Posted by [W] Muties or high stats! [H] 350+ GB of items!

Wild (#68994)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-05-11 12:18:06
- GMO Cow x4
- Ivory Carvings x2
- Ethereal Body
- One With the Giants x2
- Possession
- Supernal Fur x2
- 107 GB
- 8,900 SB

I need to stop hoarding and start spending!

Looking for muties or high stat (3k+) cubs (or VERY high stat adults!).
Let me see what you've got and how much you're looking for!

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Edited on 18/05/17 @ 02:37:16 by Wild (#68994)

Doggy (#60955)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-06-01 07:21:57

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Edited on 06/06/17 @ 07:06:31 by Wolfie (#60955)

!!Paæ Gerta!! (#58377)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-06-01 08:29:09
I have this: For 5Gb For 10 GB

I need to know that you treat them good and give them a good home before I am willing to trade.

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MothballM (G2 Nefer
LIGHT pie) (#56626)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-06-06 02:50:47
Taking offers on these two dwarves:
And :

Hoping for around 50ish GB in items and or GB?

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Vamrachiere (#99108)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-06-06 11:01:34
- 2M Male
-3M Female
-6M Male
-6M Female

- 1M Female
- 2M Female
- 2M Female
- 2M Female
- 3M Female
- 3M Female
- 3M Male
- 3M Male
- 3M Female
-3M Female
4M Female
- 4M Buff Female
- 4M Udara Female
- 5M Female
- 5M Female
-5M Female
-5M Female
- 5M Female
- 5M AMP Female
- 6M Russet Female
- 6M Female
- 6M Female
- 7M Female
-8M Female

- 4M Female

Bobbed Tail
- 5M Female
-6M Bobbed Tail

Folded Ears

- 4M Female
-5M Female
- 6M Female
-6M Male
--6M Female

- 6M Male

- 2M Male
-5M Male
- 5M Female

High Stats:
-1860 stat 5M cub Female
- 2001 stat 6M cub Female
-2002 Stat 7M cub Female
-2007 stat 6M cub Male
-2032 stat 6M cub Female
- 2157 stat 4M Female ADULT
- 2174 stat 6M Female ADULT
- 2274 stat 5M Male
- 2321 stat 5M Female ADULT
- 2326 5M Female
- 2337 stat 6M Male
- 2370 stat 4M Female
- 2459 stat 5M cub Female
- 2506 stat 8M cub Female
- 2522 stat 4M cub Female
- 2531 stat 6M cub Female
- 2536 stat 3M cub Female
- 2573 stat 4m cub Male
- 2694 stat 6M cub male
- 2726 stat 4M cub Male
- 2777 stat 4m cub Male
- 2860 stat 4M Cub Male *Mosaic piebald*

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