Posted by [Dec] Altering the Guelta for Dec 2017

Fush (F6 Gold
Rosette Primal) (#29304)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 09:14:04
I bring Lioden a suggestion based on the experiences of people from chat based on how painful gifting is. This is a suggestion changing the Guelta for the better. Something to motivate people to gift plus the end of the month closer to Christmas everything becomes so slow with everyone dealing with holiday stuff. Its obviously not motivation to unlock something that just gives you energy. As a personal experience I only used the Guelta once this whole month to see what it does lol and believe me it made no difference and it kind of needs to be changed. So here I am with a suggestion or two!

Suggestions to how the Guelta can be changed. it may mean a tiny bit more work but I think people would enjoy it more.

Idea 1: Since we have a mud pit which gives us muddy items. Why not have a fun twist and make the Guelta a snow themed area that has snow items. People would love snow for manes, lions, decor, etc as its really something we don't have as actual decor. Sure we have the frosted whiskers and cold breath. What about piles of snow as if it just snowed on a lion, Icicles fangs, other cold related things. I think these things would be pretty great with motivating people and they would have so much more fun with the event.

Another idea attached to this same idea is what if we make it into a game. You throw a snow ball at some pins or something and you get a prize. its a random chance but people would enjoy it a lot more. Energy is useful but people want decor more lol.

This would work pretty much the exact same way as the Wallowing pit with a different face and items pretty much! Just Snow themed instead of mud! But as an added bonus maybe it should be hosted by an albino lion since Dec seems to be full of albino animals so it could make sense that way. other then that you really don't need to do too much more XD

I'll see about making a dummy picture of what it could look like as an example.

Idea 2: Having a random chance at getting snow themed decor while gifting people. This way it doesn't quite unbalances the Event currency but it motivates people to help with the event since gifting is always the slowest and most painful part of the event.

People can post ideas on how to fix the Guelta into something that motivates people. Encouraging people to gift more so we can open the tiers faster instead of admins and players worrying about the tier 3 shop opening it. Because two years in a row where the event been pretty far behind based on the player base. The numbers are fine but people been lazy and complaining when it could of been open if everyone like every other event works together to open thins. It is kind of a disappointment of an event people dread because it haven't been fixed quite yet . But we are here to improve things and feed back is not a bad thing!

Seriously people if you don't like my ideas suggest your own! there is no reason to not support this! This will benefit everyone and make this event so much better!

This suggestion has 61 supports and 5 NO supports.

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Edited on 29/12/16 @ 07:18:42 by Feather :: The Festive Assbag (#42722)

(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 09:16:37

I was lurking in the chat when this was brought up. Lovely idea!

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πŸ… leviathan
πŸ…#gaggle (#32060)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 09:32:36
Support! With thought/s

I think having it work the same way as the wallowing pit would work best but have it maybe run on a longer cooldown OR have it be just as similar and have the chance percentages of pulling a decor/good or dud item equal to pulling a decor/good or dud item as it is in the wallowing pit.

I think a game is flashy and fun BUT we already have the game section and while event themed games would be fun that feels like too much of a !Play This Or There Wont Be Progress! it seems almost like a demand, though i am known for reading too much into things so that might just be me! Take that critique/perception as you will.

But yeah I definitely support I've seen so much complaining/fear/panic because of the stretch goals being somewhat-to-generally arduous to meet with very little else going on too help motivate everyone to keep pushing for it but TL;DR I Support it just needs some fleshing out which is A-Ok and I think will be just fine <3

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Edited on 21/12/16 @ 16:33:42 by leviathan (#32060)

Fush (F6 Gold
Rosette Primal) (#29304)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 09:40:13
The way i see it with my concept is it would work like the Wallowing pit You get junk and decor from it but its mostly mud themed yes. The game would pretty much act like the wallowing pit but with snow. You would be able to say throw a snowball at a stack of skulls to see if you can knock any down and its random on how you do so it'd help spread the prizes out. Like any game you will have your junk items too XD which is pretty normal for "trying"

So with each tier unlocked the prizes are better. So example Icicle fangs as a concept would prob fall under the tier 2 or 3 unlock of the event area. We have ice BGs too so why not add to that theme. :D

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πŸ… leviathan
πŸ…#gaggle (#32060)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 09:43:44
Aaaah yeah ok I'm totally down for that. I'm just not sure how much programming that would take?? I know very little but if it's feasible then heck yeah that'd be cool. Also maybe at some point there could be a legit item suggestion thread in the future if this entire concept gets far enough but that's,,,,down the line so it definitely doesn't have to be spawned or thought too deep on rn i know you just posted this an all aah.

I love this though i think it's a heck of a good idea fush im with it ;u;

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🐾 Uma |
5.3kAlbinoEHRPie (#98408)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 09:44:02
I have to bring this up... What would run the shop? A mantis running the snow-themed shop?

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πŸ… leviathan
πŸ…#gaggle (#32060)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 09:48:00
Albino rhino maybe?

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🐾 Uma |
5.3kAlbinoEHRPie (#98408)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 09:48:44
Hmmm. We do already have the art for that... But what kind of rhino eats stink bugs? LOL

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(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 09:48:53
An albino lion, perhaps?

Edit: Doubt they'd want stink bugs though!

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Edited on 21/12/16 @ 16:49:12 by Lia-Lin - {I.R.I.S - T.A.O.L} (#36246)

πŸ… leviathan
πŸ…#gaggle (#32060)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 09:49:32
lmao I thought about that but maybe they don't eat them!! Just hoard them or something like that yeno?

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🐾 Uma |
5.3kAlbinoEHRPie (#98408)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 09:49:42

I do happen to love the art for the Folded Ears Lion, too. :P


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(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 09:51:24

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Edited on 21/12/16 @ 16:51:32 by Lia-Lin - {I.R.I.S - T.A.O.L} (#36246)

πŸ… leviathan
πŸ…#gaggle (#32060)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 09:51:53
Keeping with the "bug" theme along with the mantis there IS a wasp that eats stink bugs but it's not native and people like to jump on that; BUT ill put this here anyway

Trissolcus Wasp

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Edited on 21/12/16 @ 16:54:02 by leviathan (#32060)

MajestyCoal, Wenet
hoarder (#23607)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 09:53:56
Whilst I love this idea, if you don't have the time or energy to advertise yourself in the chat box/chatter 24/7 then you kind-of need the Guelta to give you extra energy for the chance at extra stink bugs. The drop rate is so absurdly low that it's hard to get enough StB for 1-2 apps or decor without constant advertisement (compared to say, July, where I got everything I wanted without having to buy from others or spam chatter).

I don't think that having an item area will fix anything if I'm honest. Once people run out of 'decent' gifts there's not a lot you can do, and this event really rewards begging rather than gifting.
It also comes right before an event focused on SB (which I love and don't want to change, I actually save up for months beforehand) so gifting SB bundles ruins January plans for a lot of people.

There needs to be a different way to get stink bugs, such as for every X amount of gifts you give, you'll get a sink bug. Or there needs to be a way to both gift AND poop people for each reset because people will probably keep prioritising the small chance for currency (which happens to be free to give) over actual gifts.
People also have the tendency to want very high value items or nothing, and there can be a lot of resentment over getting things like muddy items and bugs. People actually suggest giving water/muddy items to purposefully show dislike for someone, which means that someone trying to open a tier can get hate because their gift was 'worthless" or 'not good enough'.

Overall I think this idea is a good step in the right direction, but I feel like it might actual hinder people more than helps them in terms of getting currency (the main focus of most events), and unless poop costs something to give/there's a StB incentive for giving, there isn't going to be a balance between the tiers.

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Edited on 21/12/16 @ 16:55:44 by 🌟MajestyCoal🌟 (#23607)

Fush (F6 Gold
Rosette Primal) (#29304)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 09:54:31
I dont think we have an albino lion "shop" keeper. It'd be more of a game keeper but still lol. Plus i dont think it will be a shop that takes stink beetles either. This would be totally different from a shop but super similar to the wallowing pit. Since it'd be simple enough I think to code it similarly as it just uses RNG.

I like the ideas though. I'll be adding them in a moment. I been trying to sketch an idea out so people can get an idea lol


But most of all people have issues gifting because yes it helps open the shop tiers. but the reward for gifting as the event section doesnt have motivation enough. So how do we motivate people to help open tiers. All ideas are welcomed really.

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Edited on 21/12/16 @ 17:01:27 by Fush is not Merry (#29304)

(Sunset|4xCimm|G2) (#36246)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 10:04:48
Majesty, I think you bring up a valid point with people needing the Guelta. It makes sense that people would want the extra energy to get more Stink Bugs. Perhaps both things could be included in the Guelta. At the start of the event, you have just the +5 energy boost. Then, once the first tier unlocks, it goes up to +10 (or whatever it it), and the first tier of the snow shop, or snowy game unlocks. Some other events have two different sections under one 'shop' or tier, so this one could have that as well.

And about spending SB (or some other currency) at this game instead of stink beetles, I have to agree with you. Right before an event that depends on SB, people will probably be hesitant to spend more SB. I feel that just buying things with Stink Bugs seems like a logical solution, but the terrible drop rate of StB would make that harder.

I think the root of all of our problems stems from not being able to gain enough StB throughout the event. I think your idea about giving x amount of gifts rewards you with x amount of stink bugs is a good one. c:

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