Posted by Random Sub-Male Genetics

Rokiar [G2 Stellar
Incubus] (#77580)

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Posted on
2017-05-21 18:17:58
I am simply suggesting a rare chance that one of your sub-males genetics end up in your cubs. I mean this is mostly for the hahas but honestly it would be really interesting.

This suggestion has 8 supports and 13 NO supports.

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DireRose (#73189)

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Posted on
2017-05-21 18:20:36
I support this! I mean, if a leopard can get away with it, why not someone in your own pride? I like that the chance would be rare, perhaps not as rare as getting a leopon, but it would give sub males more worth being in the pride since you don't get much out of patrolling.

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Anonymous (#44152)

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Posted on
2017-05-21 18:42:39
No support if we want their genetics they have to become king that is what a sub male is for, is to hopefully become a new king

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Ramune [15 BO
Jellynnedi] (#46341)

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Posted on
2017-05-21 18:46:13
No support. What if we use a GMO and a buffy scrotum and the king/queen have amazing stats? Like, a breeding we're spending a lot of GB on, and it gets rolled by a random male in the pride and the cubs end up having bad stats or not the right looks, etc.

I LIKE the idea, but too much of a risk to players who are very choosey about their breedings.

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DireRose (#73189)

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Posted on
2017-05-21 18:51:04
It would also give more value to males in general. Not every sub male is gonna get to be king, especially if you have more than 1 sub male slot. If others are as attached to their king's design as I am, not wanting to change it, this would be an interesting twist to shake up the gene pool, besides, it doesn't mean the good markings pass 100% of the time. Plus males are really hard to sell because no one wants them, I hate chasing all my male cubs knowing no one will ever buy them.

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Ramune [15 BO
Jellynnedi] (#46341)

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Posted on
2017-05-21 19:00:22
But that means way more males will be chased and go unsold. Because whereas I currently wouldn't mind having some males around, I would not have any at all if there was a risk of my king not passing on his genes.
And it'd devalue any cub who doesn't look "great." Whereas someone might replace their king with a decent-statted heir when their own king's time is up, if the heir is able to pass down their potentially not-great looks, why would they want to risk that?

Just my two cents though.

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Anonymous (#44152)

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Posted on
2017-05-21 19:02:28
Anyway this seems similar to the idea of Sub male breeding which has been turned down forever

That's just what i'm seeing :/

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DireRose (#73189)

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Posted on
2017-05-21 19:02:33
There could be an option perhaps to neuter the male, thus ensuring he wouldn't be able to pass on those genes, or an item you feed him that does the same thing until you give him a remedy?

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Micah 🌈 (#29140)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-05-21 19:04:00
I can't support, sorry. This just seems like a different way of sub-male breeding.

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