Posted by Berenos' Claiming Guide

Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2017-02-05 22:54:07

Berenos' Claiming Guide

The following guide is based mostly on my own experience along with some useful tidbits other players have shared.

How does the claiming system work?

Once you enter the claiming window, you will notice this: a progress bar with empty hearts to fill at the upper left, and a temper bar with unlit fires to the right, with the image of the lady waiting to be wooed in the middle, the options menu below her and, below everything else, a dialogue window.

Your goal is to fill all the progress bar, while trying to keep the temper bar as low as possible. Depending on your male's personality, you may get a slight boon if the lady has the same or a penalty if the personality clashes: evil clashes with good and snarky with kind. I'm unsure if neutral males gain this boon with neutral females and don't get a penalty, or if they don't get a boon at all with any.


Here you can check which pose belongs to which personality in the wilds:


The moves

Below the lady in question, you'll see the following options: siYrZzm.png

You'll notice that the first three columns starting from the left are the moves your male can use to woo the lioness, while the last one are options to either leave the claiming window, slap the lioness - and enter combat with the lioness while gaining negative karma -, and the auto-claim option, which will let you claim the lioness for 2GB.

In my experience, you will have three to four moves to succesfully woo the lady; I find everything goes smoother if you start with the moves on the first column to the left , that is, Manly Roar, Growl, or Spray Scent .

After that, use combination of two of the following: Snarl, Purr, Puff Out Chest, Shake Mane, or Rub Head , then wrap it up with Bite Neck if the lady is still unconvinced and hasn't lost her patience yet. The nicer moves are safer or, in other words, will fill the temper bar much less than the aggresive moves, while the aggresive moves will fill a lot more of the progress bar if successful, but so will the temper bar - even more if the move was a failure.

You will know if the moves were succesful or not by the color of the text below the moves menu, green for a successful move and red for a failed one.

To summarize, what you need to do is watch carefully both the progress and temper bars and act accordingly.

Is the temper bar nearly complete, but you still have a long way to go in the progress bar? Maybe biting her neck is worth the risk. Is that pesky neutral lioness not liking the aggresive moves? Maybe try to fluff that fabulous mane. In the end, all you need is practice.

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Edited on 30/08/19 @ 07:15:27 by Berenos (#84593)

Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2017-08-16 23:19:34

Leopards? Leopards cannot be claimed in any shape or form. Leopons are a rare mutation, you can read more about them here.

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Hollyshade (#122217)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-17 09:18:55
Thanks! I'm such a newbie! ^ ^'

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Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2017-08-17 09:22:57

Don't worry, we were all new once :D

If you have any questions chat is full of nice people, or go to the Modbox & Helper hub - upper right of the Lioden page - to submit a ticket with your question for a Helper to answer if chat is going to fast. There are a lot of useful guides around, and the wiki page is a great source of info too!

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🐈Fanta Denim🐈 (#135329)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-03 18:42:20
This helped so much! My male's Snarky so he has no luck with literally any lioness except Snarky.

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Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2018-02-04 04:04:07
I'm glad it helped :D

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CrowDazzle [G2
Ennedi Victor] (#134777)

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Posted on
2018-02-05 01:00:05
My King is Patient and I have a rather easy time now that i'm a dreamboat, but only with neutral and kind females who have not been chased (just encountered my first evil girl today, it was scary haha).

I find that if the girls are neutral and kind and wild, they are easier to claim. Chased ones are harder.
My progress:
Purr, puff out chest, shake mane, rub head.

Puff out chest or shake mane may not win sometimes, but rub head makes up for it (i get 4 heats).

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Tangerine (#143517)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-04-19 07:31:40
Thanks so much for this guide! I was under the impression that the first row were the opening moves, not the first column, and wondering why I had such atrocious luck. Everything is different now.

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Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2019-08-30 07:16:32
Hey guys, just letting you know I've just updated the guide with recent findings.

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Berry (#187684)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2019-10-28 14:20:33
Seems helpful, ill make sure to use it in the future :3

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Silence. [Clean
Uneven] (#175545)

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Posted on
2019-11-17 13:59:02
I use the following combination: Manly Roar, Puff out Chest, Shake mane and if she still isn't convinced, a hearty bite does the work c:
I'm not saying it works EVERYTIME, but it does work for me.

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