Posted by Seeking Literate 1x1s!

Ticklicous [1k+ G4
Ferus] (#490)

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Posted on
2017-02-13 05:06:05
Thaaaat is right! I am on the prowl for various 1x1 RPs since I feel like it. Literate RPs to be exact. This means at least two well-formed paragraphs per response. I usually tend to give good responses but if mine are ever under two paragraphs or some of mine is simple mumbo jumbo instead of character interaction, it simply means I didn't get anything that I could respond to that well.

Pretty much I do RP via Discord . Otherwise I just find it very hard to keep up on the forums or PMs here on LD and in the end I just don't end up able to RP anymore. So again, Discord or some other place if you know one you prefer.

Now, as for some info. I will list below some stuff to keep in mind when contacting me about RP. Otherwise if you're interested, PM me about setting up a potential RP. Any posts or PMs that clearly didn't read this thread will be ignored.

MAJOR NOTE! Keep in mind that if you can't be relatively active (as in about a response at least twice a week) or are commonly known to go AFK or have life issues/anxiety/depression that bar your ability to be active then please don't approach me about RP. It's understandable to have issues, but it does get pointless to create a good RP setup then suddenly have my partner practically dead for the next who knows how many weeks or months. So please, either be an active RPer who is good at handling life stresses and such as myself or simply do not approach me about RP.

What I Do:
For me I prefer romance involved. It doesn't matter what kind, I just like it a lot. But of course I can always go without if it really comes down to it.
I only really play OC characters. I don't care much for doing canons overall.
-Humans/Demi Humans
Humans, elves, shifters, etc. Basically I play mostly human characters myself.
I will also play animal characters, but full animal ones only.
I am big on fantasy so tend to play a lot of fantasy RPs overall.

What I Don't Do:
I will not play any furry/anthro nor am I interested in someone who only wants to play furry/anthro characters. I don't care much for furry/anthro, be it my characters or my partner's.
-Canon Characters
I will not play canon characters who are not my own. You're welcome to, but otherwise I just don't personally.
-Animal MxM/FxF
The reason for this is that when playing as animals I keep strictly natural. So the ONLY way I'd do homosexual animal pairings is if the species in question has already displayed homosexual types of behaviors by choice in nature.

None. Realistically nothing actually "triggers" me honestly. I'm basically bombproof and this includes any mature topics as well. BUT, there are certain things I won't do simply because I just am not interested or personally find it unappealing/gross/whatever. Otherwise just simply ask me when we are brainstorming. Also, let me know if there is anything you avoid as well so I know. I don't need a RP partner blowing up on me for mentioning something in a RP that they never told me about. I'm not psychic after all.

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Edited on 11/10/18 @ 14:50:07 by Ticklicous (#490)

(Falcon1211) (#121693)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2018-04-19 16:25:45
Hey! I'd be interested in roleplaying :D PM me and we can work all of it out, I'm open to anything!

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Kataklysm Reborn (#142200)

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Posted on
2018-04-24 23:16:36
I'm interested in doing a human roleplay if you are still looking. It would involve some scandal, good romance and humor.

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Kelpy (#136803)

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Posted on
2018-05-02 14:05:19
I'd love to do a fantasty rp with you! I have a lot of ocs that I miss using and would love to use again.

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CrazyAkuma (#102410)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-05-02 16:08:07
Medieval fantasy with humans, maybe? Adventuring, quests, etc?
If you're interested and want to talk more on this my Discord is TastyChickenSauce #0365
Yea, I wasn't really thinking it through when I made that account name.

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sabbath (#80543)

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Posted on
2018-05-12 14:44:46
Hey there, I'd be interested in Roleplaying with you. I specifically only do MxM however if there's really a problem with it I will happily do MxF or FxF.

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🍃 | мαנ
}{ main (#139943)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2018-05-14 05:13:44
I’d love to rp with you~

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hachii (#123899)

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Posted on
2018-05-29 19:41:16
I'm flexible with rp, though I do mainly MxM. I have a lot of Ocs that need to stretch their legs, and a lot of them are fantasy based. PM for more :)

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Randonperson (#163429)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2018-12-24 17:06:11
Hey. I'm open to any roleplay but I would like MxF. I can do male (or female if you say so) and they will be a shapeshifter and you can be anything you please. I'm open at discord.Also I'm coming up with a plot.

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Shikablep side (#119496)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-12-24 17:27:44
If your still looking I’m open for a good long term roleplay!! I’m open for all parings but FxF as I’m really bad at it and I can do pretty much anything but full animals! I’m on pretty much all the time except for certain times during school hours! PM me if you want to roleplay with me!

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