Posted by Buying Enclave Currency: Monkey Teeth 🐵 AUBURN
MISOREY2 (#100707)

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Posted on
2017-05-23 19:50:42
Hey folks I'm "buying" the Gorilla Enclave currency and I need your help! (As well as your Monkey Teeth!) Below you'll find which items I am interested in and what I value them at. I will be paying in pure . Unless of course, you are really interested in other items. In that case, I have some February applicators, a Dust: Hematite, and many full-use decors from a variety of events. And I draw! :D Go check out my art prices If you don't specify a payment option, I'll assume you want me to pay you in .

appauburnf.png 60 each [2 WANTED]

app_auburnmarks.png 60 each [1 WANTED]

Simply comment on this thread if you are interested in selling me one of the above applicators. :) Spots are limited, as I do not more than the amount specified. I realize that it'll be awhile before anybody has enough Monkey teeth to buy an applicator, but when the time comes, I will be ready!! 🌚 People who reserve and actually come through will have a much better opportunity, if by some chance, this attracts a lot of attention.

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Edited on 21/06/17 @ 21:34:54 by Florietti (Auburn Crackle) ✨ (#100707)

❤) (#195810)

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Posted on
2022-02-09 18:16:15
I have 600MT rn ready to sell for full gb price

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