Posted by Super Hero 1x1 rp

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2017-03-28 11:09:57
**Note: This is a private role play***

WIP, not feeling a muse :P

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2017-04-06 11:25:57
Abi reached into her belt and pulled out the keys. "Fine." She relented, spinning the keys around her finger, then tossing them at him. "But put them back on at the station or they'll do it for you." She slowly pushed the lever forward a little more, then replied: "I don't think you want to do that, if you do you'll fall a couple thousand feet. You're flying at commercial airliner altitude here."

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jikhari (#68511)

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Posted on
2017-04-07 09:16:06
Dom managed to catch the keys, and briefly glared in her direction. It was a bit difficult, but he managed to get the cuffs off, tossing the keys back in her general direction. "Trust me, I'm not getting handcuffed again, they can try I guess, but I can probably break them." He shrugged slightly. "So? I can handle a lot of damage, in that dragon form of mine.. Or I could just find a building to cling onto, then climb my way down." Dom replied, with a small, somewhat cocky grin. He couldn't help but retrieve his phone from his belt, not surprised to see all the missed calls from his father, and he glanced in the girl's direction, wondering if she'd stop him from calling his father to come get him, though he did doubt his phone would work at this altitude.

(im tempted to have his father waiting at the station. like his dad's got a few cops in his pocket, and he managed to bail dom out. then we could have abi get mad about it or something, lol. it's just a little suggestion though, we don't have to do that if you dont want to.)

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2017-04-08 02:53:38
As Abi watched a small blinking dot rapidly appeared on her ships radar and seemed to be heading right for the small ship. Abi shifted the lever and tilted the steering so it turned sideways and cruised into a cloud, then she pressed a button that activated the ship's cloaking mechanism, causing it to vanish into the cloud. The danger of being run down passed Abi caught the keys in her fist then tucked it back into her belt. She guided the ship down and landed it carefully in front of the police station, then stood up and opened the door so they could exit.

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jikhari (#68511)

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Posted on
2017-04-08 07:10:44
Dom didn't seem to pay attention to the ship flying into a cloud, or the ship cloaking, too busy thinking up ideas for an escape, if nobody got him out, first. He could always just go on a rampage and bust out of the station, but there was maybe a chance of someone calling in backup that could fight him. They could even call in a hero, Dom wasn't too sure. He'd probably end up having to sneak away, and sneakiness wasn't something he was great at, so he hoped to avoid that. He was quick, though, to get off the ship once it landed, and she opened the door, not walking too far away, just staring at the station expectantly.

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2017-04-08 10:31:16
Abi followed the dragon-kid off the ship, walking past him when he paused at the station. "Welcome to your new home for as long as you're in jail, probably life." She said, rattling her feathers before she opened the door. The familiar scents washed over her, coffee, ink, and paper all combined into one comforting scent. At least, to her it was. "Hey officer Nickols, I've got a perp here, code three one one." Abi spoke easily to the female police officer behind the desk, using the police code words as if they were her mother language. And in a sense, they were. She'd gone through her childhood and adolescence watching police shows until her mother came home, then her teenage years actually helping the police bring down the bad guys, and as a result, Abi was comfortable with many officers at the station and even the commissioner, when he was around.

(I'm game for that suggestion, I feel like that would really add some heat to things :)

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jikhari (#68511)

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Posted on
2017-04-08 11:05:51
Dominic followed her inside, looking around the place as he did, somewhat curiously. He didn't wander off, though, luckily, because he really didn't want to get tackled by a cop or anything. One of the cops seemed to notice him, then hurry off into a back room, but Dom hardly took notice of it, until the cop came back with the person he'd least expected to see here, his own father, who seemed to be glaring at him. Dom stared back, surprised he'd come to get him in person. Appearance-wise, Dom and his father looked very similar, black hair, blue eyes, and they were roughly the same height, but his father was more muscular. His face, which might've been handsome in his glory days, was worn and wrinkled, showing he was at least in his 50s, his eyes gaunt, and little flecks of grey were obvious in his hair. "Dominic, get over here right now." He ordered, his voice carrying across the room. Dom knew better than to refuse, so he walked over to him, waiting for a lecture, but it never came, even after a minute or so, just silence, and his father glaring at him.

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2017-04-10 12:59:37
Abi was leaning against the desk when she noticed the boy go to an older man of similar appearance and build. He sounded mad when he's called the dragon boy over, and his voice seemed like he was man who was used to others obeying his orders. Angrily, she rattled her wings, sending a few feathers flying across the room. "Damn." She quietly cursed. "Should've taken him to high security." She rested her hand on her axe for a moment, feeling the metal warm from the energy coursing through it. Drawing metaphoric strength from the pulsing energy Abi stepped forward and held out a piece of paper. On it were the details of the dragon boy's arrest. "you'll be expected in court four weeks from Wednesday." She said bluntly, one hand still resting on the axe's head. Her green eyes were hard and stony from behind her mask, betraying no emotions.

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jikhari (#68511)

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Posted on
2017-04-10 13:08:46
Dominic's father was just about to yell at and lecture his son, just as Abi came over, so he simply turned his angry gaze on her instead, annoyed she'd interrupt. He took the paper, and then crumpled it up, tossing it away. The details of his son's arrest clearly didn't concern him, because really, he wouldn't let him go to jail. "Who the hell do you think you are, girl? Arresting my son, and having the nerve to try and lock him up?" He growled, Dominic choosing to stay quiet. "I assure you, he's not going to jail for this. If money doesn't drop the charges, I can bring in some of the best lawyers in the world for him." He threatened, his anger obvious in his tone.

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2017-04-11 11:27:14
Abi saw his angry gaze, and calmly stared back. She'd met a lot of angry people and knew egging them on did no good. "I'm Hawk Kid, and this is my job." She replied nonchalantly, staring as he threw the paper away. "I assure you, he committed mass murder, you can bring in all the best lawyers but your son will have 'juvenile delinquent' on his collage application." She was ready to take whatever this man threw at her, assuming he wasn't some kind of dragon thing like his son. But if he was, she knew not to go for the eyes.

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Edited on 11/04/17 @ 18:28:01 by Polopony (#96942)

jikhari (#68511)

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Posted on
2017-04-11 11:58:18
Dom's father scoffed, nearly laughing at her words. "What's your point?" He asked, with a rather sarcastic grin. "I've had him doing this since he was 13, and killing a bunch of grunts is nothing compared to a few things I've had him do. He's never been in prison once, of course." He retorted, to which Dom simply shrugged. "Plus, I have some "friends", at this station, so he definitely won't be going to prison this time. Or anytime, obviously."

(sorry this kinda sucks, im tired af from this community service thing i did today)

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2017-04-12 06:02:39
Abi heard him out, still being careful to conceal her very strong emotions. "Thank you," Abi said once he was done, a wicked smile spreading across her face. "for the information. I'm sure the Federal Bureau of Investigation will be very interested in those facts." She clicked a pen and held out a piece of paper. "You need to sign this, on the x please." She doubted he would sign, he might even smack it out of her hand, but she was prepared to take off his hand if she had to.

(No problem, I'm busy myself these days, horse show season's starting up again so it's school, ride, sleep for me now! I'll try to reply at least once every day though)

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jikhari (#68511)

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Posted on
2017-04-12 07:18:17
Dominic's father shook his head in annoyance. The FBI wasn't a concern of his, and he was "friends" with a couple agents, anyways. Really, there were very few things he couldn't get himself or his son out of. Instead if signing it, he simply turned and began walking away, expecting Dominic to follow. And he did, but not before giving Abi a slightly sympathetic look.

(that's fine, just reply when you can. i'll be active pretty much every day, since i don't do a lot, and i only have three classes at school anyways, lmao)

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2017-04-14 10:28:41
Abi watched with her mouth set in a line as the man turned away and proceeded to walk out the door. At the dragon boy's sympathetic look she simply turned down one corner of her mouth in her signature 'challenge accepted' look. She rattled her wings in anger, but other than that remained calm. However, below the surface of calm was a roiling sea of anger and hatred. She would catch that boy and the man, no matter what they did.

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jikhari (#68511)

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Posted on
2017-04-14 11:59:57
Dominic followed his father out of the building, not surprised to find a whole squad of vehicles waiting for them. There was his and his father's limousine, of course, and a few heavily armed men on motorcycle in a formation, surrounding the car. His father led the way to said limousine, getting in the backseat, Dominic doing the same. Just to make a bit of a statement as they drove off, the men on the motorcycles fired their guns at the sky, stopping only once they were pretty far away from the station. In the limo, of course, Dominic was, in summary, being informed that he was practically a disgrace for failing his last mission, and for getting arrested.

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Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2017-04-16 09:36:50
Abi slowly crushed the paper the man was supposed to sign in her balled fist, her teeth gritted behind her birdlike mask. "I'll make him eat his words, and those papers." She growled. The man was arrogant, snobby, pig headed, and a jerk. Her mind found worse words that would do best not being repeated.

(TS until their next meeting?)

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