Posted by | Warriors |
Linx (#108128) Amiable View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-03-09 12:51:24 |
Have you ever wanted a Warriors Roleplay that actually follows clan customs? In this Roleplay the leader must be active so they can let everyone know their roles and speak with me to clarify ceremonies, battles, new plot ideas, etc. This Roleplay welcomes ideas but please keep the originality of the Roleplay. I find Roleplaying in most Warrior Roleplays being a kit or apprentice is boring. In this Roleplay things are a lot more fun. Kit: 0-6moons. In this time period you need to have a mother and father unless one is deceased or both. As a kit you will always need to have a mother figure. Apprentice: 6-12 moons. Your mentor must teach you certain battle moves for you to progress. You will not always get the mentor you want. Sorry tough love. You will need to know clan border marks (will be later put in) and you must be of age to progress. Warrior: 12-50 moons. You're job is to train apprentices, hunt (all prey items will be counted), fight and risk your cats life for your clan. Be responsible please. Queen: 30-75 moons: You are the mothers of kits. Take care of them well and they have a better chance of survival. During Labor you are prone to death so be careful not to push yourself. Senior Warriors: 50-100 moons. Congratulations your cat has survived all of the obstacles in the way and is one of the leaders most trusted cats. Medicine Cat: 12-100. There will be a list of medical items from the books for you to teach your apprentice. You must be very active. You will meet with other clan Medicine Cats every half moon. Medicine Cat Apprentice: 6-100. You will not be Medicine Cat until your mentor dies. You must learn all of he medical items and will meet with other clan's Medicine Cats every half moon. Deputy: 12-100. You must learn the ways of being a leader and earn everyone's loyalty and trust. You will not be Leader until the Leader dies. Leader: 12-100. You are in charge of announcing all ceremonies, finding out who wants to be a mentor and who wants which mentor. You must tell me or an admin. I am proud to say I trust you to take care of all of these Cats requirements. Any battles must be told to me. You must go to a gathering every moon. You also must pick your best cats to go with you to a gathering. Elder: 100- 150 moons. The old cats of the clan. They ar retired because of a disability or age. The crazy old cats can have fun. Rules: You must respect older cats or your apprenticeship could be further away than you thought. Punishments in the Roleplay are the same are set in stone. You will have a chance of dying of many things. Everything is based off of a roll. If the roll says you die of disease or other, get a disability, or are injured Im sorry but that is the rule of thumb. I can't change a roll. I will moderate all clan sections and when ever on wishes to fight, run away, explore, hunt, or have an epic battle of clans you are stuck with what I roll for you. This is to make the Roleplay more realistic. There is a very small chance your cat dies though. I will be as active as I can and if this Roleplay is a hit I will have an admin for each clan. This is real clan life so keep in mind it will go by the book a bit. No Marie Sue. There will be a vote from each cat (not player) on who the leader will be. If you do not wish to have a chance at being leader contact me. You can have as many characters as you like. I will help you as much as I can with any other questions. Application: Name: Gender: Looks: Personality: Age: Rank: Clan: Other: Have fun!!! The 4 clans are in fact Thunderclan, Riverclan, Shadowclan, and Windclan. I will create a spread sheet, battle area thread, border thread, and one for each clan all will be here on the Sign up thread. Windclan camp and training Hollow- https://www.lioden.com/topic.php?id=304429260533 Windclan Borders- https://www.lioden.com/topic.php?id=304429260535 Shadowclan Camp and Training Hollow: https://www.lioden.com/topic.php?id=304429260675β=1 Shadowclan Borders: https://www.lioden.com/topic.php?id=304429260677β=1 Thunderclan Camp and Training Hollow: https://www.lioden.com/topic.php?id=304429260679 Thunderclan Borders: https://www.lioden.com/topic.php?id=304429260681 Riverclan camp and training Hollow- https://www.lioden.com/topic.php?id=304429260708 Riverclan Borders- https://www.lioden.com/topic.php?id=304429260711 Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets0 players like this post! Like? Edited on 12/03/17 @ 13:22:25 by Linx (#108128) |
Sans' Dadster (#100635)
King Of Hearts View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-03-30 05:39:11 |
Sans' Dadster (#100635)
King Of Hearts View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-03-30 05:40:24 |
Kaz π³οΈπ ComsOpen (#66075) Sapphic View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-03-30 05:41:46 |
There ya go! :) Apprentices usually have the suffix of 'paw' while warriors have a suffix that the Clan leader has given them and leader's have the suffix of 'star', given to them by StarClan. Kits usually have the suffix of 'kit'. 0 players like this post! Like? Edited on 30/03/17 @ 12:41:56 by Twinky{Avid RolePlayer}π (#66075) |
Sans' Dadster (#100635)
King Of Hearts View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-03-30 05:45:22 |
Kaz π³οΈπ ComsOpen (#66075) Sapphic View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-03-30 05:46:46 |
Linx (#108128)
Amiable View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-03-30 08:13:34 |
@Sans the comic If you cats are apprentices they must be 6-12 moons. Also please change Snazzypaw's name and Swiftypaw. It can be Swiftpaw just not SwiftYpaw sorry just how the Warriors series goes. 0 players like this post! Like? |
Sans' Dadster (#100635)
King Of Hearts View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-03-30 09:30:27 |
Sans' Dadster (#100635)
King Of Hearts View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-03-30 09:31:22 |
Muffin (#104843)
Usual View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-03-30 11:32:03 |
Dude, they're giving friendly advice. Have you read the books before? I wouldn't recommend joining a RP you don't know anything about... 0 players like this post! Like? |
Muffin (#104843)
Usual View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-03-30 11:32:03 |
Dude, they're giving friendly advice. Have you read the books before? I wouldn't recommend joining a RP you don't know anything about... 0 players like this post! Like? |
Kaz π³οΈπ ComsOpen (#66075) Sapphic View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-03-30 11:32:51 |
True. And I'm probably going to drop from this RP in the next few days. Not enough interaction. 0 players like this post! Like? |
Sans' Dadster (#100635)
King Of Hearts View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-03-30 11:35:44 |
I understand its friendly and I meant that in the nicest way(sorry if it didn't come off like that) but I just don't like work or thinking so there's that xD 0 players like this post! Like? |
Linx (#108128)
Amiable View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-03-30 19:31:48 |
@Sans the Comic Okay that is fine your cats still can't be accepted with names that totally go against the Warriors series. I am sorry the rp couldn't have been of more use to you. @Twinky Please be patient remember it is only starting with players. 0 players like this post! Like? |
Sans' Dadster (#100635)
King Of Hearts View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-03-30 23:56:52 |
Lannistark (Cl-Cherry) (#26218) Lionnister View Forum Posts Posted on 2017-03-31 00:53:20 |
Applications: Name: Shadowstripe (Appr Name: Shadowpaw) Gender: Male Looks: short furred, grey tabby with black stripes and green eyes. Personality: Cold, serious, stubborn. Prefers hunting or training, over playing or sleeping. While he can be affectionate it would be very subtle and likely overlooked by most, something so simple as a greeting while common with some would be much more of a big deal from him. He is very careful with his feelings and who he lets into his heart, currently only his sister has that honor. With a soft spot for kits that he will deny, but can be seen when he tolerates being used as a jungle gym or has his tail and ears crunched by exited kits playing. Age: 10 Rank: Apprentice Clan: (No preference stick him where you have an available Warrior mentor.) Other: ~~~Shadowstripe "Shadow" & his sister Meadowhaze ~~~~ http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_jn8AXRuZo1U/S89IOw3J1aI/AAAAAAAAB4A/2eCACdPzqnM/s1600/tabby+black-CROP.jpg Name: Meadowhaze Gender: female Looks: med- length black fur, with brown undertones and green eyes, fur can be a bit ratty at times. Personality: she is a very laidback, go withe the flow girl, she rarely goes out of her way to do anything more than what is strictly necessary or demanded of her. She is very curious but prefers listening to others tell stories or explain things than trying to figure it out for herself. Age: 10 Rank: Apprentice Clan: (Wherever she can be a st apprentice or a Medi-apprentice) Other: dislikes fish, and is scared of thunderstorms. ~~~~~~~ Name: Tarkit (named by the clan: Tarpatch) Gender: male Looks: black and white patched, http://www.lifewithcats.tv/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/animals-black-and-white-cat-cats-cute-Favim.com-356468.jpg Personality: depressed, skittish - will eventally be an energetic ball of fur, who likes being a sarcastic mouthy snip all in good fun he has a deep respect for starclan and his leaders dispite his sarcastic nature. (Mother and father are unknown, mother was a calico both parents were hit by a car not that long ago, leaving him to be adopted as he was already weened if barely.) Age: 6m Rank: kit seeking appr Clan: river Other: mother was NOT a kittypet however father may have been, mother was a rogue who desperately wanted to be a clan cat and raised her kit accordingly, but didn't survive the crossing into clan territory due to the road. 0 players like this post! Like? |