Posted by Color Blind Mode For Minigames
Tavix (#105768)

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Posted on
2017-03-01 10:38:25
I am color blind and I can't play Serengeti Shuffle since it's hard to distinguish the different colors. Is it possible to implement a color blind option? It's very hard to get any awards from the games because of this. Thanks!

This suggestion has 30 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Luxaeus (#78363)

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Posted on
2017-03-01 10:43:13
No offence or anything but can't you play by looking at the shape of the object/picture?

I support no matter what, just curious.

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Edited on 01/03/17 @ 17:43:22 by BritishAce (#78363)

swamp (#106662)

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Posted on
2017-03-01 11:27:47
I'm not colorblind, but honestly the shapes aren't different enough for it to be easy to differentiate them anywhere near as quickly as if you're going by color.

And supported!

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Vanagandr (#85363)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-03-01 18:38:51
Support! I am not colorblind but I can see where you are coming from, the shapes aren't different enough to play the game! And as colorblindness is not that rare I do not see a reason to not support :)

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