Posted by Achievement for Gifting Wishlist Items (400+)

Dolce Owl (#32000)

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Posted on
2017-02-19 16:53:00
With the new addition of a wishlist, I think it would be reasonable that by gifting a certain amount of players an item on their wishlist, you would be able to get an acheivement.

For an example:
A has Lion Scrotum on their wishlist. As soon as you gift them a Lion Scrotum, no matter the original quantity on their wishlist, it will count as one player gifted.

I am aware of the fact that people may be able to "cheat" this achievement by adding items to wishlists and exchanging with their friends. So, my counter for this would be that the person gifted with only counts as one person, no matter how many different items you gift them.

A has Lion Scrotum and Buffalo Scrotum on their wishlist. B gifts A both Lion Scrotum and Buffalo Scrotum. However, it would still count as 1/?? people gifted.

(This would also encourage people to gift more! )

Gifting people is a wonderful thing, so why not encourage it with a small acheivement? :D

Sample achievements:

Generous Heart
Granted 10* lions an item on their wishlist

Shooting Star
Granted 25* lions an item on their wishlist

*A user has pointed out that the previous amount of "100 lions" may be too much for an achievement. I've adjusted it to a lesser amount to make the achievement less demanding.

Suggestions? Counter proposals? Disagreements and reasons? Leave them all below!

If you don't support this, please post your reason(s) below. Thank you! <3

Check out my other suggestions!

[2] Choosing which Marking Slot to Unlock
[3] Additonal Raffle: Lion Temple!

This suggestion has 502 supports and 12 NO supports.

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Edited on 23/07/18 @ 13:47:26 by Dolce Owl | 6/16 GB (#32000)

Artsy (#65389)

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Posted on
2017-02-19 17:07:32
Support! A very cute and fun idea and I'd love to see it implemented into the game~

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Alabai (#28971)

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Posted on
2017-02-19 17:24:50
Fab! should also be added to the Leaderboard IMHO! :)

Encouraging you to essentially give a gift to one of EVERY player on the game- no matter how small or 'insignificant' the gift... COOL.

...and No, I don't care if this means people will get a lot of gifts given to them (on or off their wishlists, however it ends up working!) because you CAN turn off gift-accepting from your den if you don't like it. :)

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Kenta Volkov ♧♤ (#8107)

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Posted on
2017-02-19 17:31:24
Oh cool, I really like this idea Support

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❀Tree Rat❀
{#Primal} (#30289)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-02-20 12:49:57
Maybe you could earn a title once you pass a certain archivment or is that already applied to the December event?

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Fart (#25392)

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Posted on
2017-02-21 12:41:33
I would definitely support this if it was implemented with the anti-cheating precautions you've laid out.

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Shezza (#82738)

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Posted on
2017-02-23 01:26:05
I like it! Finally I could challenge Jimmy who gifts more people. >:)

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aëronaut] (#72650)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-02-23 01:26:13
I support this, and it's good that it's only wish list items; someone could just dump their old feathers on another player and get an achievement if not :/
But anyway, support !

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🌸 (#105965)

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Posted on
2017-03-01 01:58:48
It always puts a smile on my muz to see a gift, and then I go ahead and gift someone in hope they will be enlightened too. This is a great idea. :)

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Emerald (#87312)

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Posted on
2017-07-01 09:39:33
Good idea! It would be lovely if there was some small reward for donating items. Maybe, after you've gotten the max achievement, you get some sort of exclusive decor?

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Bobtail🐆 (#79288)

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Posted on
2017-07-02 07:21:45
I like this! Supported already. It would be awesome for Christmas too.

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GrimMistress (#51256)

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Posted on
2017-07-27 08:59:00
300th support~

Nice idea <3

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2017-08-06 17:26:30
This is an awesome idea!! <3 Would love to see it implemented

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Neko (Clean x2
Mottled Sunset) (#134871)

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Posted on
2018-07-23 09:58:46
No support. I love doing my best to get achievements and I'd rather not take a blow to my pocket just to earn one at the gain of another person. Yes, call it greedy, but your examples are the exact reason I'm not interested in it. Lion Scrotums, Buffalo Scrotums, GMO Cows, ect are hard enough to get as is and tossing them away for free for some achievement is not what you should be doing with such items.

"Then don't go for the achievement!"
I like collecting the achievments. What I don't like is being told to gift someone to get it, especially expensive items.

"You don't HAVE to give those items!"
When's the last time you've ever seen a wishlist with non-expensive items listed? It exists because it is something you wish you had but can't get your hands on easily.

Overall, it's just a grab for free stuff. If you do want to do this, 100 giftings is not realistic and way over the boundary of someone who is kind enough to give something up. 5 giftings is the maximum it should be, much like how you only need to buy 5 oasis items for the "Specialist Customer" achievment.

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Dolce Owl (#32000)

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Posted on
2018-07-23 10:26:20
No support. I love doing my best to get achievements and I'd rather not take a blow to my pocket just to earn one at the gain of another person...

Heya, thank you so much for the input!

Now that I think of it, gifting 100 users for an achievement can possibly be be too ambitious. I'll gladly adjust it in the samples, but I think in the end, it's something that the admins would decide if this idea gets implemented. I'll note it down, though!

I'm hesitant to say that it's just a "grab for free stuff", though. I feel like the spirit of the LD community is one that is based on mutual kindness to one another, and I suggested this achievement to award, or at least pay tribute to this positive attitude in the community. If you don't want to gift away expensive things, but still want the achievement, then it doesn't take much to look for people who want easily accessible things like feathers, Broken Drones, or Dry Palm Leaves (one item would satisfy for one player). In the end, this is an achievement centring around an act of kindness, and I would especially be happy to see that both people gain something from the interaction -- you an achievement and them a nice surprise in their mail. Would you miss out on an item or two? Yes. Would you make this person's day and earn their friendship? In most cases, actually, yes!

Thank you, again, for the feedback! I really appreciate it, and I'll make a note in the OG post.

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TooSizesTooBig (#152587)

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Posted on
2018-07-23 10:27:30
I support, good idea!

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