Posted by An official bank

11ls (#8777)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-23 16:29:03
Hi! I’m a longtime player who has just returned. I’ll probably have some more threads up in the UI section later, as I’m still having the same sort of issues I did when playing the game two years ago.

Upon returning to the game I did not know there was a “banking” system, something I had craved in this game for a very long time due bad impulse control and spending habits lol. Three weeks later, after watching a Youtube video, I discovered ‘Bundling’ existed... which begs the question why this function is hidden away in the ‘Hoard’ rather than out in the open.

I think Lioden would very much benefit by having a more official banking system rather than being able to put away money in moneybags, and then only being able to take out the whole moneybag rather than an amount determined by the user. This could work expertly on the primary Explore page, where one might visit a NPC to deposit beetles into the bank.

I still have a lot of issues with the Inventory system itself in terms of user-friendliness, but that’s another post for another day. I think de-cluttering and less dependance on the Hoard tab would be way less overwhelming and I wouldn’t have to direct my friends (who are new players) where to go find their ‘Safety Deposit Box’ (Bury Items), and ‘Bank’ (Bundles) every time I introduce someone to the site.


My general idea goes as follows:

- A bank page that can be found on the primary Explore page that will be easily seen by players.

- This page can be used to deposit Silver Beetles and Gold Beetles and any amount determined by the player can be taken out at one time.


Let me know if you have any other ideas to expand on this one!

If you don't support, please let me know how to improve the idea. I am willing to make up another post. :)

This suggestion has 48 supports and 5 NO supports.

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Edited on 28/01/17 @ 04:12:02 by 11ls (#8777)

Delinquent (#93594)

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Posted on
2017-01-27 21:22:03
I'd really like an actual bank, possibly with an option to 'Lock' away certain amounts for a certain period of time. For example, you could put 5SB in the bank for a couple days, and the bank wouldn't let you take it out until those days have passed. (It would be so useful for me, as when I see that I have a large amount of money I tend to go spending it all)

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Sickn3ssX [Clean
Aufeis Felis] (#101327)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-02-04 10:31:13
Maybe there should be interest? Like you'd get 1 SB every month or twelve days if you have 250 SB, and then like if you have 5000+ you actually get a GB (only once a month)

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Egg (#119522)

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Posted on
2017-11-19 01:01:38
I fully support this. And I definitely support the two comments/posts above mine!

I'd been wondering for the longest time if there was some way I could bank some SB to save up (since I have terrible spending habits as well), and recently I finally decided to google "lioden bank" and found a post explaining that 'bundle' thing. With Lioden being the type of game that it is, you'd think they'd already have an official banking system.

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Edited on 19/11/17 @ 01:06:09 by savannah (#119522)

Venex 🌸 [G2] (#167020)

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Posted on
2020-01-28 07:18:42
Fully support! It is incredibly tedious to have to bundle everything away and to then open it up and put it away again if I need to add some funds to a certain bundle. I'd like to have something like a savings account for my heir, where I can just add funds directly at any time.

Also, regarding the additional suggestion of having interest, I've seen many users (a few days ago in chat, when a similar topic was brought up) say that they're against the implementation of an interest system due to concerns of how it might affect the economy. Of course, this thread is a couple of years old so the economy was probably very different back then but right now its not ideal.

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