Posted by 1x1 w/ Lexi (2)

Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-01-18 03:44:31
Plot to be put up

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-10 05:28:14
As soon as she left the building, Heidi found her car before going to a small cafe to catch up with her mother. They ate and talked, Heidi telling her how much she was enjoying school and her new job, and that she wasn't dating anyone at the moment. Then they split ways before Heidi spent the next couple of hours at school, taking notes, before she drove back to the office, going to her section and walking in before going straight to her desk and turning on her computer.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-10 05:44:46
Eros had gone out after during lunch to get a few things, one of them being a rose. He had read somewhere that red roses were a sign of love...or something gooey like that. He didn't want to buy a red one but that was the only color they had there so out if frustration he got a single rose. He had left it in her top drawer with a note, he had realized that it was his fault this morning that they were in a bad mood.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-10 05:45:36
(( wait did he leave it in the office or at the house ))

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-10 05:48:18
((Office Desk))

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-10 05:53:05
Heidi noticed that Eros still wasn't there and rolled her eyes at his behavior, shaking her head before opening her desk drawer to get her notepad. She gasped when she saw that on top of it was a single, red rose and a note. The note told her that Eros was sorry for the way he had acted that morning and didn't mean to make her mad. That he didn't want her to be mad at him and hoped that she could forgive him because after all he had pulled this cheesy move. Heidi laughed at it, a smile on her face before she picked up the single rose and put it in a small vase, shaking her head, knowing that she forgave Eros already.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-10 06:03:33
Eros was still looking through the files since it had been a long list that he kept putting off until today, he's never had the time to do this but yesterday he had finished everything he meant to do, he would just have to do two days of work tomorrow. Sighing, he took a look at the last name on the list to see Heidi's name there, listed under assistant. He added the word personal before assistant and glanced at the resume attached. Skimming over it, he finally finished and closed the folder with a wham, there was a reason he didn't like doing it because it was mainly boring. Handing it back to the woman he kept his look stone like he usually did towards his employees, "Record the changes that I had made, I gave a few people raises so make sure to inform them about that." He left without another word and took the elevator up to his office, it was already well past the time Heidi's school ended so she should've been back by now unless she decided to go on another date with another family member.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-10 06:08:29
(( How does he know its a family member she went out with ))

It wasn't long before Heidi heard the office door opening and saw Eros walking in. She took his appearance in. His dark brown hair that he had gelled back even though she preferred it natural. And his beautiful sea green eyes that looked like they were exhausted. He still stood up straight, having fantastic posture. She shook her head, biting her bottom lip before standing up and walking over to Eros. "I got your note," she tells him, finding it funny to think of him doing such cheesy things though she liked it nonetheless. "And the rose." she gestured behind herself to the rose she had put in a vase on her desk. Then she looked back at Eros before pressing the office door closed, all the while staring at Eros as she did. "And I have to say Mr. Karpelli, I am genuinely surprised." She said his last name with a sigh. She hated calling him by that. She truly did. Not with how intimate they had been.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-10 06:17:22
(( He has security cameras in his office, actually he has them everywhere and they record sound as well ))

Eros was glad that Heidi hadn't ripped the rose to shreds, in fact he saw that she had put it in a vase with a bit of water in it. "Do you like it?" He was also glad that she didn't say his last name with utter hatred like he had expected. His face had softened up a bit, he wasn't a fan of giving Heidi a stone face like he did to every other employee although his back stayed strait as he stood in the middle of the room, watching Heidi move about.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-10 06:20:11
"It's new," Heidi stated, turning back to look at the rose, and the note that she had sat up right beside it before she turned to look at Eros once more. "Cheesy, not your style." Her words were true. Eros wasn't a person who did such things as this, but it really did show Heidi that he was trying. "But I like it." And Heidi grinned from ear to ear, shaking her head, as she kissed his cheek. "It was really sweet of you, and it's lovely." Heidi knew that Eros was trying, and he was doing good. He was becoming the ideal boyfriend.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-10 06:25:28
Eros let out an inaudible sigh of relief, "It's not my thing, I mean who knew buying flowers would be such a damn hassle, I just want a rose and she goes and asks how many? Do I look like a fleurist that orders three dozen roses?" He gestured to himself, the answer was obviously no. He looked like a business man, clean and shaved, hair gelled back and a serious face.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-10 06:27:27
"Well thanks for putting the effort in," Heidi tells him before slowly running a hand through his hair and shaking her head. "You shouldn't gel it," she tells him. "It looks so much better natural. It's easier for me to run my hands through it too." Then Heidi inhaled before exhaling and looking at Eros. "Why can't people know that we're dating?" she asks, having been thinking of the question since that morning. "Are you ashamed to be with me?"

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-10 06:33:38
"No more flowers, I'd rather take you all the way around the world on my jet than have to buy another flower." He flinched a bit when she tried messing with his perfectly neat hair, looking in the reflection of the glass he smoothed it back again and shrugged, "I look more professional with my hair like this, other wise I look like a hockey player in a suit without it." Gears began spinning in his head when she had asked about them, "I never said no one can know about us, I just said as long as we are in the office, I'd like to be called by my last name...and don't get mad at me again. I can't stand it when your stubborn head is clouded with anger."

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-10 06:36:57
"But why do you want me to call you by your last name?" Heidi persists, trying not to get angry all over again because he asked her not to. She inhaled deeply before furrowing her eyebrows at him and running a hand through her hair. "It just doesn't make sense. I understand in meetings but why anywhere else? I just don't understand it." Heidi backed away from him, trying not to get angry because anger wouldn't get her anywhere. Instead she breathed in and out before looking at him expantantly, wanting an answer.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-10 06:41:42
Eros didn't want to talk about this here but he knew she wouldn't let up until he gave her an answer, "At home, you can call me by Eros, just not in the office." His voice was a low whisper so the cameras in his office wouldn't pick up his voice, "There are always people watching." He made sure to keep security watching the building to make sure nothing weird was going on without his knowledge although with the size of his building, he needed at least five or six.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-10 06:44:19
"But you just said that you didn't care if people knew or not. See this, this is why I was mad at you," Heidi exclaims, shaking her head, not seeing what about this he didn't understand. He either was happy to be with her or he was ashamed. It wasn't that hard of a question, all Heidi wanted was the truth. Couldn't she be given that? Did she not deserve that? "This is why I'm still mad at you." And she shook her head, feeling like he wasn't listening to her. She began to walk to the door, wanting to get away from Eros.

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