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Gacheru (#12060)

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Posted on
2017-01-21 16:02:44

Table of Contents

(With Links)

Your Exp & Stat Briefing
Ways to Gain Exp
Exp Items
Stat Items
The Chart

Your Exp & Stat Briefing

New players will start out fairly weak and with only 30 or so Stats, but as you defeat enemy NPCs in Explore, complete the Snake's quests, win against other Player's Main Lions, or even use certain items; you'll gain what is called Experience Points, aka Exp. After a set number of Experience Points have been collected you'll "Level Up", giving you a boost to your Main Lion's Stats. Each new Level has a greater amount of Experience Points in order to reach the next Level.
Stats are what can make your Main Lion powerful, in a sense. NPCs are said to get easier to defeat, and the more Stats you have, the more you can pass on to your offspring. Not all your Stats will pass on, though. Only an estimated 12% of the total amount of Stats pass, not including the Skill Stat. The greater the Level's number you achieve, the more Stats you gain. Lvl 2, you gain 4 Stats. But at Lvl 15, you'll gain 30 Stats.

So Basically Exp = Level Ups which = Stats

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Edited on 01/08/18 @ 22:09:30 by Gacheru [Main] (#12060)

Gacheru (#12060)

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Posted on
2017-01-21 16:03:12
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Ways to Gain Exp

I think I've already mentioned all the ways to gain Exp in the Briefing. But I'll explain in depth on how they work. If I've missed anything, please let me know.

NPC Battles
You can Battle NPCs while Exploring. Found at Explore>Exploring, you choose the zone your Level is in. Explore until you can find something to attack, such as a Hyena or Another Lion. You may even attack the Lionesses that you can Claim into your pride. But that won't make them join. It is said that different Enemies have different weaknesses; and between the two character pictures you may see a type of Stat (such as Speed or Strength) and some arrows pointing either left or right. The direction the arrows are pointing to mean that your Main or the NPC has the advantage.
The Quest Snake
The Quest Snake can be found at Explore>Quests & Snakes. It is the first snake that you can get a Daily Quest from. He will usually ask you to defeat certain NPCs in explore, Collect certain Items, or have your Lionesses Hunt certain Prey. Once you've met the specified criteria, go back to the Snake, and complete the Quest for your reward.
Player Battles
You can Gain Exp when you win against another Player's Main Male. If your opponent loses, nothing happens to them. If they win, you won't gain any Exp. You need 20 Energy to challenge another Player's Main Male.
To find an opponent you'd most likely win against, look for a Main Male whose Stats are a good amount lower than your Stats, but whose Level isn't two Levels Below your Level and isn't One Level Above your Level. You can use the Search from Explore & fill in what you're looking for.
Once you've found your "prey" go to their Pride Page and scroll down until you see a box that reads, "Attack This Lion." Select Experience to get a good Exp Prize. And then, boop "Attack."
Some more info can be seen in the "Read about attacking" link located in the same box.
Exp Items
Exp Items are exactly what they sound like. They give you some Exp. The amount varies by what is used. I believe that most, if not all, Exp items are "Seasonal." Each month is a different Event in the Lovely Land of Lioden. And with each Event there are different things in which you can earn or purchase with the specified Event Currency. Some of the Events have these Exp Items.

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Edited on 01/08/18 @ 22:45:57 by Gacheru [Main] (#12060)

Gacheru (#12060)

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Posted on
2017-01-21 16:03:23
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Exp Items

A list of Lioden Items that help to increase your experience. I listed what I know, for now. On the lookout for others.

1 Use
UAV - Search and Rescue
"This small emergency drone drowned during a flashflood. Maybe your lion could crack it open to see what's inside?"
(+20 EXP)
African spurred tortoise 1 UseGiant Tortoise
"Its gigantic shell will give your lion lots of practice and quite a lot of Experience!"
(+400-800 EXP)
brokendrone.png 1 UseBroken Drone
"African wildlife control flying drones tend to crash during storms. Maybe your lion could crack it open to see what's inside?"
(+50 EXP)
1 Use
"A coconut, to give to your lion to crack it open! It gives some EXP!"
(+50 EXP)

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Edited on 22/01/17 @ 03:28:06 by 🐾Tiergan🐾 (#12060)

Gacheru (#12060)

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Posted on
2017-01-21 16:04:11
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Stat Items

Again, I've listed what I know for now. I'm sure there are others but I haven't gotten around to that yet.

Not a Stat Item, but a FREE Daily Game found in Explore>Games>Baoball. You can get +2-4 Stats a day here. It may not seem like much, but if you do that everyday, it'll start to add up.
1 Use
Shamanic Stew
"If drank, it will boost your male's next offspring's strength. [next breeding]"
1 Use
Roasted Vulture
"This vulture prepared by Chimps will boost your male's next offspring's speed. [next breeding]"

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Edited on 01/08/18 @ 22:09:22 by Gacheru [Main] (#12060)

Gacheru (#12060)

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Posted on
2017-01-21 20:26:55
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The Chart

LvlExpTotal ExpStats GainedTotal Stats
LvlExpTotal ExpStats GainedTotal Stats
16 z z

z z
17 z z

z z
18 z z

z z
19 z z

z z
20 z z

z z
21 z z

z z
22 z z

z z
23 z z

z z
24 z z

z z
25 z z

z z
26 z z

z z
27 z z

z z
28 z z

z z
29 z z

z z
30 z z

z z
LvlExpTotal ExpStats GainedTotal Stats
31 z z

z z
32 z z

z z
33 z z

z z
34 z z

z z
35 z z

z z
36 z z

z z
37 z z

z z
38 z z

z z
39 z z

z z
40 z z

z z
41 z z

z z
42 z z

z z
43 z z

z z
44 z z

z z
45 z z

z z
LvlExpTotal ExpStats GainedTotal Stats
46 z z

z z
47 z z

z z
48 z z

z z
49 z z

z z
50 z z

z z

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Edited on 22/01/17 @ 17:20:45 by 🐾Tiergan🐾 (#12060)

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