Posted by Pride matters (w/ Skizz)

FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-02-20 10:05:15
A 1x1 with Skizz involving our prides.

OOC thread
(For chattin outside RP. i thought it'd be cleaner to have for the RP ^ ^)

RP Intro
"Being a land gaurdian is not easy nor can be be pleasnent or fun as my kind has to do thing to their own benefit as well as whoever lives in our lands and agree te our ways as we aloow their own ideas and ways of living.

I am Penatal, Guardian of Clawvine's Tribe territory...I can only go aroud the lands territory. I can currently hold around 40 lions...I know of n ally whose shared things with Clawvine. Supplies, name it...I can tell ye of these encounters and what is shared...

A tale of loss and finding the way to what is being sought once more....maybe even something more than that...but we'll won't we?"

(Lovely job Penatal)
This shouldn't need character sheet if it involves our prides and lemme tell ya..that would be Alot of lions. I'm Not making 40 or so Character sheets XD)

Notes for My RP style
Bold= thoughts
Italian= general narration
Color text= talking
Underlined= flashbacks

Current event
Clawvine is at war with in a way, itself. New members who weren't of tribe blood, while grateful for their new home, didn't agree with the tribe's ways and thus began war wih their saviors.
The beast of the lands, Penatal has grown weak and sickly due to denying his true nature and there's only one way to fix it.

How well are the tribe's nearest neighbors handle it?

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Edited on 03/02/18 @ 19:24:13 by FNaF Foxy {Main} (#56607)

FNaF Foxy {Side
Account} (#49849)

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Posted on
2017-06-30 22:20:04
(lol yer face XD)

Feir - Storm

"Hm i see ye don' talk much...well, i won't make ye if ye don'want to...Oh we're 'ere already..."
He spoke as he walked and nearly ran into a marker of sort for RW's border, he doesn't know if a CV member put it here for them or they did themselves to let others kno that they were about to enter RW terf.

Beeth and Crow wre just behind him and Crow clawed his butt when he stopped suddenly and Crow nearly ran into him with one of Beeth's cubs in his mouth.

"Yowch! Okay Crow i get it, sorry my nephew....Let's se if we can hurry up as we're almost there...."
Crow nodded happily yet slowly. he was happy and excite to come but wary due to being banished by his ttribe that he was born to but since he was now a member of CV..he wasn't one who knew was actually...But Crow did recently reveal on his own, the truth of the real reason of his leaving, which he already knew to him and Beeth. They showd disappointment but show things from hhis veiw and didn't hold it against him and sought to help Crow out best he could in bettering himself an learning from this mistake so as to nt let it happen again.
Jahla - Thicket, she devil

She moved back a bt when She devil greeted her and asked about a fight which she chuckled nervously.
"Well yer excited i see...I'm sure someone of my tribe would be happy and eager to fight someone just as eager and worthy as they are..."

She turned to Thicket and spoke again
"All of our tribe is here..i've already had the affected seperated from the those who aren't affected...Our shaman Kraken and her daughter are looking after them...If ye like i can give run downs of each affected member to help sort them out..."

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2017-07-16 19:09:54
Thicket - She - Devil, Jahla

Thicket nodded with a low purr. "Yes, give them a run down." He said feeling She - Devil tense. "I would like somekne difficukt, I'm not no softy." She said, a purr mixed with a growl. She was really excited, and couldn't keep her claws frkm scraping the ground.

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-07-17 18:43:29
(*playfuly remarks with a smile as i nudge skizz* I'd say it'gonna rain if it weren't already which means ye already caused it and i didn''t kno til now.... jk ye respond when ye awnt/can as i think ye just were busy or temp got bored or fergot. Happens ^ ^)


She smiled and spoke of each member startin with the 'softer aka less dangerous to the most trouble some so She devil and anyone curious could hear of all present. She Got to Zitha, their leader who wasn't goin to stay leader now due to her corruption and now darken heart and soul.

Said lioness was spurring on another, equally to more dangerous member that was 'contained' into a fight, until another half 'alive' member got her attention and was keeping her busy for he moment considering she wasn't easily hit or anything but barely moved and merely watched until it was needed

"And i hope i got eveyone....So now you know whose who and what they can do as well as how 'difficult' they are."
Finished Jahla as she nw warily watched her former leader until the 'half alive' took her attention but she was able to precisly give info despite her watchful gaze.

(She devil can hae another opponent from the list of those who don't have anyone against them/are open for an opponent. i have about 2-3 mre to update with their forms via their bio ^ ^.)

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2017-07-17 18:52:11
(RoseFur could fight them)

Thicket - Jahla

Thicket nodded, She-Devil looking around with her tail waving. "So, shall we start?" Hed asked, looking up at Storm. She flew over him and sat on the arch she made.

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-07-17 19:14:00
(She already has 3 opponents ye trying te kill her or nearly so w/ about 6 other lions sp one whose a nearly deranged male? Try again ye nut XD)

Jahla - Thicket, Storm
Mentions: Fierfox, Beeth, Crowfeather, CV tribe

She watched the bird fly before turning to thicket and smiling
"Whenever everyone's ready and set up...."

"Ye about te start without us brother?"
Jahla turned to see a savage maned male and a tribe behind him, she noticed two in particular closest to him;
a Thick maned Dove grey with alot of scars and tribal paint on his fur and face and a primal lioness on either side of him yet just behind him. Both carrying young cubs about 3-4 months old there was a third clinging to the save maned male's back as it nommed his mane.

The primal lady smiled and nodded a greeting while the male didn't look anywhere and seemed...uncomfortable and uncertain at the moment but he hid it wel by acting uncaring and passive even as he held the cub gently in his jaws.

"oh, hello...Ye must be members of ClawVine right? Welcome te the event i hope we can re-kindle our old ties again...."

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2017-07-19 13:32:42
She-Devil would do the leader *fergot her name* then the 3 of em, she likes challenges)

Thicket - Fierfox

Thicket paused as he saw Crowfeather, but dipped his head in greeting with a warm smile. He tried to seem more welcoming to him. ThrushPelt arrived with the few lions who were back at camp, looking at Crowfeather sadly before straightening himself.
His gaze brightened when he saw his brother, tail waving as he touched noses with him. "I would not!! I would wait a whole moon if it took that long ya floof!" He purred, pawing him. A caw made him glance a Storm, flapping her wings . SHe seemed impatient. She wanted to watch, and now.

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-07-19 14:02:34
Crowfeather - Thicket, Szayel, Beeth, Ciel

He somewhat tensed but he caught a calming look from Beeth and he relaxed, returning the gesture . Szayel coming next to him as well as Ciel who was looking at the red pelted lioness warily and with a stern glare. Crow smiled at the Obsidian lioness with affection before it faded as quickly as it came and he held a ner emotionless look as before.
he watched in silence with the Obsidian nearby him while Szayel went elsewhere to speak with someone. He heard something and turned to see a glass eyed lioness pause and loed shocked...She approached Ciel and got her attention. The two spoke with surprised expressions before they smiled and embraced each other while tears left their eyes.
Ciel turned to him witht the dark brownish lioness

"My lord, Crowfeather...this is my mother...Nomad. She frmo ShadoPirate Tribe. An old ally te ClawVine...we all feared them dead...She spoke of somethng going on with them....Nonetheless i'm glad te see 'er again...alive and well"
Crow smiled fully and bowed his head and spoke sending a shiver through the lioness's spine,gently putting the cub he had down and letting her curl into his fur as he sat, out of the way, to speak

"It's finally good te met ye my dear...I would've seen ye as Madame Ciel's sister ye look so young she spoke quite alot of you ad the tribe. i feel fer the way things fare and am honored te meet ye at last. Ye raised a fine daughter as fine as yerself..."
He and the two lioness sat there speaking for a time, he didn't even notice his brother Thrush at the moment.

FierFox - Thicket

"I knew ye wouldn't my brother....Ye love me too much eh? How are things 'ere of er tribe? Mine's been well...Szayel had introduced a new training method and i've noticed how...brutal they seem now bt there's been no complaints from the tribe as a whole....

My Baron and nephew, Crow was the first who went through it and he's certainly different...rom quite a few years of only being with Szayel in what she called the new training room...She nor him will tell me what happened there but so long as everything's alright then i suppose it's fine....
I just don't like the scars i see though but i keep hearing that they were accidents from Szayel.

She speaks if certain things that happened and i trust her as she's wise and knows what's best fer the future of the tribe...
*mumbles slightly* Esp with how old she's getting te be with her attitude..Ouch! Don't throw bones around Szayel! That's not nice nor safe! Her hering's as good as a bat i swear..."

He rubbed his head fro where Szayel flung a leg bone that was laying where someone could trip over it as he spoke and she gave a dark yet smug smile as her lil 2nd in command SnowFire walked to her on command. She walked the younger one to somewhere.

(XD Szayel a brat at time lol she's a perfictionist too....Fier doubts those scars were results from accidents bu he's got n proof and no cub/teen will speak to him of it....but what Szayel says. She's not abusive but she can be harsh when she sees fit. she ony want them to grow strong well taught and loyal to whoever they live with and accept what may happen and come. ^ ^')

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2017-07-26 15:44:42
Thicket - Fier

Thicket chuckled, a purr rumbling deep in his throat. "A few undreds of cubs were born" He joked, befor egetting a little serious at themention of Szayzel. He chuckled at the mention of Szazyel throwing bones. GET OFF ME YARDDDD

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Edited on 26/07/17 @ 17:11:44 by Skazzle Skittz (#83026)

FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-07-26 15:47:25
Lol yer fine XD
*does the same*

Feir - Thicket

He turned to his brother as Beeth had many tribe members followed her to where they were going to be for the while of the event. He chuckled at his brother's jest

"Eh? If ye keep that up ye'll be older and greyer then ye should be with so many thorns runnin round eh brother? I cannot allow so many what with Pen goin round and culling the weak and impure..
Well aside from jests about why don't we get the event goin? I'm sure yer tribemates are eager te get going eh?"

He turned to his nephew and baron. He and Ciel and her dame were still talking. He gave a gruff roar and the three nodded in understanding before he turned back to his brother.

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Edited on 26/07/17 @ 17:56:58 by FNaF Foxy {Main} (#56607)

tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2017-07-26 17:11:39

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-07-26 17:57:20
Yay! Faboo XD

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2017-07-27 20:23:32
Thicket - Fier

Thicket chuckled "How am I going to get grey if I'm already so gray? Think again." He said, batting at his brothers nose. His til waved, chuckling again. "We keep them in te nursery, and we had a burst of kits around so the only thing you heard was loud mewling! We had migrains, bad ones." He said, rubbing is ear.
Storm flew over and sat on Thickets face, pecking his forehead before flying to Fier, hopping u nad down on hs muzzle a few times before pecking his face too. She flew towards CrowFeather, staring at him for a few moments, her eyes flashing before she pressed er forehead onto CrowFeather's. She found him quite interesting. When Fier roared she flew to the sky and flew over to Nova, flying onto the arch.
Thicket watched the bird in confusion before nodding. Storm is an odd but intelligent bird indeed.
"Yes, we shallget started."

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Edited on 27/07/17 @ 20:35:47 by Skazzle Skittz (#83026)

FNaF Foxy {Side
Account} (#49849)

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Posted on
2017-07-27 22:36:18
(lol dat bird funny but smart XD)

Feir - thicket, Storm, Beeth and a few SP tribemembers

"So basically yer like the fluffballs....Oh my how an erful ye ca be and a heaache yerself...esp with so any mini yous runnin 'round eh?"
He lightly rubbed his face where the raven had pecked him ad watched the bird as well before he nodded with a smile, ready to follow as he saw a older lioness get attacked by oe of her own tribemates. Beeth got between them before the other could kill the older one, and threw the attacker off with a fierce snarl and held herself at the ready.

The attacker snarled back with a dark, twisted grin before she chuffed and walked off...Beeth looked down at the older who wasn't in her right mind but too wary to do anything...Her eyes were....odd. She had no white scelra but an inky blackish red.
Beeth made sure to have othe stay clear for now.

"...Yes, lets...."
Spoke Feir as he move with his brother and keeping an eye on SP members til the ent could begin.

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2017-07-30 15:31:40
Thicket nodded to a large space where the lions that weren't going to *die* could sit and watch. "The lionesses and lions who arent competing and watch there." He said, before Storm and Nova let out another loud caw. Okay okay. Thicket huffed and walked up t the arch thingie.

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Edited on 30/07/17 @ 21:15:02 by Skazzle Skittz (#83026)

FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-07-30 21:12:26
(We can start the fight(s) one at a time of course :P)

Feir nodded as he followed and he made sure his members were present and around where they could watch before settling down. He saw Crowfeather, ciel and her dame some ways off bt still in the area, in the back row to be exact.

Feir smiled and counted heds beofre sitting down as Beeth went ahead and walked up, she roared out that things will be starting soon an that she'd named the first round of fighters and opponents herself as annoucer. Jahla was keeping tabs on scores and entries so she couldn't really do it.

Beeth (Announcer)

"Attention ye lot! The event will soon begin, please take yer seats while i announce th fights and whose in it te fight who from old ally Tribe; ShadoPirate VS RunningWind members. Jahla 'er will keep tally fer us ad a few medics will be on standby if needed."

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Edited on 30/07/17 @ 21:24:36 by FNaF Foxy {Main} (#56607)

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