
It means the cub is unprotected, you need to assign it to a broodmother if you don't want it to be at risk of dying. You can get a broodmother by clicking on any of your lionesses and scrolling down, to click the button underneath the broodmother section to make her a broodmother. You can only have 1 brood per 10 territory you have
though, it rounds up which means you can have 1 at 1 territory, 2 at 11, 3 at 21 etc

- markings: what does the percentage mean, for example Mottled Rosette (93%)
that's just the opacity of the marking~

- Den slots: male slots are the adult males I can have, right? What are frozen slots? Are the territory slots the female slots? And what is a Branch?
Yes, they are the adult males that your territory can contain. As for frozen slots, they are for lions that are immortal. You can make a lion immortal using a jellyfish (turritopsis jellyfish item from the oasis for adols and adults, or "Jellyfish" from slots for cubs)
A branch is a place where you can sell your items individually for set prices of your choice

- Trading center: Here can I buy lions? Buy out means I can buy it for the stated amount of beetles? Is there something I have to watch out, like how do I know if a lion is worth his amount? Is it about stats, markings?
Everything- the base at first, special bases are worth more than common ones. Take a look at the genetics of a lion for example, some will say "common" others will say "special"
Stats and markings are also very important, as well as eyes and etc some things are just always more valuable than others. if you are confused about pricing a lion or its worth or what a marking is etc feel free to PM me, i've been studying up on this stuff since the very day I joined and I've got it all covered.
As for buying out, it simply means that yes, when you click it you automatically get the lion for the amount of beetles you paid.

- daylies: Is there something I should do daylie, besides hunting, feeding, playing?
Should? well those are the most important things; the rest isn't really mandatory though building nests for your pregnant lionesses is pretty important to do or you might lose their cubs so don't forget to do that- and you could also play some games daily if you want to get a few nice things (depending on the game) (:

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😸 Chonk 😸 (#54568)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-09 01:08:11
Hi, yes stats are somewhat important for a main male. You will want him to have a decent amount of skill points, and having more stats improves his battling ability. When battling other players for territory, having higher skill & stats than your opponent will help. You will still be able to get by with low stats, however. Their impact is not huge.

You do not need to keep your rolled king. If you have 10gb, you can retire him early for any male lion in your pride.

It takes 24 days for a cub to age into an adult. Cubs are adults at 2 years, and 1 day=1 month in lioden time.

Most decor is event exclusive, although there are some items that you can buy from the monkey shop in explore. The halloween items are sold in the October event shop. You can purchase decor year round from other players via the trading center or branches. Custom decors are also purchasable year round, from the players who make them. To view those, go to the branches area.

Stink bugs are event currency or this months event shop. you will be able to purchase event items with them.

These mean that the cub is not protected by a broodmother. If a cub is protected by a broodmother, it will not be at risk for dying. If you do not want to use a broodmother, be sure you play with your cub every day to keep the survival bar at 100%.

Percentage is the opacity. 93% is 93% opacity. Opacity has no impact on the chance of the marking passing on to a cub.

You can have up to 5 adult males in your pride. These slots must be purchased separately. Frozen slots are for lions that you freeze, or make immortal, with a jellyfish item. Frozen lions are essentially ornaments, they can be decorated and customized, but not hunted or bred. They will not need to ever eat or play.

A branch is a shop that you can sell items on.

Yes trading post is where you can buy and trade things. Buyout is what it can be purchased for. Things like base color, markings, looks, mutation, etc have an impact on price.

Other dailies: Patrol your sub male, once you have an adult male lion. In the games section, play the games and Baoball. Battle other players to increase your territory. If you have pregnant lionesses, make sure to nest them, or you will risk them losing their cubs at birth.

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Corax Demonic Cosmic
Incub MS (#101792)

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Posted on
2016-12-09 04:10:49
Thank you so much, this helps a lot!

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😸 Chonk 😸 (#54568)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-09 04:11:41
Np, if you have any more questions my inbox is open :)

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