Posted by RP Lounge [WCU]
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2017-03-09 10:45:45


This is a lounge for the RP-ers of WCU!

There will be whining, no crying, or giggling, or sneezing or barfing or farting. Thank you. (We welcome kitty pics instantly!)
Definitely a Despicable Me reference...


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Edited on 15/08/17 @ 15:57:58 by Sмо [Sмoмiан] (#69866)

Fuzy (#95092)

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Posted on
2017-06-21 20:44:42

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Sunset Fissure) (#94512)

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Posted on
2017-06-21 23:39:53
Soooo.... About that Shadowclan event! @Hoka and @Infinity you both got apprentices in Shadowclan right? Maybe we can go out gathering herbs and fall into the tunnels? I would ask Dismal but I think Crowpaw would be downright pissed about it delaying his training! (Again ^^;) How about it? Is it your apprentices' turn to have a terrible adventure with Ashpaw? XD

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AVOIID (#103536)

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Posted on
2017-06-21 23:43:08
I already talked about it, and I am Okay with it. xD I think it might be a good chance for Crowpaw to maybe make some friends.

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Edited on 21/06/17 @ 23:43:24 by Dismal (#103536)

Lizz (#8260)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-06-21 23:47:13
Infinity mentioned before that they would be alright with Sunpaw going on a tunnel adventure but I pm'd them again to make sure.

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NeptuneNebula (#64036)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-06-22 01:02:28
I'm asking myself why I pondered about my dream for about 10 minutes
Here's the dream in case you're bored and want to sneak into what my insane mind thinks:

So, this was kind of a mix of a nightmare and a dream, like, at first it starts out scary, and towards the end it's kind of weird, so let me see if I can remember what I did lol

I was roaming around a shack, probably similar to my cousin's house and the shed in the show the amazing world of gumball, because my nephew whom I was watching that night was watching CN. Now, I was just walking, roaming around for a while, then I saw death himself, now this probably came from vicious vissy's stamp because honestly that's the only thing that reminded me of the grim reaper yesterday. Then, in that moment, I saw him kill someone, and I was terrified. He was beginning to move away, and I guessed, oh, he won't come in here.
Turns out, he was going for the door that was right next to the window where I was looking out of, and he comes in. I beg for my life, and I scream "Stop! Look, I'll make you a deal, I can be tortured for life by having to turn into or do something bad every hour!" So apparently, this was a deal and apparently we shook hands, it was probably because I was watching cute animations and this little cute, cuddly demon animation came up, so pretty much kind of like a deal with the devil .-.
Anyways, I continued on, and then, I was in a mix of Missoula before people came here and built on the land, and a mix of my mother's fiance's hometown, and we were mostly next to a structure that was similar to the coffee place that's in that very small town. It's literally a white trailer with stairs and a huge shop inside. Then onto that, I had to live in this place where everyone around me was a zombie, and this was another scary part. If I got eaten, I would be dead.
So I had to live with zombies for a night, and I tried to reason with a zombie which I apparently knew, and then, after talking a while, he slowly began to go for my leg and I tried to get back, then they kept on getting hungrier and hungrier the more I tried to reason with them not to eat me, and eventually, I had to run and lock myself in a poorly protected garage with a bunch of king sized fancy beds and one really old TV that was probably playing some sort of good movie on it that I liked. I was so scared of the two zombies that I had tried to reason with, that I couldn't fall asleep, and I just watched TV. Eventually, I left, and I was back in the world of humans. There was this group of teenagers I liked to hang out with, I think one of them was my cousin, and then I don't know the rest.
But with my cousin, and I think my older sister, we all had the same curse, turning into something every hour. So our first thing to turn into was a two headed cow, as if my dream were weird enough, and then the second,I think werewolves? So then we had to go to this wedding, and we had fun, but it was very very short.
Happening next, one of my friends told me to do this, and with my curse, if I thought it, it would happen. So.. I'm not going to say it, because it was pretty weird, let's just say that came from thinking about Dawnshade's kits >.> . Then hurrying up, we had to turn into a few more things, then it just ended there, because my nephew slapped me across the face since he was already awake, and he's only 3 and 11 months o^o

So yeah, that'll be one of the most memorable dreams that I've ever had..

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Edited on 22/06/17 @ 01:03:57 by ✩NeptuneNebula✩ (#64036)

AVOIID (#103536)

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Posted on
2017-06-22 01:05:27
A lot of my dreams involve violence. c:
And zombies.

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Edited on 22/06/17 @ 01:32:55 by Dismal (#103536)

Fuzy (#95092)

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Posted on
2017-06-22 05:43:46
I'd like to do that!
Raggedpaw loves dirt

Raggedpaw: "No you dirty bit-"
I thought so :))

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-06-22 06:23:56
Didn't Acornleap just leave two kits with Ravenstar? o-o all she took was Foxkit and her bundle :o lol

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Edited on 22/06/17 @ 06:31:53 by Icestar0413 (#72469)

Fuzy (#95092)

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Posted on
2017-06-22 06:25:44
Rock it-
Oh yeah, do you wanna do a timeskip or should Acornleap run back and get the other two kits?

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-06-22 06:30:54
Ravenstar could bring one but he needs help bringing the other one XD Imma just magically have him show up at the makeshift camp XD act like Acornleap had gone back to get one and he brought the other?

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Fuzy (#95092)

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Posted on
2017-06-22 06:38:23

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tibby (#105023)

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Posted on
2017-06-22 06:46:13
Only killing off Aquapaw

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CherryLady [WCU] (#115723)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-06-22 06:52:22
@ice if you wanna announce deputy I'm good with that!

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-06-22 06:54:25
Lol ok XD since he just got there and everyone seems tense... it might lighten the mood and show there is still hope haha

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CherryLady [WCU] (#115723)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-06-22 06:56:30
All good! Turtlejaw a probably gonna try to be extra helpful after just to assure his clanmates he's gonna work to deserve the position of deputy

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