Posted by 1x1 w/ Lexi (2)

Jazzy (#75773)

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2017-01-18 03:44:31
Plot to be put up

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-11 17:20:07
"Ms.Odin." He said back keeping his fingers moving across his keyboard, the minute she had stepped in though his fingers seemed to have forgotten where the keys were, making him frustrated since he had to press backspace every other word. "Fuck." He swore under his breath and stopped his fingers for a second before punching his desk with the side of his hand in annoyance.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-11 17:22:35
Heidi glanced at Eros, staring at his wavy, brown locks and his frustrated sea green eyes. He really was incredibly handsome. And he knew it too. Heidi grinned before she cleared her throat and turned back to work. She knew better than to mess with him when he was annoyed. He could get snappy and would say words that he didn't really mean. Heidi knew that for a fact. She let a sigh leave her mouth and did her work until it was time for lunch. She packed up her things. "I'm going to lunch," she tells Eros.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-11 17:25:31
Eros had calmed down slightly by the time lunch time had come, he decided to work with his pen for the time being since his fingers wouldn't cooperate. He had a lot of catching up to do so he told Amanda to get him something rather than him going out himself. She had brought back a few things for him to eat, one of them being a burger and he munched on that while he continued writing some stuff down.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-12 02:11:31
Eros had barely acknowledged her when she left, but Heidi didn't find that new. He often avoided things that he didn't know the answer to. Heidi shook her head before going to the cafe she always went to, ordering her usual. The cute waiter was there again and flirted with Heidi. She laughed and smiled but left before she could lead him on. Heidi went back into the building, going to the office and sitting right back at her desk, shooting a glance at Eros but saying nothing before starting back to work.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-12 02:14:20
Eros looked at Heidi and got up to throw away the wrapper from his hamburger, "How was lunch?" He asked even though he never really asked Heidi about lunch, the tension in the room was even too much for him to handle. He wanted to know if Heidi was still upset about this morning and he would find his answer if she actually answered him.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-12 02:32:38
Heidi looked up when Eros asked her about lunch. She was surprised that this was being asked of her. She shrugged before throwing him a small smile that she was sure he didn't even see. "Fine," she answered before offering him no more words and going back to work. She was almost down with the paper work that she had for the day and the sooner she finished, the sooner she could go home.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-12 02:39:40
Eros sighed and noticed the flicker of her lips tugging up but it was gone as fast as it came. He noticed she was rushing through some of her work and decided to check up on it, since he let Amanda take it after, he never saw Heidi's work. Walking over to her desk, he picked up a file and opened it, seeing a few errors due to the speed she was going at, "You're going to need to fix that," He places the file down, open on her desk and points to the errors before picking up the next one and doing the same thing, "Ms.Odin, you have to slow down, you're speed isn't benefiting your work, I'd rather you do it slowly without errors than do it quickly and have many that you need to fix. Go through that pile again and make sure it's all good, I'll be making sure after you have finished."

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-12 08:13:24
(( I don't actually think that Heidi like mess that up lol. She's too much of a perfectionist lmao ))

Heidi looks at the paper before spotting her mistake. She must have over looked it though she didn't know how. She was usually very keen and on point even if she was workint fast. Heidi shrugged before fixing it and reprinting the paper. Then she did as Eros told her and looked through the rest not finding any more mistakes. Afterwards she finished the few that she had left before printing them. Then she picked up all of the papers she'd done before going and putting them on Eros's desk. She knew that then would have been the time to tell him that she want going to be home till late. That she had plans but at the same time she was a grown woman and it was after all her life. He wouldn't care too much anyways. "I'm going to head out," Heidi tells Eros, grabbing her stuff.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-12 08:24:56
(( No it's a few things she hasn't learned yet, no one starts perfect at their job lmao ))

Eros watched as Heidi packed up and dismissed her words, he was almost done since he didn't leave the office the whole day. He had left an hour after Heidi did and decided to go to the bar seeing as that it was eight only and he felt like having a drink or two. He didn't bother droppig off his stuff off st home since there wasn't really a point.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-13 08:15:14
Heidi got into her car before driving to the bar. It was one that was a bit away, but it was pretty nice. She was meeting some of her friends from the college she had been going to before Eros had made her transfer. She ran a hand through her hair before getting out and walking to the bar. The name of it was Charley's, and only the best knew about it. She walked in before looking for her friends, finding them at a booth. She smiled before sitting down, as the other began to tell her what she had been missing.

(( What if its the same bar ))

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-13 08:20:03
(( omg let's XD ))

Eros arrived at the bar and went strait to get a strong drink, "vodka." He ordered a few shots, somethig he didn't do very often though. He was more of a bourbon person. The bartender lines up three shots and filled them halfway, pushing them towards Eros. His hands reached for one of the shot glasses but paused when she heard a group of girls talking, one of them bursting into laughter...loud laughter. Shaking his head he downed the three shots and ordering more.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-13 08:28:50
"How's it like living with your boss?" Heidi turned her head to look at Chloe, her best friend. She had long, blonde hair and big brown eyes. She was so inquisitve. "It's okay, I guess," Heidi states before Rebecca chimes in. "No way is it just okay. That man is sex on legs!" Rebecca had dark brown hair and green eyes. "Rebecca!" Heidi exclaims, shaking her head. "Can we please change the subject from one sexy man to another?" Jim asks, the one with black hair and dark blue eyes. He was dating Rebecca. "Funny kid!" Christian states, laughing with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. The group busts out laughing, and Heidi shakes her head, having missed this.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-13 09:36:38
Eros's ear had caught a woman's voice when she had asked how was living with her boss, that's odd. He turned his head to catch a woman exclaiming something about said boss' body, then his eyes strayed to see Heidi...What are the chances. His eyes caught the woman's who said he was sex on legs...or something close to that, shaking his head, he winked before turning around and getting a glass of bourbon before walking behind Heidi and taking a seat at a table. He changed his voice to one with a British accent knowing if she turned around she wouldn't be able to see him very well in the dim lighting, he'll take his chances. "May I buy you a drink miss?" He smirked, wanting to see her reaction.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-02-13 10:27:05
Christian turned to look at Heidi, his gaze intense, making her blush. They had dated for half a year before breaking up and she knew that he still liked her. Anyone could tell that. Her cheeks heated up before she looked away just as she heard a voice from behind her, asking if he could buy her a drink. Heidi couldn't tell what she looked like though his voice was quite attractive. "Go do it bitch! It's a free drink," Rebecca commands her before Chloe adds on with a grin on her face. Heidi sighs. "Sure," she tells the stranger before getting up. Once they had taken a few steps Heidi leaned towards him. "I just want you to know that I'm sort in a relationship right now."

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-02-13 10:33:31
Eros wanted to chuckle there and then but he knew she would recognize it, after all he always had a reason to do so around her. He got up and got one of the most expensive whiskey's on the menu before handing it to Heidi, he stayed out of the lights so she couldn't see his face, "I heard you're friends talking, they were very loud." His British accent still being used.

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