Posted by Miniature Kingdom | Dustclan | RP THREAD

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 14:08:32
Sign-Up Thread
The Outside


The Mice of Dustclan

The mice of Dustclan are generally tough and sneaky, picking fights with about anything small enough. They are revered for their stealth, often being able to gather in the daytime as well as the nighttime. These mice, either for simple fun or need, will sometimes employ their best Runners and Warriors to steal from Seedclan, which can trigger retaliation. They don't take kindly to outsiders and mostly believe in keeping their Clan purely House Mice. If the individual proves their worth, however, they may be accepted in the clan, but in order to prove worth, the mouse may be requested to perform an incredibly difficult (and likely arbitrary) task.

This thread is for interactions within the wall camp and raids (Seedclan --> Dustclan) ONLY. If a character moves from here to the Outside, please state that and move to the Outside thread.

**Due to the sophisticated nature of these mice and the clan they live in, their lifespan will be five years.**


Leader; his word is law; mainly in charge of leading and advising the clan; deals with threats.

Advisor to the King, mostly in charge of domestic decisions and ranks. Takes over in case of KIng's death.

The most experienced and oldest mice; survivors. Often are permanently injured or disabled (missing legs, ears, tail) from mouse traps. Teach the whelps how to avoid traps and other survival techniques. The kinder ones serve as storytellers.

Scavengers; the quickest and most agile mice; run/steal in raids. Several different factions:
~Gatherers: Collect food
~Nestmakers: Collect bedding and stuff for the Queens' nests
~Scouts: Scout out resources, traps, poison, etc.

Patrol the borders and fight/defend in raids

Females who are not especially talented runners or fighters, but have a penchant for taking care of young and producing quality litters.

Medic Mouse:
Those with an incredible knowledge of injury and healing. They are not allowed to breed without special permission from the King.

Medic Mouse Whelp
Whelp in training to be Medic Mouse; are separated from the rest of the Whelps to sleep in the Medic Mouse's nest.

Apprentices, are mentored by the Runners and Warriors based on what they desire to be. Names end in -paw. (21 days/three weeks - three months)

The youngest of the clan; from birth to 21 days (3 weeks); names end in -pup


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Edited on 15/12/16 @ 21:24:33 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 14:08:50

~ Ruststar | Female | 3 years, 0 months | prince | Pg 3

~ Foxbelly | Male | 2 years, 3 months | smol.flower | Pg 3


~ Ivyfelt | Female | 1 years, 8 months | Halley | Pg 4
~ Ryewhisker | Male | 3 years, 0 month | prince | Pg. 3

~Wispfeather | Female | 2 years, 5 months | Insert | Pg 1


Medic Mouse:
~ Brokenstep | Male | 3 years, 0 months | Potato | Pg 4

Medic Mouse Whelp:



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Edited on 15/12/16 @ 21:18:01 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

WARREN [g1 ticked] (#88005)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 21:58:41
Foxbelly | DustClan | Vizier
The dark male cracked open one eye slowly, his lids still heavy with sleep. A small yawn escaped him in the early hours of the morning and he glanced over to Ivyfelt, who he had curled up next to in the middle of the night. Gently untangling himself from his mate he made his way towards the nearest stash of seeds and nuts to snag a quick breakfast, quitely hoping that the scavengers might have brought back sunflower seeds while he was asleep. He preformed a slight strech to wake the muscles and bones in his back and a slight popping sound escaped before he sighed in satisfied relief.

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-12-17 17:12:47

[ Brokenstep ]
Male | 3 y/o | Piebald Fancy Mouse x House Mouse Hybrid | Medic Mouse
Location: Camp | Mentions: Foxbelly

Brokenstep nosed through his pitiful pile of healing herbs, sorting the dried up and shriveled from the plants that still had a use. Once that was all said and done he had more bad herbs than good. His long whiskers twitched in dissatisfaction and the piebald buck rolled the dead herbs into a pile outside his den to be collected and disposed of by the whelps. Foxbelly's black and tan form came into sight mere seconds later and Brokenstep limped toward him, dipping is head to the Vizier in a gruff, but respectful way. "I'm running out of herbs. I need to return to the woods to collect more," he stated more than asked, heading toward the wall entrance full well knowing he would probably be stopped, but he really couldn't resist trying. He needed the fresh air despite the dangers the world beyond the hollow walls offered.

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Edited on 18/12/16 @ 00:13:00 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

WARREN [g1 ticked] (#88005)

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Posted on
2016-12-17 23:28:46
Foxbelly | DustClan | Vizier
The male's ears perked as he heard Brokenstep's comment about his herb stock. It would be dangerous to allow the lifesaving materials to run out— especially at a time with tensions as high as they were with SeedClan. He grabbed a random morsel from the pile he was inspecting, shoving in his mouth quickly before turning to the Medic to adress the issue.
"Brokenstep, I—," Where did he go? With his breakfast still in his maw the vizier scanned the camp, his eyes fell on Brokenstep who was nearly at the camp entrance. Jogging up to the Medic Foxbelly commented, "I can't allow you to go out alone Brokenstep... It's too risky. I know you could probably manage out of pure stubborness, but it would be better for everymouse if I just accompanied you.." He scuffled his paws against the ground in an uncharacteristic display of nerves, worried he might have offended the other male.

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Cervicorn [G1 Maroon
Ennedi] (#33365)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2016-12-27 06:15:18
[ Brokenstep ]
Male | 3 y/o | Piebald Fancy Mouse x House Mouse Hybrid | Medic Mouse
Location: Camp | Mentions: Foxbelly

Just as the light of the outside greeted his vision the sound of hurried pawsteps and tiny claws scrapping wood reached his ears. Brokenstep repressed a sigh as Foxbelly skidded to a halt beside him and turned to face the Vizier. He was mildly taken aback by the anxiety expressed by the other buck, but recovered quickly, shrugging his shoulders. "I figured as much. Will the Clan be alright without you for so long? I'll likely be out until at least sun-high."

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WARREN [g1 ticked] (#88005)

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Posted on
2016-12-27 09:09:54
Foxbelly | DustClan | Vizier
The buck relaxed and let out a slight chuckle.
"Considering no-one's even awake yet I'd say we're in the clear."
Truthfully it concerned the young vizier how defensless the clan was as of current. No guards were even up to patrol the edges of the camp and protect the queens or apprentices. Even his mate, Ivyfelt, was sleeping quietly with no protection. He convinced himself it would be alright, the warriors would be woken if an intruder stumbled into camp.

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