Posted by Ultrasound Bat Addition

Tosca [Clean
Interstellar] (#75103)

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Posted on
2017-05-24 18:27:36
Sooo, I was just thinking... wouldn't it be nice if there was an extra feature on the Ultrasound Bat that told you if your lionesses are going to birth a mut?

Ofc, it wouldn't have to say _which_ mut, just that they're having one. Then if it's an AMP you'd still have to pay after their birth to figure out which cub is the mut.

This could be an extra fee that you pay alongside seeing how many cubs are going to be born- this option could be more expensive, at maybe 100sb or so rather than 15sb.

...this would definitely help with people wasting instant birth feathers that could have been used for another litter hoping for muts/good cubs and getting potatoes instead. x'D

This addition would be pretty much harmless in my opinion- you'd see that the cub's a mut after birth anyway if its not AMP, and if it is, you can check it with Falcon's Eye already. This would just add an ability to see if unborn cubs are muts or not and choose accordingly whether you want to bother with instant birthing that particular litter. x'D

this wouldn't give away which mutation the cub has, or even possibly how many cubs are mutated- just that the litter contains a mutated cub.

Edit to address possibility of exploit:

"Or, how about this, to avoid people being able to 'abuse' it:

- Lionesses that are mut checked cannot be chased, traded, or transferred.
- Lionesses that are mut checked cannot have Cotton Root Bark used on them.
- Lionesses that have mutated cubs in their last litter OR were mut checked while pregnant with their last litter cannot have Yohimbe Bark used on them after the birth of the cubs.

There, problem solved. If a user is curious, they can pay to see if their lioness is having a mut, which is a perfectly harmless thing, and then can decide if they wanna use an IBF or not.

This would likely produce more money for LD as well, as more people would be willing to buy and use IBFs if they can have some guarantee that the litter they're using the IBF on is going to be of some worth. Win/win situation."

This suggestion has 37 supports and 25 NO supports.

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Edited on 24/05/17 @ 20:16:35 by Synchron[Mottled King] (#75103)

Fart (#25392)

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Posted on
2017-05-24 20:10:31
But they COULD, and some people would. I have CRB'd batches of NCLs, and I CRB most of my other lionesses, and I would have no qualms about investing additional GB to improve my chances. The opportunity for that exploit should not exist, and it is baffling to me that you insist no one would bother.

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Tosca [Clean
Interstellar] (#75103)

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Posted on
2017-05-24 20:13:23
Or, how about this, to avoid people being able to 'abuse' it:

- Lionesses that are mut checked cannot be chased, traded, or transferred.
- Lionesses that are mut checked cannot have Cotton Root Bark used on them.
- Lionesses that have mutated cubs in their last litter OR were mut checked while pregnant with their last litter cannot have Yohimbe Bark used on them after the birth of the cubs.

There, problem solved. If a user is curious, they can pay to see if their lioness is having a mut, which is a perfectly harmless thing, and then can decide if they wanna use an IBF or not.

This would likely produce more money for LD as well, as more people would be willing to buy and use IBFs if they can have some guarantee that the litter they're using the IBF on is going to be of some worth. Win/win situation.

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Luca (#73793)

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Posted on
2017-08-11 13:03:19
This feature would be too over-powered. Sorry.

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