Posted by Make A Wish Chat Thread

Lucifer~ 2.8k stat
harlequin! (#86490)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-26 16:35:02

This is an official clan thread for the ~Make A Wish~ Clan!

clan admin applications!

Clan Applications!

Clan Jobs and availability!

Clan Banner:

thank Blaq for such a beautiful clan banner :P

Have fun chatting!

Be friendly, not rude, we are a family now ^_^
Please don't beg and if I'm not on when your birthday comes around I'll get you your gift when I get on. can't be on all the time ^_^

*will add more if need be :P

Donations would be helpful, but not required, and I appreciate everyone who donates :P

*I will also put any trade or raffle I have down in the post below, in case anyone is interested. I save money to get many things and I will buy stuff for the hoard when I can.

Oh and that link on my second post won't work, I will not be on my side account *black ice* until I have a day off work *Saturday* so I can't get rid of that link until then

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Edited on 01/03/17 @ 15:50:24 by ~LuciferThorne~| ~MAW~ (#86490)

Five (#34182)

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Posted on
2017-01-27 09:13:28
Nice! All my mom had to do was pay for lessons and buy me gymnastics outfits, which she got at a store where they sold old dance customs. I thought I was the shit though when I put on those costumes. Even if I had stayed in gymnastics, I would've had to quit after awhile because the program left with the coach from my small, little city. I may not be able to do the stuff I was able to do back then but I can still pull off a cartwheel and I can do sit-ups like nobody's business.

Afraid not, Rain. But if I do get a symm baby I'll make sure to message you about it.

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Edited on 27/01/17 @ 16:13:59 by 🐎 Five Horses (#34182)

Xathina[main] (#70238)

Epic Fail
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Posted on
2017-01-27 09:19:43
I only have a few memories from playing soccer, mostly of visiting fellow teammates' houses for birthday, etc.

And that me and one other girl were the only non-white there.. she was black, i'm asian(well, half-asian). XD

the only reason i know i played when i was 4-6 years old, is because I missed some of our games due to being hit by a car when i was 4. tragic.

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Five (#34182)

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Posted on
2017-01-27 11:43:44
I have zero memories from gymnastics but the pictures and the knowledge that I did make me nostalgic. Our group was all groups until the next year when a boy joined. It was so weird lol

Dear lord! You were hit by a car when you were 4?! O.O

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Xathina[main] (#70238)

Epic Fail
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Posted on
2017-01-27 12:58:31
Yep! My brother was two at the time, and was hit as well. It was Halloween, and my sister and 3 of her friends were taking us trick-or-treating. The boy who was pushing the stroller we were in was killed, but he managed to push us mostly out of the way. My brother was almost turned into hamburger, but I just got roadrash in my privates.. And a broken arm and jaw.

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Five (#34182)

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Posted on
2017-01-27 13:00:49
Oh my god that's horrible! D: I've always thought I've had bad injuries but oh my god, I can't even fathom what you went through! D:

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Xathina[main] (#70238)

Epic Fail
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Posted on
2017-01-27 13:13:17
Yeah.. My right arm seizes up now and then because of the break, but I actually have very few scars from it. My brother, on the other hand, had to build an immune system from scratch afterwards, due to full life support, and nobody thought he was gonna make it. He had his liver split in half! (And they were helicoptering him to the emergency care place in a different city) when they arrived, his liver was miraculously stitched up.

He had to re-learn everything, walking, talking, eating, pottying, etc. I had to take bleach baths every 3 or 4 hours, and had a cut on my thigh that went to the bone. Terrible time for my family, and the family of the boy who died.

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Five (#34182)

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Posted on
2017-01-27 14:50:25
What a horrible thing to have happened, especially to y'all who were so young at that time. I can't imagine the horror, though I have witnessed some hits on campus and even then, it breaks my heart.

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Xathina[main] (#70238)

Epic Fail
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Posted on
2017-01-27 15:46:22
Indeed. I only have a very few memories of it, but my brother doesn't remember it at all.

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Lucifer~ 2.8k stat
harlequin! (#86490)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-27 16:00:02
That's horrible Xath! I've been in 1 wreck but nothing compared to what you went through :O

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Xathina[main] (#70238)

Epic Fail
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Posted on
2017-01-27 16:16:21
Yeah.. It really sucked.

But we survived, and the boy who died, died in the arms of my older sister, his best friend, not on the road like an animal as his family thought.

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Lucifer~ 2.8k stat
harlequin! (#86490)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-27 16:43:11
I hate thinking about people dying ;^;

though contrary to my wishes my mind decided to create a dream that the police came and told me my mom died and I thought they meant my real mom and started to cry then when they said your "birth" mother, I immediately called everyone and invited them to a celebration party to celebrate that a bitch died >.> I mean I hate her and all, but that's a bit much for my brain to think up for a dream...

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Xathina[main] (#70238)

Epic Fail
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Posted on
2017-01-27 17:14:06
Yeah, me too, but death is just a part of life.. :(

Either way, I suppose we should change the topic...

Happy birthday to me! XD

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Lucifer~ 2.8k stat
harlequin! (#86490)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-27 17:30:31
happy birthday x3

ugh, gotta finish the last two birthday gifts tomorrow or the day before >.> I don't have the patience to copy the items in the hunger games sim.... maybe I might just do a pick 10 and I will do a random number thing on the app on my phone and get it over with quickly.... I don't got all that much time for the sim anymore...

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Five (#34182)

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Posted on
2017-01-28 04:05:57
Happy birthday, Xath!

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Lucifer~ 2.8k stat
harlequin! (#86490)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-28 04:08:26
Rainy pick 10 items from the hoard and put them in a 1-10 list so I know which number is picked from the random number generator :3 this might be easier for me >.>

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