Posted by |V_E_R_T_E_R_A|RP thread|

『Moon』 (#100696)

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Posted on
2017-01-10 02:44:21
Sign-ups are located here.
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Character sheets may be posted here after accepted.

Welcome to Vertera!
"Welcome to Vertera,newbi-visitor! Ol' Rayen 'er,at your service! I'll be your guide until you decide either to leave or,well,stay here. In fact,until you learn things-..Y-you got it! As I said,the island we are standing on here right now is located north to the Dragon Island,old home of the Red Death,which is located... Ah who cares. This island is special,and only few know why. I think you'll have to find out by yourself about it. Unless,well,she's going to show up soon. Ah next. Next..." The "ol'" woman with gray hair grabbed a paper out of her belt and glanced at it quickly before stashing it back. "Alright,alright. I'll tell you. This is the home of Ver,a magnificent dragon with incredible power. She gathered a few other powerful dragons by her side,and they defend us. Even so,dragon riders are a rarity around here. These wonderful dragons defend groups of vikings in groups of dragons,but they never separate from their group. Because of that,vikings can't tame dragons. They also tend to become aggressive if one is approached by a single viking. Few succeeded to tame them,but they managed to tame groups of dragons in groups of vikings. Enough babbling. I'll let you think about this offer I'll tell you. Discount for all teenagers who wish to stay here! Not appealing at all,but I bet it would turn your life in better." The woman grinned and waited for your response.

So? Accepting the offer?

This is a How to train your dragon based roleplay. All dragon species must belong to the movie.


1.Drana(Dragons' cave)

Home of all dragons who stand by Ver's side in defending Vertera. Located in the right side of Vet's mountain.

2.Mountain Krana(Ver's mountain)


Home of Ver and the tallest mountain of the island. It once was a volcano,one of the tallest from the arhipelago.

(Main location)3.Viking village,Vertera


Self explanatory. Home to the vikings. A few groups of trees make secondal wood chopping places.

4.Lake Lanka

A pretty big lake where dragons and vikings often hang out. Main fishing place. Few streams appear from it,making smaller fishing places.

5.Forest Preia

Forest filled mostly with coniferes. Deer,warthogs and rabbits inhabit the forest. Main place for wood chopping.

6.Arena Beresh

The place where vikings,riders and dragons train.

1)No drama OOC. Please. A bit of innocence drama inside the rp is ok,but don't exaggerate.
2)No perfect characters.
3)Lioden rules apply.
4)Players inactive for more than 1 week will be unfortunately took out of the roleplay. Tell me if you'll be gone for a while,otherwise I'll take your character off.
5)Before having crushes/mates talk with the other's character owner.
6)As many characters as you can handle :3
7)This is a semi-lit roleplay,meaning 4+ sentences per post.

Character forms:
Riders/humans characters:
<*img src="URL"(Optional)*>
<*font size=4>Quote here(Optional)
<*b>Name here*b>

Dragons characters:
<*img src="URL"(Optional)*>
<*font size=4>Quote here(optional)*font>
Rank:(Normal dragon/Ver's dragon(defender dragon)
°Armor:1-?(I don't exactly know)
•Shot limit:1-?
°•Jaw strength:1-10
• means it depends on breed
°means it depends on individual
Other:(Unusual things its dragon race is able to do)

Riders can as well tame a dragon inside the roleplay.
Normal dragons still stand by Ver's side,but won't form groups.

Ver's dragons(4/6)
-Night fury|1 years,8 months|Shadowwing|Played by #91514(only one Night fury allowed)
-Razorwhip|Unknown age|Slash|Played by #99623
-Skrill|Unknown age|Electrica|Played by #100007
-Speed Stinger|Unknown age|Played by #99623
(There exist way more defender dragons,but are NPC.)

Humans(workers,normal villagers who do not ride a dragon but admire them)(1/∞):
-Savy|15 years|Played by #99623

-Moon|18 years|Played by #100696
-Harper Lea|18 years|Played by #100007
-Daniel|18 years|Played by #100007
-Grayson|19 years|Played by #100007
-Iona|18 years|Played by #89766
-Aislin|14 years|Played by #99062

-Triple Stryke|1 year,8 months|Greenwing|Played by #100696
-Stormcutter|2 years,1 month|Skystorm|Played by #91514
-Silver Phantom|3 years|Specter|Played by #2458
-Death song|Unknown age|Song bird|Played by #100007
-Razorwhip|2 years|Unknown name|Played by#91765
-Typhoomerang|4 years|Feircy|Played by #100696
-Scauldron|16 years|Smite|Played by #99062

Be aware that Ver's dragons stay in groups of three,that means three riders will have to tame them at once throughout the roleplay. Normal dragons may be tamed individually,but still hard to tame.

Characters count=18

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Edited on 14/01/17 @ 00:06:42 by ⚜Moon⚜ (#100696)

🐾Lost🐾 (#99623)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-01-13 16:46:07
Swift / Female / Speed stinger / Location: Lake Lanka / Mentions: Anyone

She came out of a cave and looked over the lake, Glancing up as she saw what seemed, A death song.. 2 razorwhips and triple Strike, she didn't know what was going on and decided Not to go up, But went to the lake and sipped on the fresh water, And then decided to go up and went right past the 4 dragons and chased a chicken, and tormented it, until she lost interest in it and finished it off and slowly ate it.

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『Moon』 (#100696)

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Posted on
2017-01-13 16:51:10

Greenwing||Triple Stryke||1.8 years||Female||Locations:Lanka||Mentions:???(indirectly),Slash(indirectly),Song Bird(indirectly),Specter(directly),Swift(directly)

The Triple Stryke watched the male Silver Phantom wash the egg poop off and chuckled silently. Leaning on her pincers,she noticed a Speed Stinger approaching them and passing through the group. She narrowed her eyes at her and untangled her tails slowly,drifting her attention to her.

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Edited on 13/01/17 @ 23:51:35 by ⚜Moon⚜ (#100696)

🐾Lost🐾 (#99623)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-01-13 16:54:37
Swift / Female / Speed stinger / Location: Lake Lanka / Mentions: Anyone

"MMmmmMM" She mumbled eating the chicken and sent feathers everywhere and looked up to the Triplestrike "Um... Hi?" She said and finished the chicken. And looked at the yak who had amber at it and licked Her lips, But turned in time as a chicken went by and grabbed it and finished it off and ate that while her eyes were locked on the triplestrike.

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🌟Ally(is the
Awkward)Sloth (#100007)

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Posted on
2017-01-13 22:43:09
Song Bird|Male|Unknown|Death Song|Location: Lanka|Mentions: Slash, Razlrwhip, and Green wing

"At least someone has common sence around here. Once your dead, that armor of yours comes right off your lifeless body," Song Bird smiled at the rider's dragon and glanced back at the second razorwhip. She knew how dangerous he could be. The fact was, the razorwhip's were just starting to annoy him. The thought of eating them was one at the forefront of his mind. Then he'd have to pull off all of their armor and that would take energy that he didn't have right now. Still the first razorwhip continued at his catch. He growled at her. "If you'd know what's best for you, leave the yak alone," Song Bird said through clenched teeth.

That was when Slash made the excuse that she was in a bad mood. Song bird scoffed at her. "That doesn't mean you have an excuse," He replied arrogantly. She was one of Ver's dragons. Well there goes my plan of a razorwhip snack. I don't want to be on Ver's bad side. The male said to himself, of course he would never say that outloud.

(I'll reply with my riders later. Sorry this is all I've been able to get up.)

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🐾Lost🐾 (#99623)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-01-13 22:55:25
Swift / Female / Speed stinger / Location: Lake Lanka / Mentions: Song bird, Greenwing

She went over to the yak and tapped the amber, "Damn thats strong, How do you store it in you?!" She asked (Here comes a annoying none stop asking Speed stinger :D) She went around the amber at least 5 times sending up dirt, As she went past inspecting it "How do you get the meat inside?" She asked another question. And jumped onto it and giggled looking at the yaks face.

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『Moon』 (#100696)

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Posted on
2017-01-13 23:03:30

Greenwing||Triple Stryke||1.8 years||Female||Locations:Lanka||Mentions:Song Bird(directly),Swift(directly)

The Triple Stryke dipped her head as the Death Song smiled at her. Hearing the Speed Stinger's question,she turned her head to it,and flicked her tails. "Death Songs have incredible jaw strength. If I remember correctly,they can crack the amber." She glanced at Song Bird to see his reaction before sitting on her hind legs.

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Edited on 14/01/17 @ 06:04:25 by ⚜Moon⚜ (#100696)

🐾Lost🐾 (#99623)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-01-13 23:11:12
Swift / Female / Speed stinger / Location: Lake Lanka / Mentions: Song bird, Greenwing

"Cool!" She put her jaws on it and bit down, Only to end up with a missing tooth and a chipped one, and Growled in pain. and licked where the tooth used to be, And glanced at the death song, Knowing what she did was a stupid thing to do, She didn't know, She only had learned about Deathsongs this year, And Their were alot of new dragons here, And the tripleStrike was the Scariest out of all the ones she had seen.

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«|: tolka☕ (#91765)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2017-01-14 00:48:50
??|Razorwhip|2 yrs||Female|@|Mentions: Bird

She sighs and turns to Bird,"Bet you couldn't catch a yak in a dense forest," she raises an eyebrow,"Could you?" This was almost a for sure win for her, the dense forest was not challenge for her, being so easily to slice through the underbrush or able to spiral-cut through the canopy. But knowing the strength of Bird, she crawls off the lopsided amber case and shots a needle at a plump sheep.

Then she heard a crack, behind her, a broken egg, phantom and triple stryke. She turns away from the trapped sheep and studies the eggs quickly, nothing too interesting. Then returns to shaving the wool off the sheep with her two talons.

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🐾Lost🐾 (#99623)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-01-14 22:10:19
Swift / Female / Speed stinger / Location: Lake Lanka / Mentions: Song bird, Greenwing, ???

She thought of what The other razorwhip said, and agreed to what she said, But said nothing, Since her wings were tired and she was in a perfect spot to be Amberized and be the perfect meal for the deathsong, and the triplestrike, Since they were both powerful, if it was just her fighting them, but she had tormented/argued with them over the yak.

(Writers block ;~; )

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🌟Ally(is the
Awkward)Sloth (#100007)

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Posted on
2017-01-14 23:16:18
Song Bird|Male|Unknown|Death Song|Location: Lanka|Mentions: Slash, Swift, Green wing, and unnamed Razlrwhip

Song bird nodded at Greenwing, the small dragon's question had been answered correctly, the rider's dragon knew her stuff. "Exactly, only I can break it," he added, not before the Speed Stinger bit down on the amber and hurt it's teeth. He shook his head before turning back to the unnamed Razorwhip and Slash. "Of course I could. You think I'm a clumsy flyer?" Bird felt his anger ignite. These dragons were just asking him questions about his ability, questioning his strength. He was beginning to become irritated by the group of dragons.

"I have better things to answer your questions, namely taking a nap. If your going to ask questions, I suggested you ask your last one before I leave," Song bird said in an annoyed manner. He was no longer entertained by the dragons, they were of no use to him anymore. He had caused his trouble. He was even going to leave the yak here for later, knowing no one could break him out of his amber casing.

Grayson, Daniel, and Harper|Male, Male, and Female|19, 18, and 18|Riders|Location: Vertera|Mentions: Moon and Iona

Daniel and Harper watched as the girl with a dragon walked up. Harper thought she could help them but her and Daniel had been prepared for this their whole lives so they didn't really need a helper. Maybe the other teens did. She shrugged. Daniel was on the same train of thought. "Moon should come with us, I mean we don't need help," he said, pointing to him and his sister, "but other teens might need help."

Grayson nodded in responds to the group. That was when Iona screamed dragon and all three of their heads turned to the area where she was looking. There was no dragon. "Um, Iona, there is no dragon over there," Harper spoke out, pointing behind her. "Should we be trusting someone who sees things?" She whispered in her brother's ear. He then responded with a head shake to signify, 'no we shouldn't'. Grayson chuckled slightly and pointed in the other direction. The twins looked. "Ah, yes, that's the dragon." Harper nodded, then she realized the they were supposed to be taming them. She looked to Moon, slightly panicked and eyes wide. "What do we do now?" She added.

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🐾Lost🐾 (#99623)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-01-14 23:47:48
Swift / Female / Speed stinger / Location: Lake Lanka / Mentions: Song bird, Greenwing, ???

her planned changed, as she yawned, "Well it seems like your a very powerful dragon, but could you amberize a Speedstinger?" She glanced at speed stinger which lifted its head to its name, then she focused on the death song, Studying its pattens and body. Big, Dragon eater, Amber, strong jaw, damn this dragon is strong. she thought, a little fear hitting her.

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『Moon』 (#100696)

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Posted on
2017-01-15 00:30:55

Moon||Female||Rider||Location:Vertera||Mentions:The teens

The girl gazed over at all the riders and placed her hands on her hips. "Well,know what kind of dragons you're aiming for. Defender dragons,or normal ones?" She took a strand of her hair away from her face before placing her hand back on her hip and twitching her nose,waiting for their answer.

Greenwing||Triple Stryke||1.8 years||Female||Locations:Vertera,Preia||Mentions:Song Bird(directly),Swift(indirectly),???&Slash(indirectly)

The dragon twitched her nose at the Death Song's response. She stretched her wings and quietly listened to the Death Song before scowling. These two Razorwhips were already annoying,and if she wouldn't leave soon,one of them might be attacked. Although she had no idea why the anger in her grew,it did. Silence made her even more angry. The "superior" Razorwhip has been silent for a while now,which indeed annoyed the Triple Stryke.

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Edited on 15/01/17 @ 07:31:30 by ⚜Moon⚜ (#100696)

Merri (#89766)

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Posted on
2017-01-15 01:31:54
Iona Hart | Female | Rider |18 | Location: Verterra | Mentions: Other Teens

Iona turned to Moon, "I don't care as long as it is a dragon," she said in response to the kind of dragon she wanted to tame. Then she turned back to the other teens, "You guys thought I was crazy, didn't you." she said accusingly. She wasn't overly upset by it, seeing as she didn't know them very well, "I will have you know, that while I may be overly energetic, I do not see things that aren't there!"

Turning her attention once more, Iona looked at the stormcutter that had caught her attention in the first place, "What about that dragon?" she asked Moon, "Is it a defender or a normal dragon? I wouldn't mind taming that one!"

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«|: tolka☕ (#91765)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2017-01-15 02:38:44
??|Razorwhip|2 yrs||Female|@Preia,Krana,Vertera|Mentions: Humans, Open!

She clutches the sheared sheep by her claws and takes lift off, streaming back to the forest, wanting to sit and eat her little snack, which was still baa-ing. Quickly silencing the sheep with a swift cut of her tail, she finds a clearing near the base of the mountain. Swallowing the last pieces, she decides to visit the village again.

She was perched on the Cliffside near the village, watching the tiny humans talk. They're so weak.. she would think, But Greenwing and Slash are protecting them.. She strains her ears try and hear their speech. Only catching strips of it.

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MaskedCritters (#99062)

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Posted on
2017-01-15 03:04:07
Aislin|Female|14 Years|Rider|Location: Village-Lanka|Mentions: Swein

Aislin made a dart past the resting scauldron, glancing back when a hefty groan was emitted. He stood and lumbered after her, keeping a close watch. Before giving a surprised roar when the young rider made a sharp turn and promptly jumped onto him. The girl patted his slender neck, a small plea for him to urge on. She smiled as Swein began to move, large wings shot out and began to lift him upwards, she merely followed the Tidal Class dragon's gaze.

It landed on the lake, a common place he'd always choose to go. Not like she could blame him, he was mostly a water dweller after all and if he was left out of water too long he'd dehydrate and practically die on her. She gave a large grin when Swein made a sudden dive, she wrapped her arms around the base of his neck and held on until a loud plop was made.

Swein|Male|16 Years|Scauldron|Location: Village-Lanka|Mentions: Aislin

Swein gave a sigh, looking back at the child of his original riders. A coo escaped his lips as he watched her slide off the sea green and blue scale hide. Water danced around his body was he stared at Aislin wading from the water to shore and sitting down. He folded his wings back up to his side and wiggle towards the girl, an attempt to swim yet walk in shallow depths of the lake. Once his head was near the shore he'd lay down. Propping his head on the banks next to Aislin.

Unknown|Female|4 years|Typhoormang|Location: Preia|Mentions: Open

Her posture adjusted. Eyes blinked open revealing an amber glare as she lifted her head. Glancing around before throwing out massive wings. A scornful roar emitted from her vocals as she carried herself skyward, shoving past branches before hovering in the sky above the trees.

Her wings rotated to keep her a flight in the forward less flight. She turned her blue head, eyeing the surroundings before steering her direction, she'd turn from the lack's direction remaining above the forest until a few buildings came into her vision. Only then did she dip down, slamming her claws into the dirt. Remaining in the treeline as she held her gaze steady. Any meal would do, she just had a certain dislike to go towards the lack from much more personal reasons.

She honestly would be at the lake prodding the lake for eels but she didn't see the two in sight. It was time for her to be wary and steer clear of common locations of theirs.

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