Posted by Roleplay!

Fred the Jellybow
Rainpupstric (#82520)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-12 10:30:55
I am currently looking for both one x one or possibly group roleplays to get into.

A few things to know about me:

- I like to cuss, a lot.
- I am very comfortable with mature themes.
- I can play as either gender and more than willing to do all pairings.
- I'd prefer if I get a literate and active partner. If I somehow become inactive, please do go ahead and send a few more messages. It may be that I overlook it or the fact that I'm dealing with family problems.



1.) A somewhat literate partner.

2.) Someone who doesn't get offended quickly by a simple mistake.

3.) When posting, I expect effort to be put into it. Do more than a one liner, but don't feel the need to do something much larger than what I give you. I just expect you to put effort into your posts as I have done with mine.

4.) My partner must tolerate my potty mouth that goes to my fingers, lol.

5.) No god modding/ Power playing.

6.) Try to be a bit realistic when it comes to dramatic fight scenes. If we need to, we can roll dice to spice up the scenes and add more drama to things. However, if we are both a little level headed, I don't see the need for it. <3


Roleplay Themes!

Ark survival evolved theme: (I'll explain just in case you haven't heard of it.) ((I am not basing it on the whole lore of Ark, as I am honestly unsure of it myself. We can always take some parts of it into the rp, but it isn't *required* to be followed. I mainly mean to base the rp off the main *base* of the game.))

Characters will be washed up upon a shore of an island (depends on what kinda map we want to base it off of) bared down to their underwear and forced to survive with dinos of all kinds. Starting from scratch, they must advance through and avoid life threatening situations. The ending can always be changed to our liking or it can be randomly killed off for affect. (Depending on what we discuss, we can change it as need be! : D)

Generic Zombies

We can have it based off of zombies as they are shown on the internet. Undead, virus based, whatever you prefer. All things on this topic can be discussed and encourage you to add things that you may like! <3

>> I have a split off that follows under the "Zombie theme". It can be based off of any specific time zone we want to do but basically, instead of the "undead" theme, we follow a more virus base disease that promotes a rabid like state in humans. I usually have this paired with another world disaster like an ice age, ect. And have mutant kinda monsters in the mix, but it can be discussed!

All kinda "super power" and "mutant" things allowed! I encourage you to possibly keep it from being too OP but it is what it is.

Basic school layout:
I like to add this as a sub plot to something bigger but if we wanna base it off a school situation, college/highschool, that works to!

Compound Cell Mates:
Kinda fallout theme but basically, people have gone underground and our characters start off in a vault. From there, we can go through a whole story arc of them going through either a corrupted government, dangerous creatures in the vault or anything else and, if we want, we can add a whole new sub plot for if they get out and onto the surface.


I love pokemon! I would love to do an rp of a trainer situation and have a sub plot to this. Realisitic or not, I'm down!

A huge plot can be added to this and changed as need be, simply discuss it with me!

Tribal, ect. I can do many sub plots with this!

Run Away:
One of our characters is a long lost run away. Their past unknown to only them and their traveling going on and on. Possibly, the run away can be picked up from the street by the other character or they could run into some trouble together. Whatever you plan/wish. <3

Equine University:
Kinda a spin off of a highschool/minor setting. Basically, troubled kids are sent through this program that helps get their intentions out and give them a purpose with anything involving Equine, this can always be changed but is a good setting for horse lovers!

Lions based on Lioden:
Of course, I'll be willing to do a lioden lion base roleplay. We can either go into the wardrobe and create our dream lion to roleplay with or choose from our pride. I usually do Semi-Realistic to Realistic with this plot. Meaning that if you're a realistic roleplayer when it comes to lions, we can do the normal looking stance like Gold or Brown.

Please know that any other plot that you make up is also accepted. This is only minor examples for the few of us that can't think of which one they really want.

Where Do We Roleplay?

I mainly get on Discord and I'm not active on lioden. However, if push comes to shove, I can always set up another way of communication or simply force myself to become active!



I keep all my characters on google docs and will share a link to you when introducing character profiles. I typically reuse characters and edit things as I go along, this helps me manage them better. Feel free to use whatever else you'd like!

Please Private Message Me To Discuss Further. I Dislike Crowding Up This Forum Page!

I'm getting back into roleplaying and looking for any partners! <3.

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Edited on 14/03/21 @ 00:39:02 by Fred the Jellybow Rainpupstric (#82520)

Fred the Jellybow
Rainpupstric (#82520)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-11-22 00:56:58
Message me, don't post on here.

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๐Ÿธ๐Ÿƒ (#59520)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-04-08 18:07:37
Hi there! I'm interested in rping with you, and I'd love to maybe do an Ark Survival Evolved type seeing as I'd like to try something new. I don't have any triggers, okay with rping mature, and I'm open for pretty much anything! However, I usually only rp MxM.

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Moony๐ŸŒ™ (#132715)

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Posted on
2018-10-30 13:29:07
I'm down for any type of rp!

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Windsparkle (#16196)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-10-31 03:57:53
Hi I messaged you! :D

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Windsparkle (#16196)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-10-31 08:36:12
Messaged you again! Uh.. so do I have to do this every time I message you? It's fine if I do I'm just asking :3

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Moony๐ŸŒ™ (#132715)

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Posted on
2018-10-31 12:41:17
um try again mate sorry.

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Little-Coyote (#166259)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2019-02-16 19:31:30
I'm interested in role playing with you

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Scarlet {Nuummite
Pie 3xRos} (#169371)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2021-03-15 15:27:37
Hi there! I only rp through LD pms, so I hope thats ok with you ^^ anyways, dude this all sounds hella interesting! I'd love to rp with you my guy, and I'm chill with that potty mouth of yours, I'm especially interested in the island rp plot, where the characters get stranded

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