Posted by -LOCKED - Vitiligo & Achromia

innaOvero (#98914)

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Posted on
2016-12-11 15:55:05

I've been looking to add Vitiligo 4 & 6 to my King and have noticed a few marking applicators wandering around but they are black? Can you only add the marking during an event month? Like last month we earned piety to add markings to our lions?

Also, I have an Achromia girl who came into heat and I'm trying to figure out how to breed her for more muties. Can I just breed her and have a higher chance for a mutie like they do with piebald or do I need to get cotton bark and the like??
Also, can I use a pose on her (kind/good/jolly pose) without loosing her mutation?

Thanks so much for the help!

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Edited on 11/12/16 @ 22:55:43 by 🌙 🍂 Moon Leaf (#98914)

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Shad (#16848)

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Posted on
2016-12-11 17:04:37
Hello! :)
Onyx vitiligo marking is applicable during January event for 1000 SB in the Carrion Shop.
Normal Vitiligo markings (like vit.6 etc) are raffle markings-this means they can be won upon winning special lioness of the week which has this mark,then breed the marking to pass onto cubs or simply breed to a stud with this marking/buy a cub with it :)

You can lower her fertility or use cotton root bark from oasis (1 GB).Lions do not pass their mutations onto their cubs (only exceptions are: Piebald,Overgrown fur,Leopon) unless you use Lion Scrotum item on them (February event).
No,you can't use a pose on her,sadly.Mutated lions simply won't show on the dropdown menu when you want to apply the pose to a lioness :(

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