Posted by Ethereals Mutts & lions sale thread

[CLEAN|Frail] (#55188)

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Posted on
2017-01-05 11:50:07
Ethereals Radical Mutts & Lion Sale Thread!

What is the purpose of this thread?
Here members of Ethereals Radical Mutants can sell mutants they have bred or quality lions they have bred and no longer want to members of the clan.

General Rules
1. You have to be a member of Ethereals Radical Mutants Clan to post your advertisement sales here.
2. You are not obligated to do discounts for clan members, however, you can do them if you want to.
3. This thread's main purpose is for advertising your sales to other ERM's members. Trades should be made via pm.

Other Threads
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Edited on 05/01/17 @ 19:29:11 by Percezi (#55188)

✨Leo✨ (#320282)

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Posted on
2022-07-24 07:03:52
Anything available

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