Posted by Ultrasound Bat Addition

Tosca [Clean
Interstellar] (#75103)

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Posted on
2017-05-24 18:27:36
Sooo, I was just thinking... wouldn't it be nice if there was an extra feature on the Ultrasound Bat that told you if your lionesses are going to birth a mut?

Ofc, it wouldn't have to say _which_ mut, just that they're having one. Then if it's an AMP you'd still have to pay after their birth to figure out which cub is the mut.

This could be an extra fee that you pay alongside seeing how many cubs are going to be born- this option could be more expensive, at maybe 100sb or so rather than 15sb.

...this would definitely help with people wasting instant birth feathers that could have been used for another litter hoping for muts/good cubs and getting potatoes instead. x'D

This addition would be pretty much harmless in my opinion- you'd see that the cub's a mut after birth anyway if its not AMP, and if it is, you can check it with Falcon's Eye already. This would just add an ability to see if unborn cubs are muts or not and choose accordingly whether you want to bother with instant birthing that particular litter. x'D

this wouldn't give away which mutation the cub has, or even possibly how many cubs are mutated- just that the litter contains a mutated cub.

Edit to address possibility of exploit:

"Or, how about this, to avoid people being able to 'abuse' it:

- Lionesses that are mut checked cannot be chased, traded, or transferred.
- Lionesses that are mut checked cannot have Cotton Root Bark used on them.
- Lionesses that have mutated cubs in their last litter OR were mut checked while pregnant with their last litter cannot have Yohimbe Bark used on them after the birth of the cubs.

There, problem solved. If a user is curious, they can pay to see if their lioness is having a mut, which is a perfectly harmless thing, and then can decide if they wanna use an IBF or not.

This would likely produce more money for LD as well, as more people would be willing to buy and use IBFs if they can have some guarantee that the litter they're using the IBF on is going to be of some worth. Win/win situation."

This suggestion has 37 supports and 25 NO supports.

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Edited on 24/05/17 @ 20:16:35 by Synchron[Mottled King] (#75103)

aquariummagic (#6859)

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Posted on
2017-05-24 18:28:42
omg many wasted feathers

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Ariento (#1923)

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Posted on
2017-05-24 18:36:17

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Fart (#25392)

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Posted on
2017-05-24 18:55:01
I don't think this would be a good idea. People could just CRB a lioness repeatedly until the bat shows she's pregnant with a mutie. That cuts down the cooldown time between fail litters from 20 days to 3 days.

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Edited on 24/05/17 @ 18:55:32 by Fart (#25392)

Tosca [Clean
Interstellar] (#75103)

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Posted on
2017-05-24 19:00:59
And? For one, I seriously doubt people are going to do that for every random lioness they're trying to breed. CRB's cost GB and I seriously doubt someone's going to continuously spend GB on a lioness by CRBing them just because they now have an option to see if a litter contains a mut or not. I mean, unless it's some ultra special lioness and the mut MUST come from her, but still it's not actually that likely.

And besides... who cares?? It just gives more money to Lioden if people do that and it's not like it adds more unwanted cubs to the market, since they're miscarried. Even if people DID CRB their lionesses repeatedly, it wouldn't actually effect anything negatively. It just achieves the same effect of claiming a shit ton of NCLs and breeding all of them in hopes of a mut, except with one lioness... and with the NCL thing, it actually makes more unwanted cubs.

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Necromancy (#3154)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-05-24 19:04:25
What Fart said. No support.

Not to mention people claiming every shitty NCL to try and breed smilus right now, for example.
Right now it's slowed by territory limits and 3 days of having a full lair of pregnant NCLs.
With this we could just claim and breed everyone and chase any not carrying a mutie.

Some limits are needed for the sake of the economy here.

Come to think of it, wouldn't this undermine things like yohimbe bark too and increase the number of certain rare mutations being born by people bypassing failure litters?

Breed your dwarf or leopon with lion balls, check for muties, and no muties means no rare expensive cubs. Abort, wait 3 days versus 20, try again. Eventually she'll get a mutie from the CRB that isn't a pon but still, it feel very cheaty.
Way faster and cheaper then trying to get the barks together to maximize the number of breedings a pon gets in her lifetime and would likely increase the number of these cubs being born.

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Edited on 24/05/17 @ 19:12:12 by Necromancy (#3154)

Tosca [Clean
Interstellar] (#75103)

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Posted on
2017-05-24 19:10:26
Actually, this would probably help the cub market. There'd be less shitty unwanted cubs bc people wouldn't be having lairs full of shitty NCLs giving birth to shitty fail cubs that then flood the market and continue ruining the economy.

It'd actually be a good thing if people chased the fails rather than letting them birth a bunch of fail litters... Plus, people still have to spend money on studding to Primal studs, anyway, so that's also a bit of a limitation, for people who don't have primal kings anyway.

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Fart (#25392)

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Posted on
2017-05-24 19:35:06
Doesn't actually effect anything negatively? I think I am not the only player who would object to muties becoming even more common than they already are...

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Tosca [Clean
Interstellar] (#75103)

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Posted on
2017-05-24 19:38:24
Using CRB wouldn't necessarily make muts more common. Not any more so than claiming and breeding a den full of NCLs... its still a lot of breeding, but with CRB it's only one lioness and doesn't actually add a bunch of extra unwanted fail cubs to the market.

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Cyndago (#40389)

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Posted on
2017-05-24 19:40:40

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Thalath {Offline} (#41669)

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Posted on
2017-05-24 19:41:22
I think this suggestion is fine, until you realize how exploitable it is with exactly what Necromancy mentioned:

Breed Leopon, check for mutated cubs, CRB, wait 3 days, rinse and repeat until she has a mutated cub, IBF and hope for a Leopon cub or at least results from the CRB.

This gets even worse WITH barks, as it allows you to ensure at least a mutated cub, even if it's not a Leopon, every litter

(Lion scrotums don't work on Leopons btw though)

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Tosca [Clean
Interstellar] (#75103)

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Posted on
2017-05-24 19:46:40
the thing is that's barely even a problem because so few people even have Leopons or those rarer muts, and even if someone DID do that and got a leopon, they'd have to wait for the breeding cooldown before they could do it again.

plus, tbh people can achieve the effect of skipping a cooldown as is if they get a fail litter with yohimbe barks, so it's not like the CRB thing is any different besides the fact that it aborts the cubs altogether and doesnt make unwanted fail cubs that flood the market.

Either way though, if people are concerned about exploitability with CRBs etc, they could just implement a restriction that prevents using a CRB on a mut-checked lioness.

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Tosca [Clean
Interstellar] (#75103)

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Posted on
2017-05-24 19:46:41
the thing is that's barely even a problem because so few people even have Leopons or those rarer muts, and even if someone DID do that and got a leopon, they'd have to wait for the breeding cooldown before they could do it again.

plus, tbh people can achieve the effect of skipping a cooldown as is if they get a fail litter with yohimbe barks, so it's not like the CRB thing is any different besides the fact that it aborts the cubs altogether and doesnt make unwanted fail cubs that flood the market.

Either way though, if people are concerned about exploitability with CRBs etc, they could just implement a restriction that prevents using a CRB on a mut-checked lioness.

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Fart (#25392)

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Posted on
2017-05-24 19:46:47
... how would it not make muties more common to make it possible for people to repeatedly bypass the breeding cooldown until they get one? Right now, as someone who breeds for mutations, I'm limited by breeding cooldown and territory space. With this feature, I could avoid wasting time or territory on fail litters just by ultrasounding my lionesses. I already CRB pretty much all of them; if I knew they were carrying a fail litter, I wouldn't hesitate to CRB again. CRB are cheap.

Yohimbe barks are in extremely short supply, completely different from ultrasounds and cheap Oasis items.

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Edited on 24/05/17 @ 19:47:42 by Fart (#25392)

Tosca [Clean
Interstellar] (#75103)

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Posted on
2017-05-24 19:51:31
bc most people who would even bother to exploit the CRB like that would only do so bc it's a specific lioness they're trying to breed for a mut. Most people aren't going to CRB 20 NCLs.

Claiming 20 NCLs and breeding them all to Primal studs already gives the chance of multiple mutie births- MULTIPLE, bc it uses MULTIPLE lions being bred. If someone is just CRBing one or two specific lionesses over and over again, that only really guarantees one or two mut litters.

It's no more of a negative effect than claiming 40+ NCLs and breeding them all to primals... and flooding the market with all of the unwanted fail cubs. Which is bad.

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Ramune [15 BO
Jellynnedi] (#46341)

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Posted on
2017-05-24 20:04:58
The market won't be flooded if they're chased. I chase even pretty -lionesses- if they don't have any cubs I like. And if they do,once the cubs are grown, lioness gets chased.

That being said.
If someone is breeding strictly for muties, then all they have to do is pay a few SB to check and then chase fail litters. If you don't want to 'waste' an IBF on a litter?
Wait the 3 days. Then you won't be wasting any feathers. 'Wasting' a feather is your own choice. Just because you don't like the outcome, doesn't mean it's not fair.

No support.

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