Posted by Battleship

💚Sage💚 3x
Rosette (#96990)

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Posted on
2017-05-23 18:34:15
I was just thinking of the game battleship today and started wondering if somehow the game could be incorporated here? Like some kind of African themed battleship game XD I'm sorry if it's a bad idea but I thought I'd just share it in case someone would have any creative ideas about it ^-^. I don't know if it would be a good idea to try making it to where you and another player could compete against each other because I could only imagine how bad lag would be, and I feel like having a computer play against you would be easier to do. What do you guys think?

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💚Sage💚 3x
Rosette (#96990)

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Posted on
2017-05-24 16:04:10
That's a cool idea c: I was also thinking the ships could be the type of prey and then the lionesses attack the other player's/computer's prey. So kind of like going onto other territory to "battle" for food ^-^ just a thought but your idea seems cool

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zo (#33097)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-06-03 15:54:59
or crocodile themed battleship

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